Micromounts Africa...........Updated 7 November 2024
337 AZURITE - Touissit, Jerada, Morocco Aggregates of deep blue Azurite crystals on gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
340 AZURITE - Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Oshikoto, Namibia Blue Azurite crystals on pale green Chrysocolla, no matrix SOLD OUT .
1243 BETA-ROSELITE (now known as ANORTHOROSELITE) - Aghbar Mine, Agdz Cercle, Zagora, Morocco Purplish pink Beta-Roselite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
1933 CERUSSITE - Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Oshikoto, Namibia Colourless Cerussite crystals scattered over gossan matrix with a few very pale yellow hexagonal Mimetite crystals. Ex David Hardman specimen SOLD OUT .
1934 CERUSSITE & DUFTITE - Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Oshikoto, Namibia Colourless Cerussite crystals in a mass of small Duftite crystals plus some possible tiny orange Tsumcorite crystals. Ex David Hardman specimen SOLD OUT .
1249 CHABAZITE var PHACOLITE & HEULANDITE - Leach & Brown Quarry, Ladysmith, KwaZulu/Natal South Africa Clear Phacolite crystals sat upon greyer blocky Heulandite crystals on matrix �1.00 �1.50p 3 1
343 CHALCOPHANITE - Skorpion Mine, Rosh Pinah, Oranjemund, Namibia Spheres of small shiny black Chalcophanite crystals on matrix +/- clear spiky Calcite crystals �2.00 1
1250 CHALCOTRICHITE - Theta Mine, Pilgrim's Rest, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa Small ruby red acicular Chalcotrichite crystals scattered on Goethite matrix SOLD OUT .
1254 COPPER - Mufulira Mine, Mufulira, Copperbelt Province, Zambia Cluster of well formed Copper crystals, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
1255 CORNETITE - L'Etoile du Congo Mine, Lubumbashi, Haut Katanga, DR Congo (Zaire) Small deep indigo blue Cornetite crystals scattered on surface of matrix SOLD OUT .
355 DESCLOIZITE - Berg Aukas, Grootfontein, Namibia Aggregate of brown Descloizite crystals, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
1258 DESCLOIZITE - Berg Aukas, Grootfontein, Namibia Dark brown spear shaped Descloizite crystals displaying multiple twinning, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
356 DIOPTASE - Kaokoveld Plateau, Kunene, Namibia Bright green Dioptase crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
1260 DIOPTASE - Kaokoveld Plateau, Opuwo Rural, Kunene, Namibia Bright green Dioptase crystals on Quartz matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
358 DIOPTASE - Reneville Mine, Reneville, Kindada, Dem. Rep. Congo Pieces of Dioptase with Dioptase crystals in various stages of alteration probably to Chrysocolla in cavities SOLD OUT .
1262 DIOPTASE - Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Oshikoto, Namibia Bright green Dioptase crystals with whitish Calcite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
364 ELBAITE - Jerry's Claim, Uis, Brandberg, Namibia Pale green Elbaite crystals embedded in and protruding from matrix �1.00 2
1273 HEULANDITE - J. W. Smith & Son Quarry, Estcourt, Uthukela, KwaZulu/Natal, South Africa Cavities on thin platy matrix containing clear blocky Heulandite crystals �1.00 3
1935 HOPEITE - Broken Hill, Kabwe, Zambia Aggregate of clear tabular Hopeite crystals in cavities in matrix +/- Zincolibethenite �1.00 1
1936 HYDROKENOELSMOREITE - Masaka II Gold Trial, Buthinda, Muyunga, Burundi Small yellow orange micaceous Hydrokenoelsmoreite crystals in cavities in Wolframite matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
378 KARIBIBITE - Oumlil Mine, Agdz Cercle, Zagora, Morocco Spheres of yellow to orange acicular Karibibite crystals with small colourless Scorodite in gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
382 MAGNETITE - Palabora Pit, Phalaborwa, Limpopo Province, South Africa Small black octahedral Magnetite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
383 MALACHITE - Desire Mine, Pilgrim's Rest, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa Dark green acicular Malachite crystals on matrix �2.00 1
384 MALACHITE - Katanga, Dem.Rep.Congo,(Zaire) Green acicular Malachite crystals in cavities in Calcite lined Goethite matrix SOLD OUT .
1937 MALACHITE - Mashamba West Mine, Mutshatsa, Lualaba, Dem.Rep.Congo,(Zaire) Dark green Malachite crystals on malachite matrix SOLD OUT .
387 MALACHITE - Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Oshikoto, Namibia Sprays of green acicular Malachite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
391 MALACHITE & CHRYSOCOLLA - Shaba Province, DR Congo (Zaire) Velvety green Malachite with blue Chrysocolla forming most of specimen SOLD OUT .
394 MIMETITE - Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Oshikoto, Namibia Creamy coloured to yellowish green elongated Mimetite crystals on matrix �1.00 1
395 MIMETITE - Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Oshikoto, Namibia Pale yellow nicely terminated Mimetite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
398 MOTTRAMITE - Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Oshikoto, Namibia Stalactitic/dendritic olive-green Mottramite, no matrix �1.00 �1.50p 1 3
1279 MOTTRAMITE & VANADINITE - Mibladen, Morocco Small very dark green spear shaped Mottramite crystals with pale orange hexagonal Vanadinite crystals on matrix �1.00 1
1938 PYROCHROITE - Wessels Mine, Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa Black micaceous Pyrochroite, no matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
1939 QUARTZ - Crystal Falls, Champagne Castle, Drakensburg, KwaZulu/Natal, South Africa Cavities in basalt matrix lined with clear Quartz crystals SOLD OUT .
405 QUARTZ - AGATE - Sunset Trail, Champagne Castle, Drakensburg, Natal, South Africa Pieces of Agate displaying distinct banding, no matrix SOLD OUT .
406 RHODIZITE/LONDONITE - Ibity, Antsirabe, Madagascar Single pale yellow dodecahedral Rhodizite/Londonite crystals, no matrix �1.50p �2.50p 3 2
1940 SAPPHIRINE - Tranomaro, Amboasy, Anosy, Madagascar Dark greyish blue Sapphirine crystals embedded in matrix SOLD OUT .
1283 SCHOEPITE - Shinkolobwe Mine, Haut Katanga, DR Congo (Zaire) Bright yellow micro crystalline Schoepite, no matrix +/- some green Torbernite SOLD OUT .
409 SENEGALITE - Kouroudiako Mine, Faleme, Tombacounda, Senegal Pale yellow glassy Senegalite crystals in cavities in matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
410 SHATTUCKITE - M'Sesa Mine, Kambove, Haut Katanga, Dem. Rep. Congo "Bands" of blue Shattuckite in matrix SOLD OUT .
1941 SPINEL - Port Shepstone Marble Quarries, Ugu District, KwaZulu/Natal, South Sfrica Small black Spinel crystals embedded in matrix SOLD OUT .
1942 STURMANITE & CALCITE - N'Chwaning Mines, Kuruman, South Africa Small yellow Sturmanite crystals in amongst colourless Calcite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
1943 TANZANITE - Merelani Hills, Lelatema Mtns., Manyara, Tanzania Fragment of a blue Tanzanute crystal, no matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
1287 TUPERSSUATSIAITE - Aris Quarry, Windhoek, Namibia Sprays of golden brown acicular Tuperssuatsiaite crystals on colourless Natrolite crystals in a cavity in phonolite matrix SOLD OUT .
417 TUPERSSUATSIAITE & VILLIAUMITE - Aris Quarry, Windhoek, Namibia Spray of brown acicular Tuperssuatsiaite crystals with pink Villiaumite and small black Aegirine crystals in a cavity in phonolite matrix SOLD OUT .
1288 VANADINITE - Mibladen, Morocco Orange tabular hexagonal Vanadinite crystals on or off matrix �1.50p 2
422 WILLEMITE - Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Oshikoto, Namibia Aggregates of clear to whitish hexagonal Willemite crystals in cavities in matrix. Ex David Hardman specimens SOLD OUT .
424 WULFENITE - Mount Malosa, Zomba, Malawi Tan coloured modified bipyramidal Wulfenite crystals on matrix �1.00 1
1944 ZINCOLIBETHENITE & HOPEITE - Broken Hill, Kabwe, Zambia Small sky blue spheres of Zincolibethenite with colourless Hopeite crystals in gossan matrix �1.50p �2.50p 5 2