Micromounts America North & South including Greenland..... .......Updated 1 March 2025
2478 |
AJOITE & SHATTUCKITE - New Cornelia Mine, Ajo, Pima Co., Arizona, USA |
Bluish green Ajoite with blue Shattuckite embedded in matrix |
. |
2479 |
AKAGANEITE - Case Quarries, Portland, Middlesex Co., Connecticut, USA |
Brown Akaganeite (arrowed) on quartz matrix |
. |
2480 |
ALBITE, DOLOMITE & BASTNASITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
White tabular Albite crystals with brown rhombic Dolomite crystals and a good covering of tiny white
Bastnasite spheres on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #4738 |
�2.00 |
1 |
1295 |
ALMANDINE - Hole in the Ground Quarry, Auburn, Androscoggin Co., Maine, USA |
Reddish orange to pink Almandine garnets embedded in feldspar matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
2481 |
ALTAITE - Hilltop Mine, Organ Mountains, Dona Ana Co., New Mexico, USA |
Bright silvery Altaite embedded in matrix |
. |
2482 |
ANATASE, ALBITE & AEGIRINE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Shiny black Anatase crystals with smal white Albite crystals and brown acicular Aegirine crystals in
matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #4484 |
�1.00 |
1 |
2483 |
ANATASE, RUTILE & MUSCOVITE - Yates Brook Farm, Lattimore, North Carolina, USA |
Dark bluish black bipyramidal Anatase crystals with small reddish brown Rutile and pale brown hexagonal
Muscovite crystals on matrix |
. |
2484 |
ANTIMONY - Asrechuybo, Chihuahua, Mexico |
Bright silvery Antimony in matrix |
. |
2485 |
APATITE - Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Brownish almost melted looking Apatite crystals embedded in calcite matrix |
�1.50p |
1 |
1954 |
AURORITE - Aurora Mine, Treasure Hill, White Pine Co., Nevada, USA |
Grey inclusions of Aurorite in calcite, not pretty. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
�1.00 |
1 |
2486 |
AZURITE - Inspiration Pit, Inspiration Mine, Gila Co., Arizona, USA |
Deep blue crystalline Azurite in matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
442 |
AZURITE - La Negrita Mine, Copiapo, Atacama, Chile |
Bright blue bladed Azurite crystals in cavities in matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
2487 |
AZURITE & CHRYSOCOLLA - Inspiration Pit, Inspiration Mine, Gila Co., Arizona, USA |
Deep blue crystalline Azurite with bluish green Chrysocolla in matrix |
�1.00 |
3 |
2488 |
BABINGTONITE - Blueberry Hill Quarry, Woburn, Massachussetts, USA |
Black Babingtonite crystals on matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
2489 |
BARYTE - Cleveland Co., Oklahoma, USA |
Baryte roseatte, no matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection |
50p |
1 |
2490 |
BASTNASITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Tiny white Bastnasite spheres on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #8185 |
50p |
1 |
2491 |
BEUDANTITE - Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Nevada, USA |
Small yellowish green sparkling Beudantite crystals in gossan matrix |
. |
2492 |
BEUDANTITE & CUPROADAMITE - Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Nevada, USA |
Small yellowish green sparkling Beudantite crystals with dark green rounded Cuproadamite crystals in
gossan matrix |
�1.50p |
1 |
1316 |
BIOTITE & SODALITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Black hexagonal Biotite crystals embedded in dark blue crystalline Sodalite or whitish Albite |
�1.00 |
2 |
2493 |
BIXBYITE - Thomas Mountain, Juab Co., Utah, USA |
Black modified Bixbyite cube on matrix |
�2.50p |
1 |
2493a |
BIXBYITE - Thomas Mountain, Juab Co., Utah, USA |
Small cluster of black Bixbyite crystals on matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
2493b |
BIXBYITE - Thomas Mountain, Juab Co., Utah, USA |
Single black shiny Bixbyite cube, no matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection |
�2.50p |
1 |
2494 |
BRACKEBUSCHITE - Venus Mine, El Guaico District, Cordoba, Argentina |
Small dark brown to black Brackebuschite crystals on matrix |
. |
2495 |
BRAZILIANITE - Minas Gerais, Brazil |
Pale yellow prismatic Brazilianite crystals, no matrix |
�2.00 |
1 |
2496 |
BROCHANTITE - Mammoth Mine, Tiger, Arizona, USA |
Green elongated Brochantite crystals in quartz matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection |
. |
2497 |
BROOKITE - Magnet Cove, Hot Spring Co., Arkansas, USA |
Numerous small black brookite crystals on and in matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection |
�1.00 |
1 |
2498 |
CALCITE (Optical) - Durango, Mexico |
Colourless rhomb of Calcite which when looked through displays the classic double image, no matrix. Ex
Jill Goltz collection |
�1.00 |
1 |
2499 |
CALCITE (Orange) - Yates Mine, Otter Lake, Outouais, Quebec, Canada |
Orange Calcite displaying rhombic cleavage. Fluoresces pinky red in MW UV |
�1.00 |
1 |
2500 |
CHABAZITE - Oak Grove Park, Clackamas River, Clackamas Co., Oregon, USA |
Small colourless Chabazite crystals lining cavities in matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
2501 |
CHABAZITE-Ca - Upper New St. Quarry, Paterson, Passaic Co., New Jersey, USA |
Pale brown interpenetrant twins of Chabazite-Ca, no matrix |
. |
2502 |
CHLOARGYRITE - Caraeoly, Chile |
Small pale brown waxy looking globules of Chloargyrite on matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
2503 |
CHRYSOCOLLA - Gila Co., Arizona, USA |
Solid piece of bluish green Chrysocolla, no matrix |
�2.00 |
1 |
2503a |
CHRYSOCOLLA - Gila Co., Arizona, USA |
Bluish green Chrysocolla on matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
2504 |
CHRYSOCOLLA - Oro Grande, Pinos Altos MD., Grant Co., New Mexico, USA. Ex Jill Goltz
collection |
Bluish green Chrysocolla on matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
2505 |
CHRYSOCOLLA & QUARTZ - La Cumbre Mine, Inca de Oro, Atacama, Chile |
Blue Chrysocolla with small drusy quartz crystals lining a cavity within |
�1.00 |
1 |
2506 |
CLINTONITE & MONTICELLITE - Crestmore Quarries, Riverside Co., California, USA |
Shiny pale greyish green micaceous Clintonite embedded in yellowish brown Monticellite |
�1.00 �1.50p |
1 2 |
457 |
COLEMANITE & CALCITE - Boron, Kern Co., California, USA |
Colourless Colemanite crystals intergrown with pale yellow Calcite crystals, no matrix |
�1.00 �2.00 |
1 4 |
2507 |
COLUSITE & PYRITE - Leonard Mine, Butte, Montana, USA |
Bright silvery Colusite intergrown with brassy Pyrite forming most of specimens |
�1.00 �1.50p |
1 2 |
2508 |
CONICHALCITE - Level 7, Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico |
Small green rounded aggregates of minute Conichalcite crystals thickly lining cavities in gossan matrix |
�1.50p |
1 |
2509 |
COPPER - Andacolla, Elqui River, Coquimbo, Chile |
Arborescent mass of silvey (tarnished) Copper crystals, no matrix |
. |
1958 |
COPPER - Iroqouis Mine, Seneca, Keweenaw, Michigan, USA |
Thin plates of Copper +/- minor Cuprite, no matrix |
. |
2510 |
COPPER & SILVER - Quincy Mine, Quincy, Houghton Co., Michigan, USA |
Copper one half, silver the other half of specimen, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #146 |
. |
1960 |
CORUNDUM - Beartrap Corundum Deposit, Madison Co., Montana, USA |
Grey Corundum crystals embedded in matrix and displaying triangular growth patterns. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
�1.50p |
2 |
1961 |
CORUNDUM & BADDELEYITE - Beartrap Corundum Deposit, Madison Co., Montana, USA |
Grey Corundum crystals some displaying triangular growth patterns with black rounded Baddeleyite
crystals embedded in matrix plus some black Biotite flakes. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
�1.50p |
1 |
2511 |
CREEDITE - Colquiri Mine, Colquiri, La Paz, Bolivia |
Colourless Creedite crystals with light iron staining on matrix |
. |
2512 |
DIOPTASE - Malpaso Mine, Dumesnil, La Calero, Cordoba, Argentina |
Bright green Dioptase crystal in calcite matrix |
. |
2513 |
DIOPTASE & WULFENITE - Mammoth St. Anthony Mine, Tiger, Arizona, USA |
Small green elongated Dioptase crystals with yellow tabular Wulfenite crystals and small colourless
Fluorite crystals in matrix |
. |
2514 |
ELLESTADITE - Crestmore Quarries, Riverside Co., California, USA |
Pale yellow rounded Ellestadite crystals embedded in blue calcite matrix |
�1.00 �1.50p �2.00 |
1 4 1 |
2515 |
ENARGITE - Western Colusa, Butte, Montana, USA |
Piece of massive Enargite with minor green alteration products, no matrix |
. |
1345 |
ENDLICHITE - Erupcion Mine, Los Lamentos, Chihuahua, Mexico |
Brown elongated hexagonal Endlichite crystals, no matrix |
. |
2516 |
EUDIDYMITE, NATROLITE & AEGIRINE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Whitish Eudidymite crystals associated with some pinkish Rhodochrosite, a column of clear Natrolite
crystals and black Aegirine in matrix |
. |
2517 |
FERRIERITE & CLINOPTILOLITE - Kanan Road Quarry, Agoura, Los Angeles Co., California, USA |
White acicular Ferrierite crystals with colourless tabular Clinoptilolite crystals on matrix |
�1.50p |
1 |
2518 |
GETCHELLITE - Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA |
Deep orange red mica like Getchellite in realgar rich matrix |
�1.00 �1.50p |
1 2 |
2519 |
GETCHELLITE & REALGAR - Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA |
Deep orange red mica like Getchellite with more lighter orange red Realgar in matrix |
�1.50p |
1 |
2520 |
GETCHELLITE, REALGAR & ORPIMENT - Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA |
Deep orange red mica like Getchellite with more lighter orange red Realgar crystals and some small
yellow Orpiment crystals in matrix |
. |
2521 |
GILALITE - Christmas Mine, Gila Co., Arizona, USA |
Small pale green spheres of Gilalite on matrix |
. |
2522 |
GILALITE & GROSSULAR - Christmas Mine, Gila Co., Arizona, USA |
Small pale green spheres of Gilalite with rough brownish Grossular crystals embedded in the matrix |
�1.00 |
2 |
2523 |
GISMONDINE & CHABAZITE - Oak Grove Park, Clackamas River, Clackamas Co., Oregon, USA |
White Gismondine crystals with small colourless Chabazite crystals in cavities in matrix |
�1.00 �1.50p |
1 2 |
2524 |
GOLD - La Laguna Mine, El Peru, Estado Bolivar, Venezuela |
Small specks of Gold in quartz matrix |
. |
2525 |
GOLD - Ontario, Canada |
Bright shiny Gold in quartz matrix |
. |
485 |
GROSSULAR & DIOPSIDE - Orford Nickel Mine, St. Denis-de-Brompton, Estria, Quebec, Canada |
Small bright green Grossular crystals in amongst a pale yellow crystalline Diopside (some crystals) matrix |
�1.50p |
2 |
2526 |
HEMIMORPHITE - 79 Mine, Hayden, Gila Co., Arizona, USA |
Aggregates of tiny pale blue Hemimorphite crystals in a cavity in gossan matrix |
�1.50p |
1 |
2527 |
HIDALGOITE - Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Utah, USA |
Pale green micro crystallized Hidalgoite crystals forming the bulk of the specimens |
�1.00 �1.50p |
5 1 |
2528 |
HYDROMAGNESITE - Spring Street, Staten Island, New York, USA |
Thick white encrustation of small clear bladed Hydromagnesite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman
collection #788 |
. |
2529 |
HYPERSTHENE & HAEMATITE - Summit Rock, Klamath Co., Oregon, USA |
Brownish Hypersthene crystals with black platy Haematite crystals on matrix |
�1.50p |
2 |
2530 |
KAERSUTITE - Kaersutite Occurence, Hoover Dam, Mohave Co., Arizona, USA |
Shiny black to very dark brown massive Kaersutite embedded in matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
2531 |
KINOITE & APOPHYLLITE - Christmas Mine, Gila Co., Arizona, USA |
Small bright blue Kinoite crystals overgrown with blocky colourless Apophyllite crystals on matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
1972 |
KYANITE - Ogilby Kyanite Deposit, Bluebird Hill, Imperial Co., California, USA |
Pale blue crystalline Kyanite on matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
2532 |
MAGNESIOCHROMITE - Black Lake, Thetford Mines, Quebec, Canada |
Black massive Magnesiochromite with a few crude crystal faces, no matrix |
. |
2533 |
MANGAN-NEPTUNITE & RHODOCHROSITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Very deep reddish black rhombic Mangan-Neptunite crystals with small "rice grain" Rhodochrosite crystals
plus Albite & Aegirine on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #4950 |
. |
1367 |
Bright wedge shaped Marcasite crystals with reddish orange modified tetrahedral Sphalerite crystals
as well as more yellowish modified tetrahedral Chalcopyrite crystals and a few small cubic Pyrite crystals on dolomite matrix |
�1.50p |
2 |
2534 |
McGUINNESSITE - Copper King Mine, Red Mountain, Mendocino Co., California, USA |
Orange red Meta-Stibnite on and enclosed by glassy botryoidal colourless Opal-AN on matrix |
. |
2535 |
META-STIBNITE & OPAL-AN - Steamboat Springs, Washoe Co., Nevada, USA |
Orange red Meta-Stibnite on and in glassy botryoidal colourless Opal-AN on matrix |
�1.50p �2.00 |
1 2 |
2536 |
META-TORBERNITE - La Primera Mine, Rohueco Neuquen, Argentina |
Small green tabular Meta-Torbernite crystals on what appears to be a piece of carbonised (fossil) wood |
. |
1369 |
MILLERITE & CHALCEDONY - Kaser Quarry, Ollie, Keokuk Co., Iowa, USA |
Mats of very fine acicular Millerite needles in cavities in banded Chalcedony matrix |
�1.00 �1.50p |
2 1 |
2537 |
MISERITE & WOLLASTONITE - Union Carbide Mine, Wilsons Springs, Garland Co., Arkansas, USA |
Pale pink fibrous masses of Miserite with white fibrous Wollastonite in matrix |
. |
2538 |
MONTICELLITE - Crestmore Quarries, Riverside Co., California, USA |
Pale brown crystallized Monticellite forming all of specimens |
�1.00 |
2 |
2539 |
MOTTRAMITE - Crestmore Quarries, Riverside Co., California, USA |
Very thin yellowish green crust of Mottramite on matrix |
50p |
1 |
1372 |
NATROLITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Aggregates of clear Natrolite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection |
. |
2540 |
NATROLITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Cavities in matrix containing brown Natrolite crystals with a white Gonnardite coating and black
Aegirine crystals |
�1.50p |
1 |
2541 |
NATROLITE - DeMix Quarry, (old specimen), Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Clear Natrolite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #7080. Nice specimens |
�2.00 |
2 |
2542 |
NATROLITE, SERANDITE & GONNARDITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Clear Natrolite crystals with pink blocky Serandite crystals and white Gonnardite encrusting the
Natrolite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #4370 |
�2.00 |
1 |
2543 |
PALERMOITE - Palermo #1 Mine, Groton, Grafton Co., New Hampshire, USA |
Small clear prismatic with vertical striations Palermoite crystals in cavities in matrix |
. |
2544 |
PARASYMPLESITE - Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico |
Very nice sprays of greyish-green Parasymplesite crystals in a cavity in gossan matrix |
. |
2545 |
PHOSPHOSIDERITE - Tip Top Mine, Fourmile, Custer Co., South Dakota, USA |
Pink glassy Phosphosiderite crystals in matrix |
. |
2546 |
HEMIMORPHITE & PLATTNERITE - Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico |
Bladed Hemimorphite crystals coloured black by heavy inclusions of minute Plattnerite crystals on
matrix. Ex David Hardman specimen #5242 |
�2.00 |
1 |
2547 |
PREHNITE - Phoenix Mine, Keweenaw, Keweenaw Co., Michigan, USA |
Rounded aggregates of small whitish tabular Prehnite crystals tightly clustered together on matrix.
Ex David Hardman specimen #6012 |
�1.50p |
2 |
2548 |
PREHNITE & APOPHYLLITE - Fairfax Quarry, Fairfax Co., Virginia, USA |
Mass of pale green Prehnite crystals with colourlss tabular Apophyllite crystals scattered over them |
1 |
540 |
PYRITE, ANKERITE & CALCITE - Homestake Mine, Lead, Lawrence Co., South Dakota, USA |
Small brassy modified cubic Pyrite crystals on brownish Ankerite crystals with clear flattened hexagonal
Calcite crystals plus some small tabular Marcasite crystals on matrix |
�1.50p |
2 |
2549 |
PYROMORPHITE - Hardshell Mine, Harshow MD., Santa Cruz Co., Arizona, USA |
Small greenish yellow hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals on matrix |
50p |
1 |
2550 |
PYROPHYLLITE - Pyrophyllite Occurrence near Indian Gulch, 3 Buttes, Mariposa Co.,
California, USA |
Radiating aggregates of whitish micaceous Pyrophyllite, no matrix |
�1.00 |
2 |
2551 |
RHODOCHROSITE & QUARTZ - Castrovirreyna Mine, Huancavelica, Peru |
Pale pink Rhodochrosite covered in a layer of small Quartz crystals |
�1.00 |
3 |
2552 |
SCORODITE & CARMINITE - Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Utah, USA |
Small greyish Scorodite crystals with minute reddish brown Carminite crystals forming the whole of the
specimen. Ex Jill Goltz collection |
�1.50p |
1 |
1988 |
SELENIUM - Ambrosia Lake, McKinley Co., New Mexico, USA |
Tiny dark grey Selenium crystals in and on sandstone matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection |
. |
2553 |
SERANDITE, ALBITE & AEGIRINE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada |
Pale pink tabular Serandite crystals with heavily Fe/Mn encrusted Albite crystals and some black
acicular Aegirine crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #7662 |
�2.00 |
1 |
2554 |
SHATTUCKITE & AJOITE - New Cornelia Mine, Ajo, Pima Co., Arizona, USA |
Blue Shattuckite with bluish green Ajoite embedded in matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
550 |
SHORTITE - Green River Formation, Sweetwater, Wyoming, USA |
Clear oddly shaped, (sort of triangular) Shortite crystals embedded and protruding from Neotocite matri |
�1.00 �1.50p �2.50p |
1 1 1 |
2555 |
SILVER - Batopilas, Chihuahua, Mexico |
5 samples of Silver crystals in a box, no matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
1397 |
SODALITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Dark blue crystalline Sodalite with or without whitish Albite and/or yellow Cancrinite, no matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
1990 |
SODALITE & CANCRINITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada |
Dark blue crystalline Sodalite with yelow crystalline Cancrinite +/- Albite, no matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
2556 |
STILBITE - Mill Creek Quarry, Mill Creek, Polk Co., Oregon, USA |
Plate of pale orange Stilbite crystals, no matrix |
�1.50p |
1 |
2557 |
STRENGITE - Indian Mountain, Cherokee Co., Alabama, USA |
Sprays of pale pink Strengite crystals on matrix |
�1.50p |
1 |
2558 |
TELLURIUM - Moctezuma Mine, Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico |
Bright silvery Tellurium in quartz matrix +/- yellow Tellurite/Paratellurite on matrix |
�1.50p |
3 |
2559 |
THOMSONITE - Beech Creek, Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Oregon, USA |
Grey botryoidal cavity lining made up of thousands of minute Thomsonite crystals. Ex Jill Goltz collection |
�1.00 |
1 |
2560 |
TLAPALLITE - Moctezuma Mine, Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico |
Small very thin patches of greenish Tlapallite on matrix |
. |
2561 |
TOPAZ - San Luis, Potosi, Mexico |
A large spray of colourless with reddish brown terminations Topaz crystals with possible minute
Pseudobrookite needles included within in a shallow cavity in matrix |
. |
2562 |
TURQUOISE - Turquoise Mountain, Cochise Co., Arizona, USA |
Greenish blue Turquoise nodule, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #5204 |
. |
2563 |
VANADINITE - Apache Mine, Radium, Gila Co., Arizona, USA |
Orange red hexagonal Vanadinite crystals on quartz matrix +/- minute dark brown Mottramite crystals |
�1.00 �1.50p |
1 1 |
2564 |
VESUVIANITE - Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada |
Cluster of pale green glassy Vesuvianite crystals, no matrix |
�1.00 |
1 |
2565 |
VESUVIANITE - Sierra de Cruces, Coahuila, Mexico |
Large brown �cubic" looking Vesuvianite crystal, no matrix |
�2.50p |
1 |
2566 |
WOLLASTONITE - Union Carbide Mine, Wilsons Springs, Garland Co., Arkansas, USA |
White fibrous Wollastonite in matrix |
. |
584 |
WULFENITE - Melissa Mine, La Paz Co., Arizona, USA |
Bright orange tabular or bipyramidal Wulfenite crystals on matrix +/- Mimetite |
�1.50p |
1 |
585 |
WULFENITE - Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico |
Brown tabular Wulfenite crystals in gossan matrix |
�1.00 �1.50p |
2 3 |
2567 |
WULFENITE & MIMETITE - 79 Mine, Hayden, Gila Co., Arizona, USA |
Orange tabular Wulfenite crystals with rounded aggregates of tiny dark orange Mimetite crystals on matrix |
�2.00 |
1 |