Micromounts America North & South including Greenland..... .......Updated 1 March 2025
2478 AJOITE & SHATTUCKITE - New Cornelia Mine, Ajo, Pima Co., Arizona, USA Bluish green Ajoite with blue Shattuckite embedded in matrix SOLD .
2479 AKAGANEITE - Case Quarries, Portland, Middlesex Co., Connecticut, USA Brown Akaganeite (arrowed) on quartz matrix SOLD .
2480 ALBITE, DOLOMITE & BASTNASITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada White tabular Albite crystals with brown rhombic Dolomite crystals and a good covering of tiny white Bastnasite spheres on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #4738 �2.00 1
1295 ALMANDINE - Hole in the Ground Quarry, Auburn, Androscoggin Co., Maine, USA Reddish orange to pink Almandine garnets embedded in feldspar matrix �1.00 1
2481 ALTAITE - Hilltop Mine, Organ Mountains, Dona Ana Co., New Mexico, USA Bright silvery Altaite embedded in matrix SOLD .
2482 ANATASE, ALBITE & AEGIRINE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Shiny black Anatase crystals with smal white Albite crystals and brown acicular Aegirine crystals in matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #4484 �1.00 1
2483 ANATASE, RUTILE & MUSCOVITE - Yates Brook Farm, Lattimore, North Carolina, USA Dark bluish black bipyramidal Anatase crystals with small reddish brown Rutile and pale brown hexagonal Muscovite crystals on matrix SOLD .
2484 ANTIMONY - Asrechuybo, Chihuahua, Mexico Bright silvery Antimony in matrix SOLD .
2485 APATITE - Bancroft, Ontario, Canada Brownish almost melted looking Apatite crystals embedded in calcite matrix �1.50p 1
1954 AURORITE - Aurora Mine, Treasure Hill, White Pine Co., Nevada, USA Grey inclusions of Aurorite in calcite, not pretty. Ex John Tuffnell collection �1.00 1
2486 AZURITE - Inspiration Pit, Inspiration Mine, Gila Co., Arizona, USA Deep blue crystalline Azurite in matrix �1.00 1
442 AZURITE - La Negrita Mine, Copiapo, Atacama, Chile Bright blue bladed Azurite crystals in cavities in matrix �1.00 1
2487 AZURITE & CHRYSOCOLLA - Inspiration Pit, Inspiration Mine, Gila Co., Arizona, USA Deep blue crystalline Azurite with bluish green Chrysocolla in matrix �1.00 3
2488 BABINGTONITE - Blueberry Hill Quarry, Woburn, Massachussetts, USA Black Babingtonite crystals on matrix �1.00 1
2489 BARYTE - Cleveland Co., Oklahoma, USA Baryte roseatte, no matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection 50p 1
2490 BASTNASITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Tiny white Bastnasite spheres on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #8185 50p 1
2491 BEUDANTITE - Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Nevada, USA Small yellowish green sparkling Beudantite crystals in gossan matrix SOLD .
2492 BEUDANTITE & CUPROADAMITE - Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Nevada, USA Small yellowish green sparkling Beudantite crystals with dark green rounded Cuproadamite crystals in gossan matrix �1.50p 1
1316 BIOTITE & SODALITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada Black hexagonal Biotite crystals embedded in dark blue crystalline Sodalite or whitish Albite �1.00 2
2493 BIXBYITE - Thomas Mountain, Juab Co., Utah, USA Black modified Bixbyite cube on matrix �2.50p 1
2493a BIXBYITE - Thomas Mountain, Juab Co., Utah, USA Small cluster of black Bixbyite crystals on matrix �1.00 1
2493b BIXBYITE - Thomas Mountain, Juab Co., Utah, USA Single black shiny Bixbyite cube, no matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection �2.50p 1
2494 BRACKEBUSCHITE - Venus Mine, El Guaico District, Cordoba, Argentina Small dark brown to black Brackebuschite crystals on matrix SOLD .
2495 BRAZILIANITE - Minas Gerais, Brazil Pale yellow prismatic Brazilianite crystals, no matrix �2.00 1
2496 BROCHANTITE - Mammoth Mine, Tiger, Arizona, USA Green elongated Brochantite crystals in quartz matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection SOLD .
2497 BROOKITE - Magnet Cove, Hot Spring Co., Arkansas, USA Numerous small black brookite crystals on and in matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection �1.00 1
2498 CALCITE (Optical) - Durango, Mexico Colourless rhomb of Calcite which when looked through displays the classic double image, no matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection �1.00 1
2499 CALCITE (Orange) - Yates Mine, Otter Lake, Outouais, Quebec, Canada Orange Calcite displaying rhombic cleavage. Fluoresces pinky red in MW UV �1.00 1
2500 CHABAZITE - Oak Grove Park, Clackamas River, Clackamas Co., Oregon, USA Small colourless Chabazite crystals lining cavities in matrix �1.00 1
2501 CHABAZITE-Ca - Upper New St. Quarry, Paterson, Passaic Co., New Jersey, USA Pale brown interpenetrant twins of Chabazite-Ca, no matrix SOLD .
2502 CHLOARGYRITE - Caraeoly, Chile Small pale brown waxy looking globules of Chloargyrite on matrix �1.00 1
2503 CHRYSOCOLLA - Gila Co., Arizona, USA Solid piece of bluish green Chrysocolla, no matrix �2.00 1
2503a CHRYSOCOLLA - Gila Co., Arizona, USA Bluish green Chrysocolla on matrix �1.00 1
2504 CHRYSOCOLLA - Oro Grande, Pinos Altos MD., Grant Co., New Mexico, USA. Ex Jill Goltz collection Bluish green Chrysocolla on matrix �1.00 1
2505 CHRYSOCOLLA & QUARTZ - La Cumbre Mine, Inca de Oro, Atacama, Chile Blue Chrysocolla with small drusy quartz crystals lining a cavity within �1.00 1
2506 CLINTONITE & MONTICELLITE - Crestmore Quarries, Riverside Co., California, USA Shiny pale greyish green micaceous Clintonite embedded in yellowish brown Monticellite �1.00 �1.50p 1 2
457 COLEMANITE & CALCITE - Boron, Kern Co., California, USA Colourless Colemanite crystals intergrown with pale yellow Calcite crystals, no matrix �1.00 �2.00 1 4
2507 COLUSITE & PYRITE - Leonard Mine, Butte, Montana, USA Bright silvery Colusite intergrown with brassy Pyrite forming most of specimens �1.00 �1.50p 1 2
2508 CONICHALCITE - Level 7, Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico Small green rounded aggregates of minute Conichalcite crystals thickly lining cavities in gossan matrix �1.50p 1
2509 COPPER - Andacolla, Elqui River, Coquimbo, Chile Arborescent mass of silvey (tarnished) Copper crystals, no matrix SOLD .
1958 COPPER - Iroqouis Mine, Seneca, Keweenaw, Michigan, USA Thin plates of Copper +/- minor Cuprite, no matrix SOLD .
2510 COPPER & SILVER - Quincy Mine, Quincy, Houghton Co., Michigan, USA Copper one half, silver the other half of specimen, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #146 SOLD .
1960 CORUNDUM - Beartrap Corundum Deposit, Madison Co., Montana, USA Grey Corundum crystals embedded in matrix and displaying triangular growth patterns. Ex John Tuffnell collection �1.50p 2
1961 CORUNDUM & BADDELEYITE - Beartrap Corundum Deposit, Madison Co., Montana, USA Grey Corundum crystals some displaying triangular growth patterns with black rounded Baddeleyite crystals embedded in matrix plus some black Biotite flakes. Ex John Tuffnell collection �1.50p 1
2511 CREEDITE - Colquiri Mine, Colquiri, La Paz, Bolivia Colourless Creedite crystals with light iron staining on matrix SOLD .
2512 DIOPTASE - Malpaso Mine, Dumesnil, La Calero, Cordoba, Argentina Bright green Dioptase crystal in calcite matrix SOLD .
2513 DIOPTASE & WULFENITE - Mammoth St. Anthony Mine, Tiger, Arizona, USA Small green elongated Dioptase crystals with yellow tabular Wulfenite crystals and small colourless Fluorite crystals in matrix SOLD .
2514 ELLESTADITE - Crestmore Quarries, Riverside Co., California, USA Pale yellow rounded Ellestadite crystals embedded in blue calcite matrix �1.00 �1.50p �2.00 1 4 1
2515 ENARGITE - Western Colusa, Butte, Montana, USA Piece of massive Enargite with minor green alteration products, no matrix SOLD .
1345 ENDLICHITE - Erupcion Mine, Los Lamentos, Chihuahua, Mexico Brown elongated hexagonal Endlichite crystals, no matrix SOLD .
2516 EUDIDYMITE, NATROLITE & AEGIRINE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Whitish Eudidymite crystals associated with some pinkish Rhodochrosite, a column of clear Natrolite crystals and black Aegirine in matrix SOLD .
2517 FERRIERITE & CLINOPTILOLITE - Kanan Road Quarry, Agoura, Los Angeles Co., California, USA White acicular Ferrierite crystals with colourless tabular Clinoptilolite crystals on matrix �1.50p 1
2518 GETCHELLITE - Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA Deep orange red mica like Getchellite in realgar rich matrix �1.00 �1.50p 1 2
2519 GETCHELLITE & REALGAR - Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA Deep orange red mica like Getchellite with more lighter orange red Realgar in matrix �1.50p 1
2520 GETCHELLITE, REALGAR & ORPIMENT - Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA Deep orange red mica like Getchellite with more lighter orange red Realgar crystals and some small yellow Orpiment crystals in matrix SOLD .
2521 GILALITE - Christmas Mine, Gila Co., Arizona, USA Small pale green spheres of Gilalite on matrix SOLD .
2522 GILALITE & GROSSULAR - Christmas Mine, Gila Co., Arizona, USA Small pale green spheres of Gilalite with rough brownish Grossular crystals embedded in the matrix �1.00 2
2523 GISMONDINE & CHABAZITE - Oak Grove Park, Clackamas River, Clackamas Co., Oregon, USA White Gismondine crystals with small colourless Chabazite crystals in cavities in matrix �1.00 �1.50p 1 2
2524 GOLD - La Laguna Mine, El Peru, Estado Bolivar, Venezuela Small specks of Gold in quartz matrix SOLD .
2525 GOLD - Ontario, Canada Bright shiny Gold in quartz matrix SOLD .
485 GROSSULAR & DIOPSIDE - Orford Nickel Mine, St. Denis-de-Brompton, Estria, Quebec, Canada Small bright green Grossular crystals in amongst a pale yellow crystalline Diopside (some crystals) matrix �1.50p 2
2526 HEMIMORPHITE - 79 Mine, Hayden, Gila Co., Arizona, USA Aggregates of tiny pale blue Hemimorphite crystals in a cavity in gossan matrix �1.50p 1
2527 HIDALGOITE - Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Utah, USA Pale green micro crystallized Hidalgoite crystals forming the bulk of the specimens �1.00 �1.50p 5 1
2528 HYDROMAGNESITE - Spring Street, Staten Island, New York, USA Thick white encrustation of small clear bladed Hydromagnesite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #788 SOLD .
2529 HYPERSTHENE & HAEMATITE - Summit Rock, Klamath Co., Oregon, USA Brownish Hypersthene crystals with black platy Haematite crystals on matrix �1.50p 2
2530 KAERSUTITE - Kaersutite Occurence, Hoover Dam, Mohave Co., Arizona, USA Shiny black to very dark brown massive Kaersutite embedded in matrix �1.00 1
2531 KINOITE & APOPHYLLITE - Christmas Mine, Gila Co., Arizona, USA Small bright blue Kinoite crystals overgrown with blocky colourless Apophyllite crystals on matrix �1.00 1
1972 KYANITE - Ogilby Kyanite Deposit, Bluebird Hill, Imperial Co., California, USA Pale blue crystalline Kyanite on matrix �1.00 1
2532 MAGNESIOCHROMITE - Black Lake, Thetford Mines, Quebec, Canada Black massive Magnesiochromite with a few crude crystal faces, no matrix SOLD .
2533 MANGAN-NEPTUNITE & RHODOCHROSITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Very deep reddish black rhombic Mangan-Neptunite crystals with small "rice grain" Rhodochrosite crystals plus Albite & Aegirine on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #4950 SOLD .
1367 MARCASITE, SPHALERITE, CHALCOPYRITE & PYRITE - Tri-State, Oklahoma, USA Bright wedge shaped Marcasite crystals with reddish orange modified tetrahedral Sphalerite crystals as well as more yellowish modified tetrahedral Chalcopyrite crystals and a few small cubic Pyrite crystals on dolomite matrix �1.50p 2
2534 McGUINNESSITE - Copper King Mine, Red Mountain, Mendocino Co., California, USA Orange red Meta-Stibnite on and enclosed by glassy botryoidal colourless Opal-AN on matrix SOLD .
2535 META-STIBNITE & OPAL-AN - Steamboat Springs, Washoe Co., Nevada, USA Orange red Meta-Stibnite on and in glassy botryoidal colourless Opal-AN on matrix �1.50p �2.00 1 2
2536 META-TORBERNITE - La Primera Mine, Rohueco Neuquen, Argentina Small green tabular Meta-Torbernite crystals on what appears to be a piece of carbonised (fossil) wood SOLD .
1369 MILLERITE & CHALCEDONY - Kaser Quarry, Ollie, Keokuk Co., Iowa, USA Mats of very fine acicular Millerite needles in cavities in banded Chalcedony matrix �1.00 �1.50p 2 1
2537 MISERITE & WOLLASTONITE - Union Carbide Mine, Wilsons Springs, Garland Co., Arkansas, USA Pale pink fibrous masses of Miserite with white fibrous Wollastonite in matrix SOLD .
2538 MONTICELLITE - Crestmore Quarries, Riverside Co., California, USA Pale brown crystallized Monticellite forming all of specimens �1.00 2
2539 MOTTRAMITE - Crestmore Quarries, Riverside Co., California, USA Very thin yellowish green crust of Mottramite on matrix 50p 1
1372 NATROLITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Aggregates of clear Natrolite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD .
2540 NATROLITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Cavities in matrix containing brown Natrolite crystals with a white Gonnardite coating and black Aegirine crystals �1.50p 1
2541 NATROLITE - DeMix Quarry, (old specimen), Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Clear Natrolite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #7080. Nice specimens �2.00 2
2542 NATROLITE, SERANDITE & GONNARDITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Clear Natrolite crystals with pink blocky Serandite crystals and white Gonnardite encrusting the Natrolite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #4370 �2.00 1
2543 PALERMOITE - Palermo #1 Mine, Groton, Grafton Co., New Hampshire, USA Small clear prismatic with vertical striations Palermoite crystals in cavities in matrix SOLD .
2544 PARASYMPLESITE - Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico Very nice sprays of greyish-green Parasymplesite crystals in a cavity in gossan matrix SOLD .
2545 PHOSPHOSIDERITE - Tip Top Mine, Fourmile, Custer Co., South Dakota, USA Pink glassy Phosphosiderite crystals in matrix SOLD .
2546 HEMIMORPHITE & PLATTNERITE - Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico Bladed Hemimorphite crystals coloured black by heavy inclusions of minute Plattnerite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman specimen #5242 �2.00 1
2547 PREHNITE - Phoenix Mine, Keweenaw, Keweenaw Co., Michigan, USA Rounded aggregates of small whitish tabular Prehnite crystals tightly clustered together on matrix. Ex David Hardman specimen #6012 �1.50p 2
2548 PREHNITE & APOPHYLLITE - Fairfax Quarry, Fairfax Co., Virginia, USA Mass of pale green Prehnite crystals with colourlss tabular Apophyllite crystals scattered over them SOLD 1
540 PYRITE, ANKERITE & CALCITE - Homestake Mine, Lead, Lawrence Co., South Dakota, USA Small brassy modified cubic Pyrite crystals on brownish Ankerite crystals with clear flattened hexagonal Calcite crystals plus some small tabular Marcasite crystals on matrix �1.50p 2
2549 PYROMORPHITE - Hardshell Mine, Harshow MD., Santa Cruz Co., Arizona, USA Small greenish yellow hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals on matrix 50p 1
2550 PYROPHYLLITE - Pyrophyllite Occurrence near Indian Gulch, 3 Buttes, Mariposa Co., California, USA Radiating aggregates of whitish micaceous Pyrophyllite, no matrix �1.00 2
2551 RHODOCHROSITE & QUARTZ - Castrovirreyna Mine, Huancavelica, Peru Pale pink Rhodochrosite covered in a layer of small Quartz crystals �1.00 3
2552 SCORODITE & CARMINITE - Gold Hill Mine, Tooele Co., Utah, USA Small greyish Scorodite crystals with minute reddish brown Carminite crystals forming the whole of the specimen. Ex Jill Goltz collection �1.50p 1
1988 SELENIUM - Ambrosia Lake, McKinley Co., New Mexico, USA Tiny dark grey Selenium crystals in and on sandstone matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD .
2553 SERANDITE, ALBITE & AEGIRINE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Pale pink tabular Serandite crystals with heavily Fe/Mn encrusted Albite crystals and some black acicular Aegirine crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #7662 �2.00 1
2554 SHATTUCKITE & AJOITE - New Cornelia Mine, Ajo, Pima Co., Arizona, USA Blue Shattuckite with bluish green Ajoite embedded in matrix �1.00 1
550 SHORTITE - Green River Formation, Sweetwater, Wyoming, USA Clear oddly shaped, (sort of triangular) Shortite crystals embedded and protruding from Neotocite matri �1.00 �1.50p �2.50p 1 1 1
2555 SILVER - Batopilas, Chihuahua, Mexico 5 samples of Silver crystals in a box, no matrix �1.00 1
1397 SODALITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada Dark blue crystalline Sodalite with or without whitish Albite and/or yellow Cancrinite, no matrix �1.00 1
1990 SODALITE & CANCRINITE - Cancrinite Hill, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada Dark blue crystalline Sodalite with yelow crystalline Cancrinite +/- Albite, no matrix �1.00 1
2556 STILBITE - Mill Creek Quarry, Mill Creek, Polk Co., Oregon, USA Plate of pale orange Stilbite crystals, no matrix �1.50p 1
2557 STRENGITE - Indian Mountain, Cherokee Co., Alabama, USA Sprays of pale pink Strengite crystals on matrix �1.50p 1
2558 TELLURIUM - Moctezuma Mine, Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico Bright silvery Tellurium in quartz matrix +/- yellow Tellurite/Paratellurite on matrix �1.50p 3
2559 THOMSONITE - Beech Creek, Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Oregon, USA Grey botryoidal cavity lining made up of thousands of minute Thomsonite crystals. Ex Jill Goltz collection �1.00 1
2560 TLAPALLITE - Moctezuma Mine, Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico Small very thin patches of greenish Tlapallite on matrix SOLD .
2561 TOPAZ - San Luis, Potosi, Mexico A large spray of colourless with reddish brown terminations Topaz crystals with possible minute Pseudobrookite needles included within in a shallow cavity in matrix SOLD .
2562 TURQUOISE - Turquoise Mountain, Cochise Co., Arizona, USA Greenish blue Turquoise nodule, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #5204 SOLD .
2563 VANADINITE - Apache Mine, Radium, Gila Co., Arizona, USA Orange red hexagonal Vanadinite crystals on quartz matrix +/- minute dark brown Mottramite crystals �1.00 �1.50p 1 1
2564 VESUVIANITE - Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada Cluster of pale green glassy Vesuvianite crystals, no matrix �1.00 1
2565 VESUVIANITE - Sierra de Cruces, Coahuila, Mexico Large brown �cubic" looking Vesuvianite crystal, no matrix �2.50p 1
2566 WOLLASTONITE - Union Carbide Mine, Wilsons Springs, Garland Co., Arkansas, USA White fibrous Wollastonite in matrix SOLD .
584 WULFENITE - Melissa Mine, La Paz Co., Arizona, USA Bright orange tabular or bipyramidal Wulfenite crystals on matrix +/- Mimetite �1.50p 1
585 WULFENITE - Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico Brown tabular Wulfenite crystals in gossan matrix �1.00 �1.50p 2 3
2567 WULFENITE & MIMETITE - 79 Mine, Hayden, Gila Co., Arizona, USA Orange tabular Wulfenite crystals with rounded aggregates of tiny dark orange Mimetite crystals on matrix �2.00 1