Micromounts - Cornwall & Devon..................Updated 27 November 2024..........+ +
1700 AGARDITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Tiny green acicular Agardite crystals on black manganese on killas matrix plus a little Cornwallite Ex Bob Cheetham collection SOLD OUT .
4 ANATASE - South Tolcarne Mine, Beacon, Camborne, Cornwall, England Small thin black tabular Anatase crystals in cavities in clinochlore matrix +/- small brown Cassiterite crystals, can be hard to spot �1.00 1
10 ANATASE - Wheal Remfrey, St. Enoder, Cornwall, England Tiny black bipyramidal Anatase crystals +/- grey acicular Achroite crystals in cavities in matrix 50p �1.00 2 3
11 ANGLESITE - Greystone Quarry, Lezant, Cornwall, England Greyish Anglesite arranged in bands and layers surrounding Galena matrix �1.00 1
1701 APATITE & HEULANDITE - Meldon Quarry, Okehampton Hamlets, Devon, England Pale bluish grey hexagonal Apatite crystals with small tabular colourless Heulandite crystals on mica SOLD OUT .
1702 APATITE & MONAZITE - Relistien Mine, Gwinear, Cornwall, England Small colourless hexagonal Apatite crystal with brown tabular Monazite crystals in a cavity in chlorite matrix SOLD OUT .
12 ARAGONITE - Port Quin Mine, St. Endellion, Cornwall, England White "coralline" growths of Aragonite, no matrix �2.00 1
16 ARSENOPYRITE - Kilham Mine, St. Neot, Cornwall, England Grey Arsenopyrite crystals embedded in killas matrix SOLD OUT .
17 ARSENOPYRITE - Penlee Quarry, Newlyn, Penzance, Cornwall, England Shiny grey Arsenopyrite xtls in Arsenopyrite/chlorite matrix �1.00 1
1100 ARSENOPYRITE - Wheal Penrose, Porthleven, Cornwall, England Cluster of small silvery Arsenopyrite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix �1.00 1
22 BERAUNITE - Gravel Hill Mine, Perranzabuloe, Cornwall, England Sprays of dark green acicular Beraunite crystals on gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
23 BIOTITE - Lithium rich - Trelavour Downs, St. Dennis, Cornwall, England Flakes of dark bronzy brown Biotite mica, no matrix except one on a little quartz. Locally known as "Trelavourite" �1.00 3
1703 BOTALLACKITE - Cligga Head, Perranzabuloe, Cornwall, England Clusters of thin green bladed Botallackite crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
1704 BROCHANTITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Small to tiny dark green Brochantite crystals in cracks and crevices in killas matrix +/- minor Malachite �1.00 �1.50p 3 2
31 BROCHANTITE - South Wheal Basset, Redruth, Cornwall, England Small dark green Brochantite crystals in gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
1706 BROCHANTITE & CYANOTRICHITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Small to tiny dark green Brochantite crystals with red Cuprite and sky blue Cyanotrichite on killas matrix SOLD OUT .
1707 BROCHANTITE & PHARMACOSIDERITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Spherical aggregates of tiny green Brochantite crystals with minute cubic Pharmacosiderite crystals on matrix �1.00 3
1106 CARBONATE FLUORAPATITE, (FRANCOLITE) - Sims Lode, Geevor Mine, St. Just, Cornwall, England Dark brown transparent hexagonal tabular Ca-Fluorapatite crystals comprising the bulk of the specimen �1.50p 1
1708 CARBONATE-FLUORAPATITE (FRANCOLITE) - South Wheal Basset, Redruth, Cornwall, England Aggregates of thin hexagonal tabular Ca-Fluorapatite crystals which have a brown coating on them on matrix SOLD OUT .
1709 CARBONATE FLUORAPATITE (FRANCOLITE) - Tresavean Mine, Redruth, Cornwall, England Cavities in sphalerite/quartz matrix lined with small clear hexagonal Ca-Fluorapatite crystals with white "caps" on the terminations 50p �1.00 1 3
40 CASSITERITE - Bucketts Mine, Redruth, Cornwall, England Small to tiny, brown to black Cassiterite crystals on chlorite matrix �1.00 2
1710 CASSITERITE - Relistien Mine, Gwinear, Cornwall, England Black stubby Cassiterite crystals in cavties in chlorite matrix SOLD OUT .
1110 CASSITERITE - "WOOD TIN" - Trevaunance Cove, St. Agnes, Cornwall, England Small brown "rings" of and spheres of Cassiterite - Wood Tin in part of a beach pebble �1.50p 1
1111 CASSITERITE var WOOD TIN - Wheal Charlotte, Perranuthnoe, Cornwall, England Small pale to dark brown circular aggregates of minute silky acicular Cassiterite in quartz/chlorite matrix 50p 1
45 CERUSSITE - Wheal Mary Ann, Menheniot, Cornwall, England Clear to white elongated Cerussite crystals scattered in cavities of drusy quartz gossan matrix �1.00 1
1711 CHALCOCITE - 14 Level, Coronation Lode, Geevor Mine, St. Just, Cornwall, England Shiny black hexagonal tabular Chalcocite crystals in cavities in quartz/chalcocite matrix SOLD OUT .
1712 CHALCOPYRITE - Cathedral Mine, Gwennap, Cornwall, England Cluster of tarnished tetrahedral Chalcopyrite crystals in a cavity in quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
1713 CLINOCHLORE - Poldice Mine, Gwennap, Cornwall, England Rounded aggregates of tightly packed dark green hexagonal Clinochlore crystals in a cavity in quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
1714 CLINOCLASE & CORNWALLITE - Wheal Gorland, St. Day, Cornwall, England Deep indigo-blue crystals and crystalline Clinoclase with dark green Cornwallite in a gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
1715 CLINOCLASE & OLIVENITE - Wheal Gorland, St. Day, Cornwall, England Deep indigo-blue crystals and crystalline Clinoclase with olive green acicular Olivenite crystals in a gossan matrix +/- white Halloysite SOLD OUT .
1716 CONNELLITE & CUPRITE - Relistien Mine, Gwinear, Cornwall, England Tiny dark blue acicluar Connellite crystals with minute red Cuprite crystals on killas matrix SOLD OUT .
1717 CONNELLITE, CUPRITE & MALACHITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Small spheres of dark blue Connellite with deep red Cuprite and green Malachite in gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
1718 CORNWALLITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Dark green Cornwallite on surface of killas matrix �1.50p 1
1719 CORNWALLITE & OLIVENITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Dark green Cornwallite with olive green Olivenite crystals on killas matrix SOLD OUT .
1720 CYANOTRICHITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Thin crust of very minute sky blue Cyanotrichite spheres surrounding an altered Cuprite crystal on killas matrix SOLD OUT .
1721 CYANOTRICHITE & BROCHANTITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Thin crust of very minute sky blue Cyanotrichite spheres with green Brochantite on matrix SOLD OUT .
1722 DUFRENITE - Stowes Shaft, Wheal Phoenix, Linkinhorne, Cornwall, England Small aggregate of dark green Dufrenite spheres in a cavity in gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
1121 DUNDASITE - Padstow Consols, Padstow, Cornwall, England Small white spheres of minute acicular Dundasite crystals on gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
59 "ENYSITE" - Wheal Coates, St. Agnes, Cornwall, England Pale bluish green "Enysite" showing depositional banding, no matrix. It used to be the practice to "varnish" the specimens to try and prevent them dehydrating and falling apart, it didn't work this time however, these are quite stable though still fragile �2.00 4
1723 FERRI-SYMPLESITE - South Tolcarne Mine, Beacon, Camborne, Cornwall, England Small pale yellow spheres of tiny Ferri-Symplesite crystals in cavities in chlorite matrix +/- Cuprite, Cassiterite SOLD OUT .
1724 FERRI-SYMPLESITE & CASSITERITE - South Tolcarne Mine, Beacon, Camborne, Cornwall, England Small pale yellow spheres of tiny Ferri-Symplesite crystals with small dark brown "sparable" Cassiterite crystals, in cavities in chlorite matrix. Plus just noticed a small purple cubic Fluorite crystal SOLD OUT .
1725 FERRI-SYMPLESITE & CUPRITE - South Tolcarne Mine, Beacon, Camborne, Cornwall, England Small pale yellow spheres of tiny Ferri-Symplesite crystals with small Cuprite crystals coated in minute green Brochantite crystals plus a few dark brown "sparable" Cassiterite crystals in cavities in chlorite matrix SOLD OUT .
1726 FLUORITE - South Tolcarne Mine, Beacon, Camborne, Cornwall, England Pale mauve cubic Fluorite crystals in a cavity in chlorite matrix SOLD OUT .
1727 GOLD TELLURIDES - Hopes Nose, Torquay, Devon, England Small aggregates of minute Gold Tellurides partially exposed from pinkish calcite SOLD OUT .
1728 HAEMATITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Small aggregates of tiny black specular Haematite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
67 HAEMATITE - Wheal Cock, St.Just, Cornwall, England Sparkling black platy Haematite crystals richly scattered over Quartz matrix �1.00 2
1729 HEULANDITE - Meldon Quarry, Okehampton Hamlets, Devon, England Small tabular colourless Heulandite crystals on quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
1125 JAMESONITE - Tresungers Mine, St. Endellion, Cornwall, England Typical silvery fibrous Jamesonite running through quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
1730 JOHANNITE - Wheal Edward, St. Just, Cornwall, England Minute green Johannite crystals intermixed with some yellow Zippeite from a specimen of uranium ore that had been left outside in the weather for a while SOLD OUT .
1731 JOHANNITE & ZIPPEITE - Wheal Edward, St. Just, Cornwall, England Minute green Johannite crystals with yellow Zippeite from a specimen of uranium ore that had been left outside in the weather for a while SOLD OUT .
1732 KIDWELLITE & CHALCOSIDERITE - Stowes Shaft, Wheal Phoenix, Linkinhorne, Cornwall, England Cavity lining of small spheres of yellowish green Kidwellite with other cavities containing dark green Chalcosiderite crystals in gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
1127 LIBETHENITE - West Wheal Jewel, Carharrack, Cornwall, England Small dark green Libethenite crystals in cavities in granitic matrix SOLD OUT .
1733 LIBETHENITE - Wheal Phoenix, Linkinhorne, Cornwall, England Dark greenish black Libethenite crystals in a cavity in gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
1734 LIROCONITE & CLINOCLASE - Wheal Gorland, St. Day, Cornwall, England Blue crystalline Liroconite with a few small crystals and deep blue Clinoclase in gossan matrix plus some minor Olivenite & Halloysite SOLD OUT .
1735 LIROCONITE, CLINOCLASE & CORNWALLITE - Wheal Gorland, St. Day, Cornwall, England Blue crystalline Liroconite with a few small crystals with deep blue Clinoclase and dark green Cornwallite in gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
77 MIMETITE & BAYLDONITE - Penberthy Croft Mine, St. Hilary, Cornwall, England Small pale brown to whitish Mimetite crystals with dark green Bayldonite on gossan matrix �1.00 1
1736 OLIVENITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Dark green Olivenite crystals partially coated in Mn oxides on killas matrix �1.00 �2.00 2 2
1737 OLIVENITE - Marke Valley Mine, Linkinhorne, Cornwall, England Small sprays of acicular Olivenite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
80 OLIVENITE - Penberthy Croft Mine, St. Hilary, Cornwall, England Small olive-green Olivenite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
1130 OLIVENITE - Wheal Gorland, St. Day, Cornwall, England Olive green Olivenite crystals in various forms in/on quartz gossan matrix �1.50p 1
1738 OLIVENITE - Wheal Phoenix, Linkinhorne, Cornwall, England Green Olivenite crystals on quartz gossan matrix �1.00 1
1739 OLIVENITE & CLINOCLASE - Wheal Gorland, St. Day, Cornwall, England Olive green acicular Olivenite crystals with small deep blue Clinoclase crystals in matrix SOLD OUT .
1740 OLIVENITE & PHARMACOSIDERITE - Marke Valley Mine, Linkinhorne, Cornwall, England Small sprays of acicular Olivenite crystals with very minute greenish yellow Pharmacosiderite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
1741 OLIVENITE var LEUCOCHALCITE - Marke Valley Mine, Linkinhorne, Cornwall, England Small pale green acicular Olivenite var Leucochalcite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
1742 OLIVENITE var. LEUCOCHALCITE - Penberthy Croft Mine, St. Hilary, Cornwall, England Very pale green silky acicular Olivenite var Leucochalcite crystals in matrix SOLD OUT .
83a OPAL - South Wheal Basset, Redruth, Cornwall, England Dark treacly brown Opal infilling cavities in matrix SOLD OUT .
1743 OPAL epimorphs after SIDERITE - South Wheal Basset, Redruth, Cornwall, England Pale brown wafer thin Opal casts after rhombohedral Siderite crystals in a cavity in matrix SOLD OUT .
1744 PARNAUITE - Marke Valley Mine, Linkinhorne, Cornwall, England Pale green aggregates of minute micaceous looking Parnauite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
84 PARNAUITE - Wheal Ellen, Porthtowan, Cornwall, England Green micaceous looking Parnauite crystals in matrix SOLD OUT .
1745 PHARMACOSIDERITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Tiny yellowish green Pharmacosiderite crystals on gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
85 PHARMACOSIDERITE - Cathedral Mine, Gwennap, Cornwall, England Small pale green or brown cubic Pharmacosiderite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix 50p �1.50p 1 2
1746 PHARMACOSIDERITE - Marke Valley Mine, Linkinhorne, Cornwall, England Very minute greenish yellow Pharmacosiderite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
1747 PHARMACOSIDERITE - Penberthy Croft Mine, St. Hilary, Cornwall, England Small yellowish green cubic Pharmacosiderite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
87 PHARMACOSIDERITE - Wheal Unity, St. Day, Cornwall, England Very minute greyish green Pharmacosiderite crystals thickly encrusting quartz matrix �1.00 �1.50p 3 1
1132 PHARMACOSIDERITE & SCORODITE - Wheal Unity, St. Day, Cornwall, England Yellowish brown to green cubic Pharmacosiderite crystals with small greyish Scorodite crystals in cavities in quartz gossan matrix. Ex Bob Cheetham collection �1.00 1
1748 PSEUDOMALACHITE - Bampfylde Mine, North Molton, Devon, England Dark green aggregates of Pseudomalachite in cavities or on matrix SOLD OUT .
89 PSEUDOMALACHITE - East Gunnislake Mine, Calstock, Cornwall, England Dark green botryoidal crystallised Pseudomalachite in cavities in quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
1749 PYROLUSITE - Fullabrook Mine, Braunton, Devon, England Dark grey to black cavity linings of velvety Pyrolusite in manganese rich matrix 50p 1
1750 PYROLUSITE var POLIANITE - Fullabrook mine, Braunton, Devon, England Dark grey blocky Pyrolusite var Polianite crystals on manganese rich matrix SOLD OUT .
1751 PYROMORPHITE - Greystone Quarry, Lezant, Cornwall, England Minute green acicular Pyromorphite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
1752 PYROMORPHITE - Pentire Glaze Mine, St. Minver, Cornwall, England Clusters of brown hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals on gossan matrix �1.00 �1.50p 3 2
1752a PYROMORPHITE - Pentire Glaze Mine, St. Minver, Cornwall, England Small specimen of white curved Pyromorphite crystals, no matrix SOLD OUT .
1753 PYROMORPHITE - Pengenna Mine, St. Kew, Cornwall, England Thin crusts of bright green hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals on surface of matrix SOLD OUT .
90 PYROMORPHITE - Wheal Mary Ann, Menheniot, Cornwall, England Small yellowish to green spiky Pyromorphite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix +/- minor Bindheimite �1.00 1
1134 PYROMORPHITE - Wheal Mary Ann, Menheniot, Cornwall, England Small green barrel shaped Pyromorphite crystals in quartz matrix �1.00 4
1754 RANCIEITE - Greystone Quarry, Lezant, Cornwall, England Bronze coloured micaceous Rancieite in a cavity in quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
93 RUTILE - Lanterdan Quarry, Tintagel, Cornwall, England Classic golden yellow Sagenitic Rutile on quartz matrix �1.50p 1
94 RUTILE - Lanterdan Quarry, Tintagel, Cornwall, England Classic golden yellow Sagenitic Rutile criss crossing a cavity in quartz/ablite matrix SOLD OUT .
1755 RUTILE - Lanterdan Quarry, Tintagel, Cornwall, England Pale yellow acicular Rutile needles in a cavity in matrix �1.00 1
1756 SCHEELITE - Hingston Down Quarry, Calstock, Cornwall, England Solid piece of orange Scheelite with thin veinlets of Ferberite running through it. Fluoresces blue in SW UV SOLD OUT .
1757 SCHEELITE & FERBERITE - Hingston Down Quarry, Calstock, Cornwall, England Solid piece of orange Scheelite with areas of black Ferberite. Fluoresces blue in SW UV SOLD OUT .
1135 SCORODITE - Bedford Utd Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Spheres of minute greyish to pale yellow Scorodite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
95 SCORODITE - Cligga Mine, Perranzabuloe, Cornwall, England Greyish drusy Scorodite in a cavity in matrix SOLD OUT .
1758 SCORODITE - Hemerdon Bal Mine, Plympton, Devon, England Greyish-blue Scorodite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix �1.00 �2.00 �2.50p 1 2 1
1758a SCORODITE - Hemerdon Bal Mine, Plympton, Devon, England Greyish-blue Scorodite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix �1.00 1
1136 SCORODITE - Hemerdon Bal Mine, Plympton, Devon, England Greyish-blue Scorodite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix. Ex Peter Braitwaite collection �1.00 �1.50p 1 1
1759 SCORODITE - Hingston Down Quarry, Calstock, Cornwall, England Tiny greyish drusy botryoidal Scorodite crystals lining cavities in gossan matrix �1.50p 2
97 SCORODITE - Mulberry stockworks, Lanivet, Cornwall, England Greyish crust of tiny Scorodite crystals on quartz/wolframite matrix SOLD OUT .
99 SCORODITE - Roselidden Mine, Wendron, Cornwall, England Small drusy greyish Scorodite spheres in cavities in quartz matrix 50p �1.00 2 3
100 SCORODITE - Wheal Ellen, Portreath, Cornwall, England Pale greyish-blue crusts and spheres of minute drusy Scorodite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
101 SCORODITE - Wheal Maid, Gwennap, Cornwall, England Tiny greyish-blue drusy Scorodite crystals in cavities in matrix �1.50p 2
1760 SCORODITE & PHARMACOSIDERITE - Wheal Gorland, St. Day, Cornwall, England Small greyish blue Scorodite crystals with green cubic Pharmacosiderite crystals cavities in gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
1137 SELENITE - Geevor Mine, St. Just, Cornwall, England Aggregates of white Selenite crystals, no matrix. Specimens are glued into boxes due to their fragility SOLD OUT .
107 SIDERITE - Wheal Drea, St. Just, Cornwall, England Dark chocolaty brown Siderite crystals, (typical for Wheal Drea), in cavities in matrix �1.50p 1
1138 SIDERITE - Pryce's Lode, South Crofty Mine, Camborne, Cornwall Brown complex rhombic Siderite crystals on Siderite matrix SOLD OUT .
1139 SIDERITE - West Wheal Owles, St. Just, Cornwall, England Small dark brown lenticular Siderite crystals in a quartz lined cavity in jasper matrix �1.00 1
1761 SPHALERITE - Silverbrook Mine, Ilsington, Devon, England Dark honey colouired modified Sphalerite crystals in a cavity in matrix SOLD OUT .
1140 SPHALERITE & DOLOMITE - Silverbrook Mine, Ilsington, Devon, England Black composite Sphalerite crystals with whitish to pale brown rhombic Dolomite crystals on quartz matrix 50p �1.00 1 1
1143 TORBERNITE - South Terras Mine, St. Stephen-in-Brannell, Cornwall, England Small green tabular Torbernite crystals on iron-stained quartz gossan matrix �1.50p 1
1762 TOURMALINE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Small greenish brown to brown acicular Tourmaline crystals in cavities in quartz/killas matrix SOLD OUT .
114 TREMOLITE/ACTINOLITE - Penhawger Mine, Menheniot, Cornwall, England Aggregates of pale yellowish green fibrous Tremolite/Actinolite crystals on quartz matrix 50p �1.00 �1.50p 1 2 1
117 WULFENITE & PYROMORPHITE - Wheal Mary Ann, Menheniot, Cornwall, England Small orange blocky and/or bipyramidal Wulfenite crystals with green Pyromorphite crystals in quartz matrix �1.001
118 WULFENITE, PYROMORPHITE & BINDHEIMITE - Wheal Mary Ann, Menheniot, Cornwall, England Small orange blocky and/or bipyramidal Wulfenite crystals with green Pyromorphite crystals and pale yellow powdery Bindheimite in quartz matrix �1.50p2