Europe including Russia...........Updated 1 March 2025
2627 ADAMITE - Hilarion Mine, Lavrion, Greece Pale yellow to green Adamite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #8007 £1.50p 1
2627a ADAMITE - Hilarion Mine, Lavrion, Greece Pale yellow to green Adamite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #4923 £1.00 1
687 ADAMITE - Kamariza Mine, Lavrion, Greece Aggregates of pale green Adamite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix £1.00 2
688 ADAMITE - "Playing Field", Kamariza, Lavrion, Greece Colourless to very pale green Adamite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix £1.00 1
2628 ADAMITE-Cu - Hilarion Mine, Lavrion, Greece Dark green Adamite-Cu crystals in cavities in gossan matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #4747 £1.50p 1
2628a ADAMITE-Cu - Hilarion Mine, Lavrion, Greece Green Adamite-Cu crystals in cavities in gossan matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #8552 £1.50p 1
691 ADAMITE-Ni & CALCITE - KM3, Lavrion, Greece Distinctive green Adamite-Ni crystals scattered amongst scalenohedral Calcite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix £1.50p £2.00 £2.50p 3 2 2
2629 ADULARIA - Durbegia, Bregaglia, Grisons, Switzerland Whitish rhombohedral Adularia crystals on matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection £1.00 1
2630 AGARDITE - Kamariza Mine, Lavrion, Greece Very fine pale green acicular Agardite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection £1.00 1
2033 AGARDITE & CONICHALCITE - Hilarion Mine, Lavrion, Greece Areas of tiny pale green acicular Agardite crystals with darker green Conichalcite spheres in cavities in gossan matrix SOLD .
1466 AGARDITE, SMITHSONITE & ADAMITE-Cu - Jean Baptiste Mine, Lavrion, Greece Silky pale green acicular Agardite crystals with white Smithsonite and small green Adamite-Cu spheres in cavities in gossan matrix SOLD .
2631 AGARDITE-Ce & CORNWALLITE - Clara Mine, Oberwolfach, Black Forest, Germany Green acicular Agardite-Ce crystals with dark green spheres of Cornwallite in cavities in matrix SOLD .
698 ALBITE & MICROCLINE - Landsverk 1, Landsverk, Evje og Hornes, Agder, Norway Clear Albite crystals with pale pink Microcline in cavities in Microcline matrix +/- purple octahedral Fluorite £1.00 £1.50p 1 1
1468 ALBITE var. CLEAVELANDITE - Landsverk 1, Landsverk, Evje og Hornes, Agder, Norway Clear to bluish white Cleavelandite with a lamellar crystalline structure, no matrix £1.00 £1.50p 5 1
2632 ANALCITE - Baratsi, Kurdjali, E. Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria Plate of colourless Analcite crystals, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #5013 SOLD .
2633 ANAPAITE - Prats i Sansor, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain Pale green translucent Anapaite crystals in cavities in matrix SOLD .
2634 ANGLESITE - Habersthal, Limburg, Belgium Tiny colourless Anglesite crystals in cavities in a white Anglesite decomposition product of galena, no matrix SOLD .
2635 ANGLESITE & CERUSSITE? - Habersthal, Limburg, Belgium Tiny colourless Anglesite crystals in cavities in a white Anglesite decomposition product of galena, possibly with some whitish Cerussite, no matrix SOLD .
2636 ANNABERGITE - KM3 Mine, Lavrion, Greece Bright green "classic" Annabergite crystals in Calcite cavities in gossan matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #8550 50p 1
2637 ANNABERGITE - Kamariza Mine, Lavrion, Greece Bright green "classic" Annabergite crystals with clear spiky Calcite crystals in matrix £1.00 2
707 ARSENIOPLEITE - Sjogruvan Mine, Grythyttan, Vastmanland, Sweden Orange brown Arseniopleite shot through matrix £2.00 1
708 ARSENIOPLEITE - Varenche Mine, St. Barthelemy, Nus, Aosta Valley, Italy Patches of orange-brown Arsenopleite embedded in matrix £1.50p 1
713 AURICHALCITE - Kamariza Mine, Lavrion, Greece Sprays of thin blue bladed Aurichalcite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix +/- white Smithsonite £1.00 1
715 AURICHALCITE & GIBBSITE - Kamariza Mine, Lavrion, Greece Sprays of thin blue bladed Aurichalcite crystals with pale green Gibbsite on gossan matrix £1.00 1
2638 AZURITE - Cap Garonne, Le Pradet, Var, France Small deep blue Azurite crystals on matrix £1.50p 1
721 AZURITE - Jean Baptiste Mine, Lavrion, Greece Sparkling deep blue bladed Azurite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix +/- Malachite, Smithsonite £1.50p 1
722 AZURITE - Kamariza Mine, Lavrion, Greece Sparkling deep blue tabular Azurite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix £1.50p 1
2639 AZURITE & BARYTE - Meschede, Arnsberg, Sauerland, Germany Small deep blue Azurite crystals on clear Baryte crystals in cavities in matrix £1.00 £1.50p 1 1
1478 BARYTE - Baia Sprie, Maramures, Romania Aggregate of colourless thin tabular Barytes crystals, no matrix SOLD .
2640 BERZELIITE - Langban Mines, Filipstad, Wermland, Sweden Pale orange crystalline Berzeliite embedded in matrix SOLD .
2641 BERZELIITE & HEDYPHANE - Langban Mines, Filipstad, Wermland, Sweden Orange Berzeliite with some crystals and creamy coloured waxy looking Hedyphane amking up the whole specimens £1.50p £2.00 1 1
2642 BEUDANTITE - Kamariza Mine, Lavrion, Greece Tiny yellowish green Beudantite crystals on gossan matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #8504 SOLD .
730 BIRNESSITE - Pegmatite #60, Mount Karnasurt, Murmansk Oblast, Russia Dull black crystalline Birnessite embedded in matrix £1.50p 1
736 BOEHMITE & NATROLITE - Saga Mine, Tvedalen, Larvik, Norway Small creamy coloured Boehmite crystals with small white or pinkish Natrolite crystals in cavities in Natrolite matrix £2.00 1
2643 BRAUNITE, RHODONITE & PIEDMONTITE - St. Marcel, Val D'Aosta, Piedmont, Italy Small dark grey "octahedral" Braunite crystalswith pinl massive Rhodonite and deep reddish brown Piedmontite comprising the whole specimen. Ex Jill Goltz collection £2.00 1
1486 CALCITE, CORONADITE & GOETHITE - Kremikovtsi Mine, Stolichna, Sofia, Bulgaria Greyish rhombohedral Calcite crystals on stalactites of dark grey Coronadite with a thin central core of dark brown Goethite, no matrix £1.00 £1.50p 2 1
2644 CARPHOLITE - Huber Shaft, Krasno, Karlovy-Vary District, Czech Republic Sprays of yellow acicular Carpholite crystals on matrix £1.50p 1
2645 CELADONITE - Kolsva, Koping, Vastmanland Co., Sweden Yellowish green Celadonite embedded in matrix £1.00 1
1489 CERITE-Ce, ACTINOLITE & FERRI ALLANITE - Nya Bastnas deposit, Bastnas Mines, Riddarhytten, Vastmanland Co., Sweden Pinkish Cerite-Ce with green fibrous Actinolite and dark brown Ferri-Allanite-Ce all comprising the whole of the specimens SOLD .
2646 CETINEITE & MOPUNGITE - Le Cetine Mine, Chuisdino, Siena, Tuscany, Italy Tiny orange acicular Cetineite crystals with white earthy looking Mopungite in cavities in matrix £1.00 £2.00 1 1
2647 CETINEITE & MOPUNGITE - Le Cetine Mine, Chuisdino, Siena, Tuscany, Italy Tiny orange acicular Cetineite crystals with white earthy looking Mopungite in cavities in matrix. Ex David Harman collection #1509 £1.50p 1
1492 CHABAZITE - Nordfjurdur Tunnel, Eskifjordur, Eastern Region, Iceland Colourless rhombic Chabazite crystals in cavities in matrix £1.00 1
1494 CHABAZITE & SAPONITE - La Matilla Quarry, La Matilla, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain Colourless rhombic Chabazite crystals with white Saponite in cavities in matrix £1.00 1
2648 CHAPMANITE - Tafone Mine, Manciano, Grosetto, Tuscany, Italy Thin crusts of pale green Chapmanite on matrix 50p £1.00 3 1
2649 CHLOANTHITE - Schlema, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany Grey modified cubic Chloanthite crystals plus possible very micro Safflorite attached, no matrix SOLD .
754 CHRYSOCOLLA - Studenec, Semily District, Liberec, Czech Republic Greenish blue Chrysocolla lining and infilling cavities in matrix 50p 1
1501 CONICHALCITE - Kamariza Mine, Lavrion, Greece Aggregates of small green Conichalcite crystals on gossan matrix £1.00 £2.00 1 1
761 CONICHALCITE - Serpieri Mine, Lavrion, Greece Dark green rounded aggregates of Conichalcite on gossan matrix £1.00 1
2650 CUPROADAMITE - Hilarion Mine, Lavrion, Greece Rich green Cuproadamite crystals in gossan matrix £2.50p 1
2651 CUSPIDINE & VESUVIANITE - Monte Somma, Vesuvius, Naples, Italy Creamy white Cuspidine crystals with brown Vesuvianite crystals on matrix SOLD .
2652 DIOPSIDE & SPHENE - Sondeled, Risor, Agder, Norway Green massive Diopside with brown massive Sphene, no crystals £1.00 2
2653 DOLOMITE - Val Gardena, South Tyrol, Italy Clear to white rhombohedral Dolomite crystals in cavities in dolomite matrix 50p £1.50p 2 1
780 DOLOMITE var. TERUELITE - Teruel, Aragon, Spain Dark grey rhombic Teruelite crystals embedded in matrix £1.00 1
1505 DUFTITE - Clara Mine, Oberwolfach, Black Forest, Germany Small olive green Duftite crystals on quartz/barytes matrix £1.00 1
782 EPIDOTE - Landsverk 1, Landsverk, Evje og Hornes, Agder, Norway Green Epidote crystals in/on matrix 50p £1.50p 2 1
784 EPIDOTE, ALBITE & MICROCLINE - Landsverk 1, Landsverk, Evje og Hornes, Agder, Norway Green Epidote crystals with clear tabular Albite crystals and pinkish crystalline Microcline on matrix £1.50p 1
785 EPIDOTE & MICROCLINE - Landsverk 1, Landsverk, Evje og Hornes, Agder, Norway Green Epidote crystals with pinkish crystalline Microcline on matrix 50p 1
786 EPISTILBITE - Siatorska Bukovinka Quarry, Cerova Vrchovina, Slovakia Whitish to clear Epistilbite crystals on matrix £1.00 £1.50p 1 2
2654 ETTRINGITE - Boissejour, Puy de Dome, Auvergne, France Sprays of small white acicular Ettringite crystals on matrix SOLD .
792 FERRIERITE-Mg & CLINOPTILOLITE - Basalt Quarry, Weitendorf, Wildon, Styria, Austria Tufts of small white Ferrierite crystals on small colourless Clinoptilolite crystals in cavities in matrix £1.00 1
796 FLUORITE & ALBITE - Landsverk 1, Landsverk, Evje og Hornes, Agder, Norway Aggregates of pale mauve octahedral Fluorite crystals with clear tabular Albite crystals on matrix 50p 1
1512 FLUORITE & MICROCLINE - Landsverk 1, Landsverk, Evje og Hornes, Agder, Norway Aggregates of pale mauve octahedral Fluorite crystals with pinkish Microcline crystals on matrix £1.50p 12
799 FLUORITE, MICROCLINE & ALBITE - Landsverk 1, Landsverk, Evje og Hornes, Agder, Norway Aggregates of pale mauve octahedral Fluorite crystals with pinkish Microcline crystals and clear tabular Albite crystals on matrix SOLD .
2655 GANOMALITE & PHLOGOPITE - Langban Mines, Filipstad, Wermland, Sweden Whitish Ganomalite with whitish Phlogopite forming whole of specimen SOLD .
2656 GRAPHITE - Zwingau Shaft, Pfaffenreuth, Bavaria, Germany Shiny dark grey platy Graphite crystals embedded in calcite matrix £2.00 1
2657 GREENOVITE var of SPHENE - St. Marcel, Val D'Aosta, Piedmont, Italy Pale pink Greenovite in matrix £1.00 1
2658 GREENOVITE var of SPHENE, PIEDMONTITE & TREMOLITE - St. Marcel, Val D'Aosta, Piedmont, Italy Pale pink Greenovite with deep red Piedmontite and white fibrous Tremolite forming the bulk of the specimens £2.00 1
2659 GREIGITE - Druzba Mine, Lomnice, Sokolov, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic Small black specks in matrix SOLD .
810 HEMIMORPHITE - Barbara Mine, Lavrion, Greece Sprays of bladed Hemimorphite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix £1.00 £1.50p 1 1
2064 HEMIMORPHITE & QUARTZ - Barbara Mine, Lavrion, Greece Sprays of whitish bladed Hemimorphite crystals scattered over Quartz crystals in cavities in matrix £1.00 2
1518 HYALITE & CLINOPTILOLITE - El Hornillo, Mogan, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain Colourless rounded Hyalite generally coating aggregates of tabular Clinoptilolite crystals in cavities in matrix £1.00 1
815 HYDROTALCITE & LIZARDITE - Dypindal Serpentine/Magnesite Deposit, Snarum, Modum, Viken, Norway White micaceous Hydrotalcite with yellowish green Lizardite forming the whole of specimens £1.00 2
2660 JACOBSITE - Langban Mines, Filipstad, Wermland, Sweden Almost solid mass of shiny black crystalline Jacobsite. Strongly magnetic £2.00 2
2661 JAROSITE - Christiana Mine, Lavrion, Greece Small brown sparkling Jarosite crystals in a cavity in gossan matrix £2.00 1
2662 KAMARIZAITE - Kamariza Mine, Lavrion, Greece Light brown patches of earthy Kamarizaite in matrix £2.00 1
821 KANKITE - Safary Mine, Kank, Kutno Hora, Bohemia, Czech Republic Pale greenish botryoidal crusts on matrix £1.00 £1.50p 1 2
823 KLEBELSBERGITE - Pereta Mine, Scansano, Grosseto, Tuscany, Italy Sprays of clear elongated Klebelsbergite crystals in cavities in Stibnite/Stibiconite matrix £1.00 1
1524 KLEBELSBERGITE, SULPHUR & META-STIBNITE - Pereta Mine, Scansano, Grosseto, Tuscany, Italy Sprays of clear elongated Klebelsbergite crystals with pale yellow Sulphur crystals and red crusty Meta-Stibnite in cavities in Stibnite matrix £1.50p 2
829 LAMPROPHYLLITE & AEGIRINE - Umbozero Mine, Alluaiv Mountains, Murmansk Oblast, Russia Brown bladed Lamprophyllite crystals with dark green elongated Aegirine crystals intergrown on matrix £2.50p 2
2663 LAVENDULAN - Hilarion Mine, Lavrion, Greece Small roseattes and spheres of bright blue Lavendulan on gossan matrix £1.50p 1
2664 LIBETHENITE - Miguel Vacas Mine, Vila Vicosa, Evora, Portugal Small dark-green Libethenite crystals in cavities in matrix +/- Pseudomalachite 50p £1.00 £1.50p 1 6 2
1527 MAGNESIOFERRITE - Langban, Filipstad, Varmland, Sweden Shiny black Magnesioferrite crystals embedded in matrix £2.00 1
2665 MALACHITE - Hilarion Mine, Lavrion, Greece Tiny green Malachite crystals on gossan matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #8080 £1.00 1
2666 MESOLITE - El Hornillo, Mogan, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain White very fine fluffy Mesolite fibres in cavities in matrix 50p 2
844 MICROCLINE - Landsverk 1, Landsverk, Evje og Hornes, Agder, Norway Aggregates of pinkish Microcline crystals on matrix £1.00 £1.50p 2 4
2071 MIMETITE - Plaka Mine, Laurion, Greece Small greenish Mimetite crystals on gossan matrix £1.00 1
2667 MIMETITE - Sophia Mine, Badenweiler, Black Forest, Germany Mainly pale orange, some green stubby Mimetite crystals in a cavity in quartz matrix £1.50p 1
2668 MIXITE - Moldava Deposit, Moldava, Teplice, Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic Pale-green fine acicular Mixite crystals in a cavity in matrix 50p 1
2669 MOLDAVITE - Czech Republic Very dark green piece of Moldavite (Tektite), no matrix. Ex Jill Gopltz collection SOLD .
851 MURMANITE - Khibiny Massif, Kola, Russia Pinkish foliated Murmanite embedded in matrix £3.00 1
2670 MUSCOVITE - Aspedammen, Idd, Halden, Ostfold, Norway Pale brown hexagonal "books" of Muscovite on matrix £1.00 1
2671 OFFRETITE - La Matilla Quarry, La Matilla, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain Cavity in matrix lined with small colourless Offretite crystals £1.00 £1.50p 5 2
1532 OLIVENITE - Cap Garonne, Le Pradet, Var, France Green Olivenite crystals in various forms on matrix SOLD .
2672 ORTHOCLASE var MOONSTONE - Ula Pegmatite, Ula, Tjolling, Larvik, Westfold, Norway Piece of Moonstone displaying bluish adularescence (schiller), no matrix £1.50p 1
2673 PERETAITE - Pereta Mine, Scansano, Grosetto, Tuscany, Italy Small white acicular Peretaite crystals in a cavity in decomposed Stibnite matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection SOLD .
866 PHILLIPSITE - Stradner Kogel, Wilhelmsdorf, Styria, Austria Tiny drusy Phillipsite crystals on matrix £1.00 1
2674 PHLOGOPITE - Langban Mines, Filipstad, Wermland, Sweden Mass of dark brown micaceous Phlogopite crystals forming the bulk of the specimen £1.00 2
869 PSEUDOBROOKITE - Basalt Quarry, Pauliberg, Kobersdorf, Burgenland, Austria Very deep reddish brown tabular Pseudobrookite crystals in cavities in matrix +/- small orange red Enstatite crystals £1.00 £1.50p 1 1
872 PSEUDOMALACHITE - Silberbrunnle Mine, Gengenbach, Black Forest, Germany Small dark green Pseudomalachite crystals in cavities in quartz/goethite matrix £1.50p 3
2675 PYROLUSITE - Esperanza Mine, Lavrion, Greece Shiny black acicular Pyrolusite crystals in cavities in siderite/dolomite matrix SOLD .
2676 PYROMORPHITE - Bastenberg Mine, Ramsbeck, Bestwig, Arnsberg, Germany Green hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals in cavities and on gossan matrix £1.00 1
2677 PYROMORPHITE - Les Farges Mine, Ussel, Correze, New Aquitaine, France Clusters of green hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals with orange or yellow caps caps, no matrix £1.00 £1.50p 1 1
882 PYROMORPHITE - Szuzvar Hill, Patka, Fejer Co., Hungary Tiny brown Pyromorphite crystals in cavities in matrix SOLD .
2678 RAMMELSBERGITE - Lainijour Mine, Mala, Vasterbotten Co., Sweden Bright silvery Rammelsbergite in matrix SOLD .
2083 RHODOCHROSITE - Kremikovtsi Mine, Stolichlna, Sofia, Bulgaria Rounded aggregates of pale brown Rhodochrosite covering surface of matrix £1.00 £1.50p 1 1
2679 ROCKBRIDGEITE - Cornelia Mine, Hagendorf-Sud, Bavaria, Germany Black radiating aggregates of "fibrous" Rockbridgeite crystals in matrix £1.50p 1
888 ROCKBRIDGEITE - Leonie Mine, Schleichershof, Auerbach, Bavaria, Germany Sprays of small black Rockbridgeite crystals in cavities in goethite matrix £1.00 1
2680 SCORODITE - Bejance Mine, Queira, Vouzela, Viseu, Portugal Grey Scorodite crystals in a cavity in quartz matrix £1.50p 1
2681 SCORZALITE & BERLINITE - Halsjoberg, Torsby, Varmland Co., Sweden Small deep blue crystalline Scorzalite with colourless glassy Berlinite embedded in matrix £1.50p £4.00 1 1
2682 SELENITE - Nancy, Meurthe et Moselle, Grand Est, France Group of brownish Selenite crystals, no matrix £1.00 1
2683 SELENITE - Evjedalen, Iveland, Norway Small whitish Selenite crystals on matrix 50p 1
2684 SENARMONTITE & CETINEITE - Le Cetine Mine, Chiusdino, Sienna, Tuscany, Italy Small pale yellow octahedral Senarmontite crystals with tiny dark orange acicular Cetineite crystals in various cavities in matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #8018 £1.00 1
2685 SERPIERITE - Kamariza Mine, Lavrion, Greece Aggregates of small blue Serpierite crystals on gossan matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #4300 £2.50p 1
2686 SILVER - Haugjuvet Mine, Dalane, Kvireseid, Telemark, Norway Tarnished pieces of Silver in matrix £1.50p 1
2687 SILVER - Kongsberg, Vinoren, Norway Small dull grey Silver "wires" on matrix with a thin plate off matrix SOLD .
909 SMITHSONITE & ADAMITE-Cu - Jean Baptiste Mine, Lavrion, Greece Cavities in gossan matrix lined with grey botryoidal Smithsonite and small bluish green spheres of Adamite-Cu £1.50p 1
2688 SMYTHITE - Hagendorf, Solothurn, Switzerland Tiny reddish brown thin hexagonal plates on calcite crystals in a cavity in matrix. Ex Hans Peter Klinger label in association SOLD .
911 SPESSARTINE - Landsverk 1, Landsverk, Evje og Hornes, Agder, Norway Pale orange Spessartine crystals embedded in albite matrix £1.00 2
2689 SPINEL - Marble Quarry, Trehonice, Jiramov, Vysocina region, Czech Republic Small greyish blue octahedral Spinel crystals in calcite matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #5811 SOLD .
2690 STEWARTITE - Cornelia Mine, Hagendorf-Sud, Bavaria, Germany Small yellow bladed Stewartite crystals in a cavity in matrix plus a few straw yellow Strunzite needles SOLD .
2691 STEWARTITE & LAUEITE - Cornelia Mine, Hagendorf-Sud, Bavaria, Germany Small yellow bladed Stewartite crystals with small yellowish orange Laueite crystals in matrix SOLD .
2692 STIBIVANITE - Buca della Vena Mine, Stazzema, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy Small specimens with minute green Stibivanite crystals on calcite matrix. Can be had to spot SOLD .
923 STRONTIANITE - Oberdorf Magnesite Deposit, Bruck-Murzzuschlag, Styria, Austria Aggregates of white hexagonal Strontianite crystals on strontianite matrix SOLD .
924 STRUNZITE & BERAUNITE - Cornelia Mine, Hagendorf-Sud, Bavaria, Germany Small straw coloured acicular Strunzite crystals with small dark greenish black Beraunite spheres in a cavity in matrix £1.00 1
929 TETRAHEDRITE - Clara Mine, Oberwolfach, Black Forest, Germany Dark greyish black tetrahedral Tetrahedrite crystals in cavities in tetrahedrite/quartz matrix £1.00 1
935 TRIDYMITE & HORNBLENDE - Basalt Quarry, Pauliberg, Kobersdorf, Burgenland, Austria Colourless thin hexagonal Tridymite crystals with greenish acicular Hornblende crystals in cavities in matrix £1.00 1
936 TRIDYMITE & SIDERITE - Vechec Quarry, Eastern Slanske Mountains, Presov Region, Slovakia Whitish hexagonal platy Tridymite crystals with small brown Siderite spheres in andesite matrix £1.00 1
940 TURQUOISE - Thier des Carrieres, Cahay, Vielsalm, Wallonia, Belgium Tiny greenish-blue Turquoise crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman specimens £1.00 1
2693 VESUVIANITE - Monte Somma, Vesuvius, Naples, Italy Aggregate of greenish to brown blocky Vesuvianite crystals on matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection SOLD .
2694 VESUVIANITE & CLINOCHLORE - Zermatt, Visip, Valais, Switzerland Dark brown Vesuvianite crystal with dark green hexagonal Clinochlore crystals on matrix SOLD .
2695 VIVIANITE - Santa Barbara Mine, Val D'Arno, Siena, Tuscany, Italy Vivianite geodes lined with dark blue/black Vivianite crystals, no matrix 50p 1
2696 WAVELLITE - Beauvoirs Quarry, Echassieres, Allier, Auvergne, France Cavity in matrix lined with whitish acicular Wavellite crystals £1.50p 2
949 WAVELLITE - Wisniowka Mine, Kielce Co., Swietokrzyskie, Poland Aggregates of small brown radiating Wavellite crystals on and off matrix £1.00 2
2697 WAVELLITE & VARISCITE - Beauvoirs Quarry, Echassieres, Allier, Auvergne, France Sprays of colourless elongated Wavellite crystals with small colourless Variscite crystals on quartz matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #6724 £1.00 3
2698 WULFENITE - Plaka Mines, Lavrion, Greece Orange tabular Wulfenite crystals on gossan matrix +/- green Pyromorphite/Mimetite £1.00 £1.50p 6 1
Europe - The Eifel Region
2699 ANDRADITE - Caspar Quarry, Bellerberg, Ettringen, Eifel, Germany Small deep reddish black Andradite garnet crystals scattered throughout matrix SOLD .
961 ARAGONITE - Nickenicher, Nickenich, Eifel, Germany Sprays of very fine acicular colourless Aragonite crystals in cavities in matrix £1.00 £1.50p 5 1
965 ENSTATITE & PSEUDOBROOKITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small glassy orange Enstatite crystals in cavities in matrix with shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals £1.50p 2
967 ENSTATITE, PSEUDOBROOKITE & HAEMATITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small glassy orange Enstatite crystals in cavities in matrix plus some shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals and black shiny tabular Haematite crystals £1.50p 1
968 ENSTATITE, PSEUDOBROOKITE & RHONITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small glassy orange Enstatite crystals in cavities in matrix plus some shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals and deep red Rhonite crystals £1.50p £2.00 1 1
971 ENSTATITE & SODALITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small glassy orange Enstatite crystals in cavities in matrix with small white Sodalite crystals £1.00 1
973 FORSTERITE, HAEMATITE & PSEUDOBROOKITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small red Forsterite crystals in cavities in matrix plus some black shiny tabular Haematite crystals, and shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals £1.50p 1
974 FORSTERITE & PSEUDOBROOKITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small red Forsterite crystals in cavities in matrix plus shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals £1.00 £1.50p £2.00 1 2 2
976 HAEMATITE, AUGITE, PSEUDOBROOKITE & FORSTERITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small black shiny tabular Haematite in cavities in matrix plus some shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals and dark yellowish brown blocky Augite crystals embedded in the matrix £2.00 1
977 HAEMATITE & FORSTERITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small black shiny tabular Haematite crystals in cavities in matrix with small red Forsterite crystals £1.00 1
978 HAEMATITE & PSEUDOBROOKITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small black shiny tabular Haematite crystals in cavities in matrix with some shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals £1.50p 2
979 HAEMATITE, RHONITE & ENSTATITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small black shiny tabular Haematite crystals in cavities in matrix with deep red Rhonite crystals and glassy orange Enstatite crystals £2.00 1
2701 PHILLIPSITE, CALCITE & PYROXENE - Graulay Quarry, Hillesheim, Eifel, Germany Sprays of whitish Phillipsite crystals with clear Calcite crystals and a few green bladed Pyroxene crystals in a cavity in matrix £1.00 1
2703 PSEUDOBROOKITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small dark brown to black Pseudobrookite crystals in cavities in matrix £1.50p 1
998 PSEUDOBROOKITE & FORSTERITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals with small red Forsterite crystals in cavities in matrix £1.00 4
999 PSEUDOBROOKITE, FORSTERITE & HAEMATITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals with small red Forsterite crystals and black shiny tabular Haematite crystals in cavities in matrix £1.50p 2
1000 PSEUDOBROOKITE & HAEMATITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals with black shiny tabular Haematite crystals in cavities in matrix £1.00 1
1001 PSEUDOBROOKITE, HAEMATITE & FORSTERITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals with black shiny tabular Haematite crystals and small red Forsterite crystals in cavities in matrix £1.50p 1
2704 PSEUDOBROOKITE & SANIDINE - Emmelberg, Eifel, Germany Small brown thin bladed Pseudobrookite crystals with colourless tabular Sanidine crystals in cavities in matrix £1.00 3
2705 PSEUDOBROOKITE, TOPAZ & SANIDINE - Emmelberg, Eifel, Germany Small brown thin bladed Pseudobrookite crystals with whitish sprays of acicular Topaz crystals and colourless tabular Sanidine crystals in cavities in matrix £2.00 £2.50p 1 1
2706 QUADRIDAVYNE - Caspar Quarry, Bellerberg, Ettringen, Eifel, Germany Small clear columnar Quadridavyne crystals on matrix SOLD .
2707 QUADRIDAVYNE & ANDRADITE - Caspar Quarry, Bellerberg, Ettringen, Eifel, Germany Small clear columnar Quadridavyne crystals with small reddish black Andradite crystals on matrix SOLD .
2708 SANIDINE - Emmelberg, Udersdorf, Daun, Eifel, Germany Small colourless blocky Sanidine crystals in cavities in matrix £1.50p 1
1012 SANIDINE & PYROXENE - Caspar Quarry, Bellerberg, Ettringen, Eifel, Germany Small colourless blocky Sanidine crystals with green Pyroxene crystals in cavities in matrix £1.00 1
2709 SPHENE & SANIDINE - In der Ahl Quarry, Hochsimmer, Sankt Johann, Eifel, Germany Small orange sharply pointed Sphene crystals with greyish tabular Sanidine crystals in cavities in matrix £1.00 2
2710 SPHENE, SELLAITE, PHLOGOPITE & LEUCITE - Emmelberg, Udersdorf, Daun, Eifel, Germany Small orange sharply pointed Sphene crystals with colourless to white Sellaite crystals some of which are hollow, wafer thin brown Phlogopite crystals and clear to whitish rounded Leucite crystals in cavities in matrix £1.00 £1.50p £2.00 1 2 3
2711 THAUMASITE & PHILLIPSITE - Graulay Quarry, Hillesheim, Eifel, Germany White silky Thaumasite crystals on sprays of colourless Phillipsite crystals on matrix £1.50p 1
2712 TOPAZ - Emmelberg, Udersdorf, Daun, Eifel, Germany Sprays of whitish acicular Topaz crystals in a cavity in matrix £1.00 1
2713 TOPAZ & PSEUDOBROOKITE & SANIDINE - Emmelberg, Udersdorf, Daun, Eifel, Germany Sprays of small glassy Topaz crystals with small black Pseudobrookite crystals and colourless tabular Sanidine crystals in cavities in matrix £1.50p 1
2714 TOPAZ & SANIDINE - Emmelberg, Udersdorf, Daun, Eifel, Germany Sprays of small glassy Topaz crystals with small colourless tabular Sanidine crystals in cavities in matrix £1.00 1