Micromounts Rest of England...........Updated 27 November 2024
180 ANALCITE - Croft Quarry, Leicester, Leicestershire, England Clusters of colourless to reddish Analcite crystals, little or no matrix SOLD OUT .
1175 AURICHALCITE - Wetgrooves Mine, Aysgarth, North Yorkshire, England Small sky-blue Aurichalcite crystals in/on Calcite matrix �1.00 1
1177 AURICHALCITE & HEMIMORPHITE - Rutland Cavern, Wapping Mine, Matlock Bath, Derbyshire, England Bluish-green feathery Aurichalcite crystals with clusters and sprays of colourless Hemimorphite crystals in matrix SOLD OUT .
1808 AZURITE - Great Sleddale Mine, Swaledale, North Yorkshire, England Partly matted aggregates of small blue elongated Azurite crystals in fluorite lined cavities in matrix. Ex Colin Robinson SOLD OUT .
1178 AZURITE & CALCITE - Cannington Park Quarry, Bridgwater, Somerset Sprays of dark blue Azurite crystals with creamy scalenohedral Calcite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
1810 AZURITE & CALCITE - Ecton Hill, Wetton, Staffordshire, England Small deep blue Azurite crystals with whitish Calcite crystals on limestone matrix SOLD OUT .
1811 BARYTE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Cavity in sandstone matrix filled with pale pinkish Cockscomb Baryte crystals plus a little weathered Chalcopyrite SOLD OUT .
184 BARYTE - Dirtlow Rake, Castleton, Derbyshire, England Clusters and rounded aggregates of white to pink tabular Barytes crystals on matrix �1.00 �1.50p �2.00 3 5 3
186 BARYTE - Wetgrooves Mine, Aysgarth, North Yorkshire, England Colourless Baryte crystals on sphalerite/limestone matrix �1.50p 1
1812 BARYTE - Wetgrooves Mine, Aysgarth, North Yorkshire, England Cluster of colourless Baryte crystals, no matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen �1.50p 1
187 BARYTE & FLUORITE - Dirtlow Rake, Castleton, Derbyshire, England Clusters and rounded aggregates of white to pink tabular Baryte crystals with pale mauve cubic Fluorite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
1813 BARYTE & MALACHITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Pale pinkish Cockscomb Baryte crystals with small green spheres of Malachite on matrix �1.00 1
1814 BARYTE & ROSASITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Pale pinkish Cockscomb Baryte crystals with small bluish green spheres of Rosasite on matrix 50p 1
1815 BEAUDANTITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Yellowish green minutely crystallized Beudantite in cavities in baryte/galena matrix SOLD OUT .
1816 CERUSSITE - California Mine, Eggleshope, Teesdale, Co. Durham, England Iron stained twinned Cerussite crystal in a cavity in quartz matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
191 COPPER & CUPRITE - New Cliff Hill Quarry, Stanton-under-Bardon, Leicestershire, England Solid piece of Cuprite with bits of Copper protruding and cavities filled with small Cuprite crystals SOLD OUT .
1817 CERUSSITE & BARYTE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England White Cerussite crystals on orangy Cockscomb Baryte crystals on galena/baryte matrix �1.00 1
192 COPPER, CUPRITE & MALACHITE - New Cliff Hill Quarry, Stanton-under-Bardon, Leicestershire, England Solid piece of Cuprite with bits of Copper protruding and green acicular Malachite crystals. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
1818 FLUORITE - Blackdene Mine, Ireshopeburn, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Corner of a pale mauve Fluorite crystal, no matrix. Displays the characteristic strong Weardale purple fluorescence. Ex Colin Robinson SOLD OUT .
1819 FLUORITE - Blue Circle/Cement Quarry, Eastgate, Weardale, Co. Durham, England The Blue Circle and Cement Quarries are in fact one and the same and are now called the Lady Annabella Mine. These specimens were collected before the change of name. Green with some purple "phantoms" interpenetrant twinned" Fluorite crystals, no matrix. Displays the characteristic strong Weardale purple fluorescence. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
1820 FLUORITE - Heights Quarry, Eastgate, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Pale green interpenetrant Fluorite twins, some with purple "phantoms". No matrix. Displays the characteristic strong Weardale purple fluorescence. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
1821 FLUORITE - Milldam Mine, Great Hucklow, Derbyshire, England Colourless to purple cubic Fluorite crystals some of the clearer ones with purple edging, in cavities in matrix +/- Smithsonite �1.00 �1.50p 5 1
1822 FLUORITE - Newlandside Quarry, Stanhope, Co. Durham, England Pale pink interpenetrant Fluorite twins on quartz matrix. Displays the characteristic strong Weardale purple fluorescence. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
1823 FLUORITE - Swinhopehead Mine, Stanhope, Co. Durham, England Very pale green interpenetrant Fluorite twins with minor Quartz attached, no matrix. Displays the characteristic strong Weardale purple fluorescence. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
1824 GOETHITE - California Mine, Eggleshope, Teesdale, Co. Durham, England Slightly irridescent Goethite coating Quartz crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
1825 GOETHITE - Cloud Hill Quarry, Breedon-on-the-Hill, Leicestershire, England Matrix covered in tiny brown Goethite crystals. Ex Colin Robinson specimen �1.00 3
1826 HEMIMORPHITE - Buckden Gavel Mine, Buckden, North Yorkshire, England Colourless tabular Hemimorphite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
200 HEMIMORPHITE - Wapping Mine, Matlock Bath, Derbyshire, England Sprays of brownish transparent Hemimorphite crystals in cavities in matrix +/- some pale mauve cubic Fluorite �1.00 1
1828 MALACHITE - Whitfield Brow, Bollihope, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Sprays of small green acicular Malachite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
1828a MALACHITE - Windy Brow Vein, Bollihope, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Small bright green Malachite crystals in a cavity in quartz matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
1829 MALACHITE & BARYTE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Small green spheres of Malachite with pinkish Cockscomb Baryte crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
1830 MALACHITE, BARYTE & ROSASITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Small green spheres of Malachite with pinkish Cockscomb Baryte crystals and small spheres of greenish blue Aurichalcite on matrix SOLD OUT .
1188 MOTTRAMITE - Newhurst Quarry, Shepshed, Leicestershire, England Crust of tiny dark olive-green or yellowish green Mottramite crystals on matrix 50p �1.00 1 1
204 MOTTRAMITE - Pim Hill, Harmer Hill, Shropshire, England Tiny greenish-black Mottramite crystals encrusting sandstone matrix 50p �1.00 1 1
1831 PHOSGENITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Mostly opaque square sectioned pale brown to colourless Phosgenite crystals in cavities in barytes/galena matrix 50p �1.00 1 5
1832 PHOSGENITE & BEUDANTITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Pale brown Phosgenite crystals with yellowish green minutely crystallized Beudantite in cavities in baryte/galena matrix SOLD OUT .
1833 PHOSGENITE & TENNANTITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Tiny colourless Phosgenite crystals with Galena which has a "rind" of bright silvery Tennantite surronding it, in baryte/galena matrix SOLD OUT .
1834 PYRITE - Bollihope Mine, Bollihope, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Aggregates of brassy cubic Pyrite crystals in matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen �1.50p 1
1835 PYRITE - Reddycombe Mine, Harwood Teesdale, Co. Durham, England Aggregates of brassy cubic Pyrite crystals in matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
208 PYRITE & CHLORITE (TOADSTONE) - Ladywash Mine, Eyam, Derbyshire, England Small brassy cubic Pyrite crystals scattered throughout matrix with bluish green Chlorite. Locally known as Toadstone SOLD OUT .
1836 PYROMORPHITE - Blackside Vein, Arkengarthdale, North Yorkshire, England Rounded aggregates of green Pyromorphite crystals on baryte matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
1837 PYROMORPHITE - Burgam Mine, Stiperstones, Shropshire, England Green elongated Pyromorphite crystals thickly covering matrix SOLD OUT .
1838 PYROMORPHITE - Copperthwaite Vein, Reeth, Swaledale, North Yorkshire, England Green hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals covering matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen �1.00 1
1839 PYROMORPHITE - Highfield Hushes, Harwood, Teesdale, Co. Durham, England Pale green to green Pyromorphite crystals in cavities in matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen 50p �1.00 �1.50p 5 2 1
1840 PYROMORPHITE - Old Rake Vein, Gunnerside, Swaledale, North Yorkshire, England Green hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals covering matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
1841 PYROMORPHITE - Stodarts Hush, Arkengarthdale, North Yorkshire, England Green hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
1842 PYROMORPHITE - Whitfield Brow, Bollihope, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Rounded aggregates of green Pyromorphite crystals on baryte matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
1843 PYROMORPHITE - Raines Vein, Whitfield Brow, Bollihope, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Cellular aggregate of green botryoidal Pyromorphite, no matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
1844 QUARTZ & FLUORITE - Lanehead Quarry, Stanhope, Co. Durham, England Clear sparkling Quartz crystals covering pale green cubic Fluorite crystals, no matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
1845 ROSASITE, BARYTES & AZURITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Small greenish blue Rosasite globules with pale pinkish Cockscomb Baryte crystals and small deep blue Azurite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
213 SIDERITE - Sidestrand Beach, Sidestrand, Norfolk, England Tiny brown rhombohedral Siderite crystals in cavities in flint nodules �1.00 1
216 SMITHSONITE - Old Rake Vein, North Yorkshire, England Small yellowish Smithsonite crystals lining cavities in matrix SOLD OUT .
1846 SPHALERITE, CALCITE & BARYTE - Hampstead Farm Quarry, Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, England Brown Sphalerite crystals with whitish scalenohedral Calcite crystals and small pinkish Cockscomb Bartye crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
1847 SPHENE & DIOPSIDE - Thurstaston Beach, Wirral, Cheshire, England Very nice yellow Sphene crystals with dark green Diopside crystals in cavities in matrix SOLD OUT .
1848 TENNANTITE & ANGLESITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Galena in baryte/galena matrix which has a "rind" of bright silvery Tennantite surronding it with a separate cavity containing minute colourless Anglesite crystals SOLD OUT .
1849 TENNANTITE & BEUDANTITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Galena in baryte/galena matrix which has a "rind" of bright silvery Tennantite surronding it with patches of yellowish green minutely crystallized Beudantite in association SOLD OUT .