Micromounts Rest of England...........Updated 1 March 2025
2288 ALSTONITE - Fallowfield Mine, Hexham, Northumberland, England Classic greyish-white pointed hexagonal Alstonite crystals in cavities in Alstonite matrix with a little white Hydrozincite SOLD .
2289 ARAGONITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Sprays of white acicular Aragonite crystals with minor Rosasite in a cavity in pink baryte matrix �1.50p 1
2290 ARAGONITE & BARYTE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England White acicular Aragonite crystals with pink "cockscomb" Baryte crystals in a cavity in matrix 50p 1
2291 AURICHALCITE - Newhurst Quarry, Shepshed, Leicestershire, England Patch of minute pale greenish blue Aurichalcite crystals on matrix SOLD .
1175 AURICHALCITE - Wetgrooves Mine, Aysgarth, North Yorkshire, England Small sky-blue Aurichalcite crystals in/on Calcite matrix �1.00 1
2292 AZURITE - Wood Mine, Alderley Edge, Cheshire, England Small to minute deep blue Azurite crystals on sandstone matrix �1.00 1
2293 BARYTE - Danby Level, Arkengarthdale, North Yorkshire, England Small white Baryte crystals growing on a linear axis and forming almost "mini" stalagtites/mites on matrix �2.00 1
2294 BARYTE - Dirtlow Rake, Castleton, Derbyshire, England Clusters and rounded aggregates of white to pink tabular Barytes crystals on matrix �1.00 �1.50p �2.00 5 6 3
2295 BARYTE - Durnford Quarry, Long ashton, Somerset, England Pinkish bladed Baryte crystals growing on dark brown goethite matrix �1.00 1
2296 BARYTE - Hungry Hushes, Swaledale, North Yorkshire, England Aggregate of white tabular Baryte crystals in a cavity in matrix �1.50p 1
2297 BARYTE - Settlingstones Mine, Hexham, Northumberland, England Aggregate of white tabular Baryte crystals on matrix �1.50p 1
2298 BARYTE - Tenter Hill, Bramham, North Yorkshire, England White to clear tabular bladed Barytes crystals on matrix �2.00 1
186 BARYTE - Wetgrooves Mine, Aysgarth, North Yorkshire, England Colourless Baryte crystals on sphalerite/limestone matrix �1.50p 1
1812 BARYTE - Wetgrooves Mine, Aysgarth, North Yorkshire, England Cluster of colourless Baryte crystals, no matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen �1.50p 1
2299 BARYTE - Wetgrooves Mine, Aysgarth, North Yorkshire, England Clusters of large tabular iron-stained Baryte crystals, no matrix �1.00 �2.00 1 1
2300 BARYTE & FLUORITE - Monsall Head, Derbyshire, England Small white Baryte crystals with small pale mauve cubic Fluorite crystals on matrix �1.00 1
1813 BARYTE & MALACHITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Pale pinkish Cockscomb Baryte crystals with small green spheres of Malachite on matrix �1.00 1
2301 BARYTE, MALACHITE & ARAGONITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Aggregates of small pale pinkish Cockscomb Baryte crystals with small green Malachite spheres and white spiky Aragonite crystals in a cavity in pink baryte matrix �1.00 1
2302 BARYTOCELESTINE & FLUORITE - Hampstead Farm Quarry, Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, England Old name for material from this locality. Sprays of pinkish elongated Barytocelestine crystals with yellow cubic Fluorite crystals on calcite matrix �1.00 �1.50p 1 1
2303 CALCITE & FLUORITE - Ladywash Mine, Eyam, Derbyshire, England White scalenhedral Calcite crystals with clear cubic Fluorite crystals on matrix �1.00 1
1817 CERUSSITE & BARYTE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England White Cerussite crystals on orangy Cockscomb Baryte crystals on galena/baryte matrix �1.00 1
2304 CHALCOCITE & MALACHITE - Moons Hill Quarry, Stoke St. Michael, Somerset, England Specks of shiny black Chalcocite disseminated throughout matrix with green Malachite �1.00 2
2305 CHRYSOCOLLA & CHALCOCITE - Moons Hill Quarry, Stoke St. Michael, Somerset, England Bluish green Chrysocolla in matrix with specks of black Chalcocite disseminated throughout �1.00 1
2306 CHRYSOCOLLA & MALACHITE - Moons Hill Quarry, Stoke St. Michael, Somerset, England Bluish green Chrysocolla in matrix with green Malachite 50p 1
2307 CHLOROXIPHITE, DIABOLEITE & MENDIPITE - Merehead Quarry, East Cranmore, Somerset, England Deep green bladed Chloroxiphite crystals with some very small blue Diaboleite embedded in pink Mendipite, no other matrix SOLD .
2308 CHLOROXIPHITE & MENDIPITE - Merehead Quarry, East Cranmore, Somerset, England Deep green bladed Chloroxiphite crystals embedded in pink Mendipite, no other matrix +/- Malachite �2.00 4
2721 DICKITE - South Bay, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, England White minutely crystallised Dickite on matrix �1.00 2
2309 DOLOMITE - Newhurst Quarry, Shepshed, Leicestershire, England Pale brown rhombohedral Dolomite crystals on matrix 50p �1.00 �1.50p 1 2 1
2310 FLUORITE - Blue Circle/Cement Quarry, Eastgate, Weardale, Co. Durham, England The Blue Circle and Cement Quarries are in fact one and the same and are now called the Lady Annabella Mine. These specimens were collected before the change of name. Green with some purple "phantoms" interpenetrant twinned" Fluorite crystals, no matrix. Displays the characteristic strong Weardale purple fluorescence. Ex Colin Robinson specimen �2.00 �3.00 1 3
2311 FLUORITE - Milldam Mine, Great Hucklow, Derbyshire, England Colourless to purple cubic Fluorite crystals some of the clearer ones with purple edging, in cavities in matrix +/- Smithsonite �1.00 �1.50p 3 1
2312 FLUORITE - Old Millclose Lead Mine, Darley Dale, Derbyshire, England Small colourless cubic Fluorite crystals on matrix 50p 1
2313 FLUORITE, BARYTE & SPHALERITE - Old Millclose Lead Mine, Darley Dale, Derbyshire, England Small pale mauve cubic Fluorite crystals with white Baryte and yellow brown Sphalerite crystals on matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection �1.00 1
2314 FLUORITE & CALCITE - Hampstead Farm Quarry, Chipping Sodbury, Gloucestershire, England Small yellow cubic Fluorite crystals on Calcite crystals with included Pyrite crystals 50p �1.00 1 1
2315 FLUORITE & SMITHSONITE - Milldam Mine, Great Hucklow, Derbyshire, England Small purple cubic Fluorite crystals with creamy globular Smithsonite on matrix �1.00 1
2316 GALENA - Masson Hill Quarry, Matlock Bath, Derbyshire, England Dark grey modified cube/octahedral Galena crystals embedded in calcite natrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection �1.00 1
2317 GALENA - Newhurst Quarry, Shepshed, Leicestershire, England Dark grey modified cube/octahedral Galena crystals, some may have been partially altered to cerussite +/- Cerussite, Calcite �1.00 2
2318 GALENA, WULFENITE & CALCITE - Newhurst Quarry, Shepshed, Leicestershire, England Dark grey modified cube/octahedral Galena crystals with small tan tabular Wulfenite crystals and clear scalenohedral Calcite crystals on matrix SOLD .
1825 GOETHITE - Cloud Hill Quarry, Breedon-on-the-Hill, Leicestershire, England Matrix covered in tiny brown Goethite crystals. Ex Colin Robinson specimen �1.00 3
2319 GOETHITE - Merehead Quarry, East Cranmore, Somerset, England Spray of black elongated Goethite crystals on matrix SOLD .
2320 GOETHITE & CALCITE - Coleman's Quarry, Nunney, Mendip, Somerset, England Sprays of dark reddish brown bladed Goethite crystals in amongst whitish Calcite crystals on matrix SOLD .
2321 GOETHITE & QUARTZ - Merehead Quarry, East Cranmore, Somerset, England Sprays of black elongated Goethite crystals with colourless Quartz crystals on matrix 50p 1
2322 GREENOCKITE - Whatley Quarry, Frome, Somerset, England Thin crust of yellow Greenockite on matrix SOLD .
2323 HEMIMORPHITE - Newhurst Quarry, Shepshed, Leicestershire, England Small sprays of tiny white Hemimorphite crystals on matrix SOLD .
2324 HEMIMORPHITE - Wapping Mine, Matlock Bath, Derbyshire, England Sprays of brownish transparent Hemimorphite crystals on matrix +/- some pale mauve cubic Fluorite �1.00 �1.50p 1 1
2325 KENTROLITE & PYROLUSITE - Merehead Quarry, East Cranmore, Somerset, England Sprays of black acicular Pyrolusite crystals overgrown with shiny black blocky Kentrolite crystals on calcite/pyrolusite matrix +/- the very occaisional yellow Mimetite crystal(s) �2.00 �3.00 2 1
2326 KENTROLITE, PYROLUSITE & MIMETITE - Merehead Quarry, East Cranmore, Somerset, England Sprays of black acicular Pyrolusite crystals overgrown with shiny black blocky Kentrolite crystals on calcite/pyrolusite matrix plus a cavity containing some very tiny yellow Mimetite crystals SOLD .
2327 MALACHITE - Merehead Quarry, East Cranmore, Somerset, England Green Malachite embedded in calcite matrix 50p 1
2328 MALACHITE - Middleton Flats Mine, Via Gellia, Cromford, Derbyshire, England Green velvety Malachite in a cavity in gossan matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection �1.00 1
2329 MALACHITE - Newhurst Quarry, Shepshed, Leicestershire, England Spray of small green acicular Malachite crystals in matrix 50p 1
2330 MALACHITE & BARYTE - Merehead Quarry, East Cranmore, Somerset, England Thin glassy tabular Baryte crystals on Malachite in matrix 50p 1
2331 MALACHITE & DIABOLEITE - Merehead Quarry, East Cranmore, Somerset, England Green Malachite with a single tiny blue crystal of Diaboleite in calcite matrix SOLD .
2332 MENDIPITE - Merehead Quarry, East Cranmore, Somerset, England Pieces of pale pink Mendipite, no matrix �1.00 �2.00 1 6
2333 MENDIPITE & CHLOROXIPHITE - Merehead Quarry, East Cranmore, Somerset, England A piece of pale pink Mendipite with a single dark olive green Chloroxiphite embedded in it, no matrix SOLD .
2334 MOTTRAMITE - Newhurst Quarry, Shepshed, Leicestershire, England Thin crust of tiny dark olive-green or yellowish green Mottramite crystals on matrix �1.00 1
1831 PHOSGENITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Mostly opaque square sectioned pale brown to colourless Phosgenite crystals in cavities in barytes/galena matrix 50p �1.00 1 4
2335 PHOSGENITE & BINDHEIMITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Pale brown Phosgenite crystals with pale yellow powdery Bindheimite in cavities in baryte/galena matrix �1.00 �1.50p 2 1
1834 PYRITE - Bollihope Mine, Bollihope, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Aggregates of brassy cubic Pyrite crystals in matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen �1.50p 1
2336 PYROLUSITE & KENTROLITE - Merehead Quarry, East Cranmore, Somerset, England Sprays of black acicular Pyrolusite crystals overgrown with shiny black blocky Kentrolite crystals on calcite/pyrolusite matrix �2.00 2
2337 PYROMORPHITE - Burgam Mine, Shelve, Shropshire, England Green elongated Pyromorphite crystals covering black manganese on matrix �2.00 1
2338 PYROMORPHITE - Burgam Mine, Shelve, Shropshire, England Green elongated Pyromorphite crystals covering black manganese on matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection �2.00 1
1838 PYROMORPHITE - Copperthwaite Vein, Reeth, Swaledale, North Yorkshire, England Green hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals covering matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen �1.00 1
1839 PYROMORPHITE - Highfield Hushes, Harwood, Teesdale, Co. Durham, England Pale green to green Pyromorphite crystals in cavities in matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen 50p �1.00 �1.50p 3 2 1
2339 PYROMORPHITE - Myttons Beach Mine, Stiperstones, Shropshire, England Sprays of tiny white to pale greem Pyromorphite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix 50p 2
2340 PYROMORPHITE - Stodarts Hush, Arkengarthdale, North Yorkshire, England Small clear hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals on baryte matrix �1.00 1
2341 PYROMORPHITE - White Rake, Tideswell, Derbyshire, England Minute to tiny green acicular Pyromorphite crystals on a somewhat friable matrix SOLD .
2341a PYROMORPHITE - White Rake, Tideswell, Derbyshire, England Minute to tiny green acicular Pyromorphite crystals on a somewhat friable matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection 50p 1
2342 QUARTZ - Calton Hill Quarry, Blackwell, Derbyshire, England Cluster of colourless Quartz crystals with a few small spheres of Haematite scattered over them �1.00 1
2343 ROSASITE - Closehouse Mine, Lunedale, Co. Durham, England Small bluish-green Rosasite on matrix �1.00 2
213 SIDERITE - Sidestrand Beach, Sidestrand, Norfolk, England Tiny brown rhombohedral Siderite crystals in cavities in flint nodules �1.00 1
2344 SIDERITE & FLUORITE - Blackdene Mine, Ireshopeburn, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Dark brown curved Siderite crystals with colourless cubic Fluorite crystals in cavities in siderite/fluorite/quartz matrix �1.50p 1
2345 SMITHSONITE & HEMIMORPHITE - Hurst Mines, Reeth, Swaledale North Yorkshire, England Small spheres of Smithsonite with tiny whitish Hemimorphite crystals in cavities in matrix SOLD .
2346 STRONTIANITE & BARYTE - Hartcliffe Rocks Quarry, Felton, Somerset, England Small clusters of white spiky Strontianite crystals perched on white to pinkish tabular Baryte crystals in a cavity in matrix �1.00 1
2347 TENNANTITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Galena in baryte/galena matrix which has a "rind" of bright silvery Tennantite surronding it �1.00 3
2348 VANADINITE & MOTTRAMITE - Judkins Quarry, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England Tiny clear hexagonal Vanadinite crystals with tiny greenish brown Mottramite crystals on matrix SOLD .
2349 VESIGNEITE - New Cliffe Hill Quarry, Stanton-under-Bardon, Leicestershire, England Small thin green tabular Vesigneite crystals on matrix SOLD .
2350 WULFENITE - Newhurst Quarry, Shepshed, Leicestershire, England Small pale-brown to orange, bipyramidal to tabular Wulfenite crystals +/- Calcite crystals on matrix �1.00 �1.50p �2.00 2 2 2
2351 WULFENITE & CALCITE - Newhurst Quarry, Shepshed, Leicestershire, England Small pale-brown to orange, bipyramidal to tabular Wulfenite crystals with Calcite crystals some doubly terminated on matrix �1.50p �2.00 1 1
2352 WULFENITE & GALENA - Newhurst Quarry, Shepshed, Leicestershire, England Small pale-brown truncated bipyramidal Wulfenite crystal with Calcite crystals and small grey modified Galena crystals on matrix SOLD .