Micromounts Asia & Australasia including Turkey...........Updated 1 March 2025
2001 AEGIRINE & ANORTHOCLASE - Opo Bay, Mayor Island, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand Small dark green Aegirine crystals with colourless glassy Anorthoclase crystals in cavities and in matrix 50p £1.50p £2.00 1 7 1
2568 AEGIRINE/AUGITE - Mount Shadwell, Mortlake, Victoria, Australia Small yellow Aegirine/Augite crystals on matrix £1.00 2
2569 AGATHACOPALITE (KAURI GUM) - Dargaville, Kaipara, New Zealand Piece of orange Kauri Gum, no matrix SOLD .
2570 ANALCITE - Bickers Quarry, Tokatoka, Kaipara, New Zealand Small colourless Analcite crystals in a cavity in matrix 50p 1
2571 ANGLESITE - South Mine, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Aggregate of white/colourless Anglesite crystals possibly pseudomorphing Cerussite, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #7742 SOLD .
2571a ANGLESITE - South Mine, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Aggregate of white/colourless Anglesite crystals possibly pseudomorphing Cerussite, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #7587 £2.00 1
2572 AUGITE - Hendersons Quarry, Ngongotaha, Rotorua, New Zealand Small orange elongated Augite crystals with white hexagonal Tridymite crystals in cavities in matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #6008 SOLD .
2573 AUGITE - Mayor Island, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand Small black stubby Augite crystals in cavities in matrix. According to the last talk I heard it is unlikely that anymore material will be collected in future. Cultural sensitivities 50p £1.50p 1 1
2574 AZURITE - Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Deep blue Azurite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #7589 £1.00 1
2575 AZURITE & MALACHITE - Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Deep blue Azurite crystals with green Malachite on matrix £1.00 1
601 BISMUTH - Mareeba Shire, Queensland, Australia Bright silvery Bismuth embedded in matrix £1.50p 1
602 CALCITE - Biggenden Mine, North Burnett Region, Queensland, Australia Rhombic Calcite crystals on matrix 50p 1
2576 CHABAZITE - Lyttleton Quarry, Banks Peninsula, Christchurch, New Zealand Colourless Chabazite crystals in cavities in matrix SOLD .
2006 CHEVKINITE-Ce - Arondu, Basha Valley, Shigar, Gilgit, Pakistan Black part crystals with crystal faces, no matrix £2.50p 5
2577 CLINOCHLORE - Omaui Serpentine Quarry, Greenhills, Invercargill, New Zealand Brown micaceous Clinochlore embedded in feldspar matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #6723 SOLD .
2578 COOMBSITE - Akatore Mine, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand Pale brown massive Coombsite forming most of specimen SOLD .
2579 COPPER - Mount Isa, Queensland, Australia Nugget of Copper, no matrix £2.00 1
610 COPPER & CUPRITE - Great Australia Mine, Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia Bits of Copper and Cuprite protruding from a jaspery matrix +/- Malachite £1.00 £1.50p 4 2
1424 COPPER & CUPRITE - Great Australia Mine, Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia Bits of Copper and Cuprite protruding from a Jasper matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD .
2580 CROCOITE & PYROMORPHITE - Dundas, Tasmania, Australia Bright orange Crocoite crystals with small green Pyromorphite crystals on gossan matrix £1.00 1
2581 CRYPTOMELANE - Reaphook Hill, Martin's Well, South Australia, Australia Very dark grey stalactitic Cryptomelane forming all of specimen. Ex David Hardman collection #8481 £1.50p 1
616 CUPRITE - Great Australia Mine, Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia Cavities in solid Cuprite lined with small "black" or deep red cubic Cuprite crystals £1.00 £1.50p 2 1
2582 CYRILOVITE Pseudo after STRENGITE - Iron Monarch, Iron Knob, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, Australia Orange Cyrilovite replacing small Strengite crystals on matrix. Ex Geoff Whimpress collection SOLD .
619 ELPIDITE-Ca & AEGIRINE - Khan Bogd Massif, Khanbogd District, Omnogovi, Mongolia Orange crystalline Elpidite-Ca with dark green Aegirine crystals embedded in matrix £2.00 1
2583 EMBOLITE - Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Small brown waxy looking Embolite crystals in small cavities in matrix £1.00 1
2584 EMERALD - Aga Khan Mine, Poona, Western Australia Single green hexagonal Emerald crystal, no matrix SOLD .
2585 ERYTHRITE - Mount Cobalt, Selwyn, Queensland, Australia Radiating sprays of pink Erythrite crystals on matrix £1.50p 1
2586 ERYTHRITE, HETEROGENITE & MANSFIELDITE - Mount Cobalt, Selwyn, Queensland, Australia Sprays of pink Erythrite crystals with shiny black Heterogenite and pale pink Mansfieldite spheres on matrix SOLD .
2587 FLUORAPOPHYLLITE-K & PREHNITE - Malad Quarries, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Mass of colourless Fluorapophyllite-K crystals on whitish stalactitic Prehnite plus one small sphere of Gyrolite, no matrix £2.00 1
2588 FLUORAPOPHYLLITE-K & SCOLECITE - Pune, Maharashtra, India Colourless blocky Fluorapophyllite-K crystals with colourless Scolecite crystals, no matrix £1.00 1
2589 GOLD - NSW, Australia Bright shiny Gold in quartz gossan matrix £2.00 £3.00 £4.00 8 8 5
2590 GYROLITE & PREHNITE - Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Creamy Gyrolite spheres on grey Prehnite matrix £1.00 £1.50p 2 1
2591 GYROLITE & QUARTZ - Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Sphere of Gyrolite with a cluster of Quartz crystals attached, no matrix £1.00 1
637 HEULANDITE - Nilwandi Dam Rock Quarry, Akole, Maharashtra, India Colourless tabular Heulandite crystals lining the inside of a detached vesicle, no matrix £2.00 1
2009 HEULANDITE - Wagholi Quarry, Pune, Pune, Maharashtra, India Thin tabular Heulandite crystals with some quartz on basalt matrix £1.50p 1
2592 HSINGHUALITE - Hsingua Ridge, Linwu Co., Hunan, China Colourless to greyish Hsinghualite embedded in chlorite matrix £2.50p 1
641 HUNTITE - Tea Tree Gully, South Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia, Australia Creamy white earthy Huntite forming the whole specimens £1.00 2
2010 HYALITE - Lake Rotokawa Sulphur Mine, Taupo, New Zealand Colourless glassy botryoidal Hyalite on matrix £1.00 4
2593 IRON METEORITE - Henbury Station, Northern Territory, Australia Rusty piece of Iron Meteorite, no matrix. Container contains dessicant £5.00 1
1439 KINGITE - Clinton Phosphate Quarry, Port Clinton, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia, Australia White earthy Kingite forming the bulk of the specimens, no matrix £1.50p 2
2594 LINARITE, CERUSSITE & CUPRO-SMITHSONITE - Kintore Opencut, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Sprays of blue Linarite crystals with white Cerussite crystals covered in tiny pale green Cupro-Smithsonite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #3925 SOLD .
2595 MALACHITE - Brilliant Mine, Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia Sprays of dark green Malachite crystals on quartz matrix SOLD .
2596 MALACHITE - Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Small dark green blocky Malachite crystals in cavities in quartz gossan matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #8719 Ex Mike Leppington collection SOLD .
2012 MALACHITE - Brown's Prospect, Rum Jungle, Batchelor, Northern Territories, Australia Green nodules of acicular Malachite crystals, no matrix £1.50p 1
644 MALACHITE - Great Australia Mine, Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia Green acicular to small dark blocky Malachite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix +/- some cuprite £1.00 £1.50p 1 1
2597 MALACHITE & CERUSSITE - Tui Mine, Waikato, New Zealand White "jackstraw" Cerussite crystals on green velvety Malachite in cavities in sphalerite matrix SOLD .
646 MALACHITE & CUPRITE - Great Australia Mine, Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia Green acicular to small dark blocky Malachite crystals with massive Cuprite in cavities in quartz/jasper matrix £1.00 1
647 MALACHITE, CUPRITE & QUARTZ - Great Australia Mine, Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia Green acicular to small dark blocky Malachite crystals with massive Cuprite and small Quartz crystals in cavities in quartz/jasper matrix £1.00 2
2598 MELANTERITE - Ercadi Maden, Turkey Aggregate of minute pale green Melanterite crystals with probable white acicular Halotrichite crystals, no matrix SOLD .
649 MIMETITE - Block 14 Opencut, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Pale brown hexagonal Mimetite crystals with either flat tops or pointed terminations in cavities in matrix £1.50p £2.00 2 1
2599 MIMETITE - Kintore Opencut, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Small pale yellow Mimetite crystals on Goethite in a cellular matrix SOLD .
2599a MIMETITE - Kintore Opencut, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Yellowish green hexagonal Mimetite crystals on a manganese/quartz matrix SOLD .
2600 MIMETITE & GOETHITE - MMM Opencut, South Mine, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Small colourless sparkling Mimetite crystals on cellular Goethite matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #927 £2.00 1
2601 MOLYBDENITE - Bannockburn, Cromwell, Otago, New Zealand Bright silvery roughly hexagonal Molybdenite crystals on quartz matrix £1.50p 2
2602 MOLYBDENITE - Moonta Mines, Moonta, South Australia, Australia Bright silvery roughly hexagonal Molybdenite crystals on and embedded in granite matrix £1.00 £1.50p 2 2
2603 MONTMORILLONITE - Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand Dark grey Montmorillonite lining cavities in basalt matrix SOLD .
2604 OLIVENITE - Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Tiny green Olivenite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman #8720 & Mike Leppington collections 50p 1
659 PREHNITE - Kandivali Quarry, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Aggregate of whitish platy Prehnite crystals, no matrix £1.00 1
661 PSEUDOMALACHITE - Great Australia Mine, Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia Rounded aggregates of minute green Pseudomalachite crystals on gossan matrix £1.00 1
662 PSEUDOMALACHITE & CUPRITE - Spring Creek Mine, Wilmington, South Australia, Australia Small dark green Pseudomalachite crystals encrusting deep ruby red Cuprite in cavities in quartz/jasper matrix £1.50p 2
2605 PYROLUSITE - Iron Monarch, Iron Knob, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, Australia Shiny black bladed Pyrolusite crystals in a cavity in pyrolusite matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #8363 £1.50p 1
2606 PYROMORPHITE - Kintore Opencut, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Rich coverage of small clear to white spiky Pyromorphite crystals on matrix plus some orange Garnets £2.00 1
2607 PYROMORPHITE & HINSDALITE - Block 14 Opencut, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Whitish Pyromorphite crystals on matrix all covered with tiny yellowish green Hinsdalite crystals. Ex David Hardman collection #6521 £1.00 1
2608 QUARTZ & EPIDOTE - Paritu, Coromandel, Waikato, New Zealand Whitish Quartz crystals with pale yellow Epidote crystals in a cavity in matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #5835 £1.00 1
2609 ROSASITE - Billy Springs Mine, Mount Fitton, South Australia, Australia Bluish green Rosasite spheres in a cavity in matrix SOLD 1.
2610 SARABAUITE & WOLLASTONITE - Sarabau Mine, Bau, Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, Indonesia Red veins of Sarabauite running through white Wollastonite matrix £3.00 1
2611 SCHOLZITE - Reaphook Hill, Martin's Well, South Australia, Australia Aggregate of thin whitish bladed Scholzite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #8483. Also comes with an old Willyama Minerals label £1.50p 1
2611a SCHOLZITE - Reaphook Hill, Martin's Well, South Australia, Australia Aggregate of colourless Scholzite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection #8483. Also comes with an old Willyama Minerals label £1.00 1
2612 SCHORL - Greenbushes Mine, Greenbushes Tinfield, Western Australia, Australia Single black Schorl Crystals, no matrix £1.50p £2.00 1 1
2613 SELLAITE & FLUORITE - Brocks Creek, Adelaide River, Northern Territory, Australia White to colourless Sellaite intergrown with purple Fluorite, no crystals £1.50p £2.00 1 1
669 SILVER - Block 14 Opencut, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Small aggregates of very bright spongy Silver on gossan matrix. Some light tarnishing on a few pieces £1.50p £2.00 2 1
670 SMITHSONITE - Block 14 Opencut, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Stalactitc Goethite encrusted with greyish translucent clusters of Smithsonite crystals, rather nice £1.50p £2.00 7 1
2614 SMITHSONITE & CERUSSITE - Kintore Opencut, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Small greyish spiky Smithsonite crystals withcolourless blocky Cerussite crystals in galena matrix 50p 1
671 SMITHSONITE & CORONADITE - Block 14 Opencut, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Clusters of greyish multiple twinned Smithsonite crystals on black/dark grey coronadite matrix £1.00 £1.50p £2.00 2 3 1
2615 SMOKY QUARTZ & GOETHITE - Reaphook Hill, Martin's Well, South Australia, Australia Brown Smoky Quartz crystals with small dark brown acicular crystals lining small geodes £1.00 2
2616 SPHALERITE - Iron Monarch, Iron Knob, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, Australia Black modified tetrahedral Sphalerite crystals on matrix SOLD .
2617 STAUROLITE - Barossa Valley, South Australia, Australia Brown interpenetrant Staurolite crystals, no matrix £1.50p 1
676 STAUROLITE - Cattle Creek, Rosebud Station, Queensland, Australia Dark brown twinned Staurolite crystalsm, no matrix £1.00 2
2618 STICHTITE - Stichtite Hill, Zeehan, Tasmania, Australia Pinky mauve Stichtite in matrix SOLD .
2619 STICHTITE & SERPENTINE - Stichtite Hill, Zeehan, Tasmania, Australia Pinky mauve Stichtite with green Serpentine in matrix. Ex Jill Goltz collection SOLD .
2620 TRIDYMITE - Spring Hill, Macedon Ranges, Victoria, Australia Clusters of white tabular Tridymite crystals in cavities in matrix 50p £1.00 1 1
2621 TRIDYMITE & AUGITE - Spring Hill, Macedon Ranges, Victoria, Australia Clusters of white tabular Tridymite crystals with small dark brown Augite crystals in cavities in matrix £1.00 1
2622 TRIDYMITE, AUGITE & MAGNETITE - Spring Hill, Macedon Ranges, Victoria, Australia Clusters of white tabular Tridymite crystals with small dark brown Augite crystals and tiny black to grey octahedral Magnetite crystals in cavities in matrix £1.00 £1.50p 4 1
2623 VIOLARITE, PYRRHOTITE & PENTLANDITE - Durkin Mine, Kambalda, Western Australia, Australia A bit tricky this one as all the minerals are intermixed. I understand the Violarite is a dull grey colour +/- small amount of Annabergite £1.00 £1.50p 12
2624 VIOLARITE, PYRRHOTITE, PENTLANDITE & ANNABERGITE - Durkin Mine, Kambalda, Western Australia, Australia As per 2623 with more substantial Annabergite £1.50p 3
2625 VIVIANITE - Raglan Harbour, Waikato, New Zealand Vivianite geodes lined with dark blue/black Vivianite crystals, no matrix SOLD
2031 WAVELLITE - Tom's Quarry, Kapunda, South Australia, Australia Sprays of whitish acicular Wavellite crystals with clear to pale brown blocky Fluellite crystals in cavities in matrix £1.50p 1
2626 WAVELLITE - Tom's Quarry, Kapunda, South Australia, Australia Sprays of clear bladed Wavellite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix £1.00 1
1462 WULFENITE & BARYTE - Maoniuping Mine, Mianning Co., Liangshan Yi, Sichuan Province, China Orange blocky Wulfenite crystals with white thin bladed Baryte crystals on matrix £1.00 1