Thumbnails..................Updated 27 November 2024Cornwall & Devon
T3 ANATASE - Wheal Remfrey, St. Enoder, Cornwall, England Tiny black bipyramidal Anatase crystals in cavities in pink feldspar matrix £2.00 3
T600 APATITE & MICA - Meldon Quarry, Okehampton Hamlets, Devon, England Clear to greyish hexagonal Apatite crystals with yellowish green Mica, probably Muscovite, in cavities and on matrix SOLD OUT .
T601 BAYLDONITE & DUFTITE - Penberthy Croft Mine, St. Hilary, Cornwall, England Crusts of small green Bayldonite crystals with minute olive green Duftite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
T602 BOTALLACKITE - Cligga Head, Perranzabuloe, Cornwall, England Clusters of thin green bladed Botallackite crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T603 BROCHANTITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Small to tiny dark green Brochantite crystals in cracks and crevices in killas matrix +/- minor Malachite £3.00 1
T604 BROCHANTITE & PHARMACOSIDERITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Spherical aggregates of tiny green Brochantite crystals with minute cubic Pharmacosiderite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T355 Ca-FLUORAPATITE, (FRANCOLITE) aka "HOLMBUSHITE" OR "FLOATSTONE" - Holmbush Mine, Stokeclimsland, Cornwall, England Cellular matrix made up almost entirely of silky creamy acicular Ca-Fluorapatite crystals. "Holmbushite" is the original name when discovered and before it's "true" identity Ca-Fluorapatite was discovered. "Floatstone" is because certain pieces will actually float in water. Ex Harry Critchley specimens £4.00 2
T605 CASSITERITE - Cligga Head, Perranzabuloe, Cornwall, England Heavy pieces of Cassiterite/Quartz veinstone with some crystal faces visible £3.00 5
T14 CASSITERITE - Geevor Mine, St. Just, Cornwall, England Dark brown crystalline Cassiterite with a few crystals crystals in a Cassiterite rich matrix £3.00 1
T606 CASSITERITE - Relistien Mine, Gwinear, Cornwall, England Quartz and chlorite veinstone containing small black Cassiterite crystals SOLD OUT .
T15 CASSITERITE - Roselidden Mine, Wendron, Cornwall, England Dark brown sparable Cassiterite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix +/- Quartz, Muscovite £2.00 1
T357 CERUSSITE - Greystone Quarry, Lezant, Cornwall, England Creamy coloured "jackstraw" Cerussite crystals in cavities in matrix £2.00 2
T607 CHALCOPHYLLITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Small to tiny green hexagonal Chalcophyllite crystals in cavities in, and on killas matrix SOLD OUT .
T608 CHALCOPYRITE & TOURMALINE - 14 Level Coronation Lode, Geevor Mine, St. Just, Cornwall, England Mass of dark grey/black Tourmaline needles with bright Chalcopyrite enclosed SOLD OUT .
T609 CLINOCLASE & CORNWALLITE - Wheal Gorland, St. Day, Cornwall, England Deep indigo-blue crystals and crystalline Clinoclase with dark green Cornwallite in a gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
T610 CONNELLITE, CUPRITE & COPPER - Relistien Mine, Gwinear, Cornwall, England Tiny dark blue acicluar Connellite crystals with minute red Cuprite and Copper crystals on killas matrix SOLD OUT .
T21 COPPER - South Caradon Mine, St. Cleer, Cornwall, England Pieces of Copper with some green secondary copper mineralisation, no matrix £5.00 1
T22 CRANDALLITE & QUARTZ - Wheal Jane, Kea, Cornwall, England Brown minutely crystallized crust of Crandallite some possibly epimorphing a Pyrite crystal on matrix SOLD OUT .
T23 DOLOMITE & TALC - Pentreath Beach, Landewednack, Cornwall, England Pinkish rhombohedral Dolomite crystals with creamy coloured Talc in cavities in dolomite matrix £3.00 1
T25 DUFTITE & BAYLDONITE - Penberthy Croft Mine, St. Hilary, Cornwall, England Crusts of minute olive green Duftite crystals with small green Bayldonite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix £3.00 £4.00 1 1
T26 DUFTITE, BAYLDONITE & MIMETITE - Penberthy Croft Mine, St. Hilary, Cornwall, England Crusts of minute olive green Duftite crystals with small green Bayldonite crystals and some pale green or brownish hexagonal Mimetite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
T359 DUNDASITE & CERUSSITE - Padstow Consols, Padstow, Cornwall, England Small white spheres of minute acicular Dundasite crystals with white Cerussite crystals on gossan matrix £3.00 £4.00 2 1
T611 FLUORITE & CLINOCHLORE - Poldice Mine, Gwennap, Cornwall Colourless cubic Fluorite crystals with very dark green spherical clusters of Clinochlore crystals in a cavity in quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
T361 GOETHITE & QUARTZ - Restormel Iron Mine, Lostwithiel, Cornwall Radiating brown Goethite with typical "wood fibre " effect on broken surfaces encrusted with colourless Quartz crystals on quartz/goethite matrix £2.00 1
T362 JAMESONITE - Tresungers Mine, St. Endellion, Cornwall, England Typical silvery fibrous Jamesonite running through quartz matrix £3.00 1
T363 LINARITE, CERUSSITE & BAYLDONITE - Penberthy Croft Mine, St. Hilary, Cornwall, England Sprays of dark blue Linarite crystals with clear Cerussite crystals and a green Bayldonite crust which has micro crystalline Mimetite crystals on it on matrix SOLD OUT .
T612 MALACHITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Green Malachite lining a cavity in matrix SOLD OUT .
T613 MALACHITE & CORNWALLITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Spherical aggregates of green fibrous Malachite associated with dark green Cornwallite in cavities in quartz matrix £4.00 1
T614 MPORORITE & SCHEELITE - Hingston Down Quarry, Calstock, Cornwall, England A patch of white Mpororite on orange Scheelite with thin veinlets of Ferberite running through it. Scheelite fluoresces blue in SW UV SOLD OUT .
T615 OLIVENITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Dark green Olivenite crystals partially coated in Mn oxides on killas matrix £2.00 £3.00 £4.00 1 2 1
T29 OLIVENITE - Wheal Gorland, St. Day, Cornwall, England Very fine acicular Olivenite crystals infilling a quartz cavity in quartz matrix £1.00 1
T616 OLIVENITE & CORNWALLITE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Dark green Olivenite crystals partially coated in Mn oxides plus dark green Cornwallite on killas matrix SOLD OUT .
T32 PHARMACOSIDERITE - Wheal Unity, St. Day, Cornwall, England Very minute greyish green Pharmacosiderite crystals thickly encrusting quartz matrix £2.00 1
T617 PYROLUSITE - Fullabrook Mine, Braunton, Devon, England Dark grey to black cavity linings of velvety Pyrolusite in manganese rich matrix SOLD OUT .
T618 PYROMORPHITE - Pentire Glaze Mine, St. Minver, Cornwall, England Clusters of brown hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals on gossan matrix £2.00 £5.00 1 1
T619 PYROMORPHITE - Trevinnick Mine, St. Kew, Cornwall, England Small yellowish-green to green hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals on gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
T620 QUARTZ - Greystone Quarry, Lezant, Cornwall, England Colourless Quartz crystals in a cavity in quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
T621 QUARTZ Pseudomorphs after BARYTES - Gravel Hill Mine, Perranzabuloe, Cornwall, England Quartz completely replacing Barytes crystals on matrix, some are in fact hollow (epimorphs) SOLD OUT .
T622 QUARTZ & DOLOMITE - Greystone Quarry, Lezant, Cornwall, England Colourless Quartz crystals with creamy rhombohedral Dolomite crystals in a cavity in quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
T35 RUTILE - Lanterdan Quarry, Tintagel, Cornwall, England Golden golden yellow acicular Rutile crystals on quartz matrix £2.00 £4.00 1 1
T623 SCHEELITE, FERBERITE & MPORORITE - Hingston Down Quarry, Calstock, Cornwall, England Solid piece of orange Scheelite with areas of black Ferberite and white patches of Mpororite. Fluoresces blue in SW UV SOLD OUT .
T370 SCORODITE - Hemerdon Bal Mine, Plympton, Devon, England Greyish-blue Scorodite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
T624 SCORODITE & CASSITERITE - Cligga Head, Perranzabuloe, Cornwall, England Small greyish Scorodite crystals lining cavities in quartz matrix with dark brown Cassiterite crystals SOLD OUT .
T625 SCORODITE & WOLFRAMITE - Hemerdon Bal Mine, Plympton, Devon, England Greyish-blue Scorodite crystals with black Wolframite in quartz matrix £3.00 1
T37 SIDERITE - Wheal Drea, St. Just, Cornwall, England Dark chocolaty brown Siderite crystals, (typical for Wheal Drea), in cavities in matrix SOLD OUT .
T38 SIDERITE & CARBONATE FLUORAPATITE, (FRANCOLITE) - George & Charlotte Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Brown Siderite crystals with whitish hexagonal Ca-Fluorapatite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix £3.00 1
T373 TORBERNITE - Wheal Edward, St. Just, Cornwall, England Rich encrustation of small green tabular Torbernite crystals on gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
T41 TREMOLITE/ACTINOLITE - Penhawger Mine, Menheniot, Cornwall, England Aggregates of pale yellowish green fibrous Tremolite/Actinolite crystals on quartz matrix £2.00 1
T626 TOURMALINE - Bedford United Mine, Tavistock Hamlets, Devon, England Small greenish brown to brown acicular Tourmaline crystals in cavities in quartz/killas matrix SOLD OUT .
T42 WAVELLITE - Highdown (Heddon) Quarry, West Buckland, Devon, England Hemispherical radiating aggregates of clear acicular Wavellite crystals on matrix. Fluoresces white under LWUV £2.00 1
T43 WOLFRAMITE - Hemerdon Bal, Plympton, Devon, England Almost solid lump of black Wolframite with a little matrix £3.00 1
Cumberland & Westmorland
T628 AZURITE - Cumpston Hill, Mallerstang, Cumberland, England Small deep blue sparkling Azurite crystals in a cavity in quartz matrix. Ex Colin Robinson SOLD OUT .
T375 BARYTE - Silverband Mine, Dun Fell, Eden, Westmorland, England Aggregates of clear tabular Baryte crystals on a white baryte matrix £2.00 £3.00 1 1
T629 BARYTOCALCITE - Fistas Rake, Blagill Mine, Alston, Cumberland, England Whitish Barytocalcite crystals mostly encrusted with a layer of small white Baryte crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T377 BAYLDONITE - Brandy Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland, England Green botryoidal Bayldonite on quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
T378 BAYLDONITE & MIMETITE - Brandy Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland, England Green botryoidal Bayldonite with a crust of tiny creamy to pale green Mimetite crystals on quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
T630 BAYLDONITE & MIMETITE - Low Pike Trial, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland, England Areas of green Bayldonite with tiny white acicular crystals of Mimetite on matrix SOLD OUT .
T379 BEUDANTITE - Thief Gill, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland, England Tiny drusy yellowish green Beudantite crystals running throughout matrix SOLD OUT .
T631 CALCITE - Brownley Hill Mine, Nenthead, Cumberland, England Aggregates of whitish Calcite crystals, no matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T632 CALCITE - Haile Moor Mine, Egremont, Cumberland, England Whitish to reddish (Haematite inclusions) columnar Calcite crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T633 CALCITE - Ullcoats Mine, Egremont, Cumberland, England Aggregates of colourless Calcite crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen £3.00 1
T633a CALCITE - Ullcoats Mine, Egremont, Cumberland, England Rounded aggregates of small colourless Calcite crystals in a cavity in matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T634 CERUSSITE - Barrow Mine, Braithwaite, Cumberland, England White columnar Cerussite crystals in cavities in matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T47 CERUSSITE - Kinniside Mine, Cleator Moor, Cumberland, England Whitish Cerussite crystals in varying habits on matrix SOLD OUT .
T635 CERUSSITE - Kinniside Mine, Cleator Moor, Cumberland, England White platy Cerussite crystals with colourless columnar Bartye crystals in a cavity in matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen £1.00 1
T636 CERUSSITE - Old Brandley Mine, Derwentwater, Cumberland, England Small white Cerussite crystals some encrusting Galena crystals in cavities in quartz matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T637 CHRYSOCOLLA - Millrigg Mine, Staveley, Cumberland, England Blue to greenish blue Chrysocolla in matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T638 DOLOMITE & QUARTZ - Smallcleugh Mine, Nenthead, Cumberland, England Whitish curved rhombohedral Dolomite crystals on druzy Quartz on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T639 FLUORITE - Hartley Birkett Mine, Kirkby Stephen, Cumberland, England Large, slightly tatty pale yellow interpenetrant twin Fluorite crystals, no matrix SOLD OUT .
T54 HAEMATITE - Florence Mine, Egremont, Cumberland, England Example of "Kidney Ore" showing nice developements SOLD OUT .
T55 HAEMATITE variety SPECULAR - Florence Mine, Egremont, Cumberland, England Small black shiny Specular Haematite crystals +/- quartz in cavities in haematite matrix SOLD OUT .
T640 HAEMATITE variety SPECULAR - Florence Mine, Egremont, Cumberland, England Shiny black thin tabular (little razor blades) Specular Haematite crystals on haematite matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T641 HAEMATITE variety SPECULAR - Ullcoats Mine, Egremont, Cumberland, England Shiny black thin tabular Specular Haematite crystals on haematite matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T57 HEMIMORPHITE - Hartley Birkett, Kirkby Stephen, Cumberland, England Sprays of clear bladed Hemimorphite crystals lining cavities in matrix £2.00 2
T643 LINARITE - 60Fm Level, Sandbed Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland, England Coatings of tiny blue Linarite crystals on quartz matrix. Ex Colin Robinson SOLD OUT .
T644 MALACHITE - Murton Mine, Scordale, Cumberland, England Green feathery Malachite crystals in cavities in quartx matrix. Ex Colin Robinson SOLD OUT .
T60 MIMETITE - Dry Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland, England Yellow to orange hexagonal Mimetite crystals in various shaped on quartz matrix +/- Barytes £3.00 1
T645 MIMETITE - Low Pike Trial, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland, England Pale yellowish green hexagonal Mimetite crystals on quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
T646 MIMETITE - Murton Mine, Scordale, Cumberland, England Small pale green acicular Mimetite crystals in a cavity in matrix. Ex Colin Robinson SOLD OUT .
T648 MIMETITE - 60 Fm Level, Sandbed Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland, England Small pale yellowish green hexagonal Mimetite crystals in cavities in quartz matrix +/- Baryte. Ex Colin Robinson specimen £1.00 1
T649 MOTTRAMITE - Arm 'o' Grain, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland, England Small to tiny black Mottramite crystals scattered over quartz matrix £2.00 1
T388 PLUMBOGUMMITE - Dry Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland, England Area of greyish-blue globular Plumbogummite with yellow Mimetite on quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
T650 PYROLUSITE & CALCITE - Stank Mine, Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria (formerly Lancashire), England Dark grey dendritic Pyrolusite that has grown out into the cavities in calcite matrix SOLD OUT .
T61 PYROMORPHITE - Driggith Opencut, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland, England Small green barrel shaped Pyromorphite crystals on quartz matrix. Very typical for this locality SOLD OUT .
T62 PYROMORPHITE - Mexico Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland, England Cavities in quartz matrix lined wined with pale green hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals £1.00 £2.00 2 3
T651 PYROMORPHITE - Old Brandley Mine, Derwentwater, Cumberland, England Green hexagonal elongated Pyromorphite crystals on quartz matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T652 SPHALERITE & GALENA - Wellhope Shaft, Brownley Hill Mine, Nenthead, Cumberland, England Bright dark sherry coloured Sphalerite crystals with grey Galena crystals almost completely covered in sphalerite crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T653 SPHALERITE & QUARTZ - 12 Fm Level, Driggith Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland, England Orange brown Sphalerite crystals on clear Quartz crystals in cavities in quartz matrix +/- Galena SOLD OUT .
T654 WULFENITE & PYROMORPHITE - Kinniside Mine, Cleator Moor, Cumberland, England Small orange tabular Wulfenite crystals with green hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
Rest of England
T655 ANGLESITE - Whitfield Brow Mine, Bollihope, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Colourless bladed Anglesite crystals in a cavity in galena matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T656 AURICHALCITE - Justice Level, Whaw, Arkengarthdale, North Yorkshire, England Greenish blue feathery Aurichalcite crystals in cavities in calcite/fluorite matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T393 AURICHALCITE - Mouldridge Mine, Pike Hall, Derbyshire, England Sky blue feathery Aurichalcite crystals in cavities in fluorite/baryte matrix SOLD OUT .
T394 AURICHALCITE - Waterbank Mine, Ecton Hill, Staffordshire, England Patches of minute pale blue Aurichalcite crystals fading to white (Hydrozincite) on limestone matrix SOLD OUT .
T396 AURICHALCITE & HEMIMORPHITE - Rutland Cavern, Wapping Mine, Matlock Bath, Derbyshire, England Bluish-green feathery Aurichalcite crystals with clusters and sprays of colourless Hemimorphite crystals in matrix £3.00 1
T657 AZURITE & MALACHITE - Nether Kellett, Carnforth, Lancashire, England Tiny dark blue Azurite crystals with green malachite in cavities in matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T658 BARYTE - Barras End Mine, Reeth, North Yorkshire, England Aggregate of dark brown chisel-shaped Baryte crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T659 BARYTE - Danby Level, Arkengarthdale, North Yorkshire, England Aggregates of white Baryte crystals, on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen £3.00 1
T70 BARYTE - Dirtlow Rake, Castleton, Derbyshire, England Rounded aggregates of pale pinkish tabular Baryte crystals on matrix £1.00 £2.00 £3.00 £4.00 2 7 8 3
T660 BARYTE - Lunehead Mine, Lunedale, Co. Durham, England Aggregates of white Baryte crystals, on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T661 BARYTE - Wetgrooves Mine, Aysgarth, North Yorkshire, England Cluster of colourless Baryte crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T662 BARYTOCALCITE - Fosters Hush, Lunedale, Co. Durham, England Small off-white Barytocalcite crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T663 BEAUDANTITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Yellowish green minutely crystallized Beudantite in cavities in baryte/galena matrix £2.00 £3.00 1 1
T402 BORACITE - Boulby Mine, Loftus, North Yorkshire, England Aggregate of white to very pale blue tetrahedral Boracite crystals, no matrix £3.00 1
T73 BORACITE & HILGARDITE - Boulby Mine, Loftus, North Yorkshire, England Aggregates of pale blue or white tetrahedral Boracite crystals with small orange Hilgardite crystals, no matrix SOLD OUT .
T664 CALCITE - Lanehead Quarry, Stanhope, Co. Durham, England Rounded aggregates of small white Calcite covering Quartz crystals on fluorite matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T405 CERUSSITE - Brandybottle Mine, Swaledale, North Yorkshire, England White Cerussite crystals with white or clear tabular Baryte crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T665 CERUSSITE - California Mine, Eggleshope, Teesdale, Co. Durham, England White Cerussite crystals on gossan matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T666 CERUSSITE - Highfield Hushes, Harwood, Teesdale, Co. Durham, England Whitish elongated Cerussite crystals with pale green Pyromorphite on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T667 CERUSSITE - Whitfield Brow Mine, Bollihope, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Whitish Cerussite crystals on galena/quartz matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T76 CHRYSOCOLLA & MALACHITE - Bardon Hill Quarry, Coalville, Leicestershire, England Greenish blue Chrysocolla coating Malachite spheres on matrix SOLD OUT .
T409 CHRYSOCOLLA & MALACHITE - Bardon Hill Quarry, Coalville, Leicestershire, England Pale green Chrysocolla almost completely replacing Azurite crystals in a cavity in matrix. Ex George Fletcher collection £3.00 1
T668 CINNABAR - Danby Level, Whaw, Arkengarthdale, North Yorkshire, England Thin red powdery Cinnabar in cavities in matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T669 QUARTZ - EISENKIESEL - Sandford Hill Quarry, Sandford, Somerset, England Aggregates of reddish Haematite included Quartz crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T670 FLUORITE - Blue Circle/Cement Quarry, Eastgate, Weardale, Co. Durham, England The Blue Circle and Cement Quarries are in fact one and the same and are now called the Lady Annabella Mine. These specimens were collected before the change of name. Dark green with some purple "phantoms" interpenetrant twinned" Fluorite crystals, no matrix. Displays the characteristic strong Weardale purple fluorescence. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T670a FLUORITE - Blue Circle/Cement Quarry, Eastgate, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Very pale mauve interpenetrant twinned Fluorite crystals, no matrix. Displays the characteristic strong Weardale purple fluorescence. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T671 FLUORITE - Breckonsike Vein, Cowshill, Weardale, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Very pale mauve cubic Fluorite crystals, on matrix. Displays the characteristic strong Weardale purple fluorescence. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T672 FLUORITE - Burtree Slits, Cowshill, Weardale, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Very pale mauve cubic interpenetrant twinned Fluorite crystals in amongst dark brown curved Siderite crystals on matrix. Displays the characteristic strong Weardale purple fluorescence. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T672a FLUORITE - Burtree Slits, Cowshill, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Pale mauve cubic interpenetrant Fluorite twin, no matrix. Displays the characteristic strong Weardale purple fluorescence. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T673 FLUORITE - Diana Maria Mine, Frosterley, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Dark green with some purple "phantoms" interpenetrant twinned" Fluorite crystals, no matrix. Displays the characteristic strong Weardale purple fluorescence. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T674 FLUORITE - Lady Annabella Mine, Eastgate, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Green with some purple "phantoms" interpenetrant twinned" Fluorite crystals, no matrix. Displays the characteristic strong Weardale purple fluorescence. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T675 FLUORITE - Newlandside Quarry, Stanhope, Co. Durham, England Pinky mauve interpenetrant Fluorite twins on matrix. Displays the characteristic strong Weardale purple fluorescence. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T676 FLUORITE (Reticulated) - Old Towns Quarry, Middridge, Co. Durham, England Pale yellow thin tabular plates of Fluorite "reticulated" crystals on matrix +/- calcite & pyrite. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T677 FLUORITE - Pike Law, Newbiggin Teesdale, Co. Durham, England Pale mauve cubic interpenetrant Fluorite twin on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T677a FLUORITE - Pike Law, Newbiggin Teesdale, Co. Durham, England Pale mauve cubic interpenetrant Fluorite twin with a little Siderite on one surface, no matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T678 FLUORITE - Redgrooves Mine, Newbiggin Teesdale, Co. Durham, England Pale yellow cubic Fluorite crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T679 FLUORITE - Swinhopehead Mine, Stanhope, Co. Durham, England Clear cubic Fluorite crystals with colourless Quartz on matrix. Displays the characteristic strong Weardale purple fluorescence. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T680 FLUORITE - Trough Vein, Stanhope, Co. Durham, England Very pale green Fluorite crystals on matrix. Displays the characteristic strong Weardale purple fluorescence. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T680a FLUORITE - Trough Vein, Stanhope, Co. Durham, England Very pale green Fluorite crystals almost completely covered in Quartz crystals on matrix. Displays the characteristic strong Weardale purple fluorescence. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T681 FLUORITE - Underedge Level, Northside, Arkengarthdale, North Yorkshire, England Aggregate of clear Fluorite cubes with sulphide inclusions on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T79 FLUORITE - Weardale, Co. Durham, England Cluster of greenish cubic Fluorite crystals SOLD OUT .
T682 FLUORITE - Worton Hall Mine, Worton, Wensleydale, North Yorkshire, England Small purple cubic Fluorite crystals with bevelled edges on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T683 FLUORITE & CALCITE - Old Towns Quarry, Middridge, Co. Durham, England Colourless cubic/reticulated Fluorite crystals with brownish blocky Calcite crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T684 FLUORITE, GALENA & CERUSSITE - California Mine, Eggleshope, Teesdale, Co. Durham, England Grey opaque cubic Fluorite crystals with heavily corroded Galena crystals and white Cerussite crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T685 GREENOCKITE - Haw Bank Level, Carperby, Wensleydale, North Yorkshire, England Areas of thin yellow Greenockite on Sphalerite matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T686 HEMIMORPHITE - Barras End Mine, Healaugh, North Yorkshire, England Sprays of colourless Hemimorphite crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T687 HEMIMORPHITE - High Level, Barras End Mine, Healaugh, North Yorkshire, England Sprays of colourless Hemimorphite crystals on matrix +/- Calcite. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T688 MALACHITE - Copper Vein, Whitfield Brow, Bollihope, Weardale, Co. Durham, England Sprays of small green acicular Malachite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T83 MILLERITE - Coldberry Gutter, Middleton-in-Teesdale, Co. Durham, England Thin brassy acicular Millerite crystals in ironstone matrix £2.00 1
T84 MILLERITE & DICKITE - Coldberry Gutter, Middleton-in-Teesdale, Co. Durham, England Thin brassy acicular Millerite crystals with minute white to brown Dickite crystals in cavities in ironstone matrix £3.00 1
T416 MOTTRAMITE - Pim Hill, Harmer Hill, Shropshire, England Tiny brownish black Mottramite crystals encrusting sandstone matrix £2.00 £3.00 2 1
T417 MOTTRAMITE & CALCITE - Newhurst Quarry, Shepshed, Leicestershire, England Crusts of tiny dark olive-green or greenish brown Mottramite crystals on greyish rounded scalenohedral Calcite crystals on matrix £3.00 3
T689 PHOSGENITE - Clevedon Beach, Clevedon, Somerset, England Mostly opaque square sectioned pale brown to colourless Phosgenite crystals in cavities in barytes/galena matrix £2.00 1
T690 PYRITE - Reddycombe Mine, Harwood Teesdale, Co. Durham, England Aggregates of brassy cubic Pyrite crystals in matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T691 PYROMORPHITE - Black Leader Vein, Harwood, Teesdale, Co. Durham, England Yellow to green Pyromorphite crystals in cavities in matrix SOLD OUT .
T692 PYROMORPHITE - Blackside Vein, Arkengarthdale, North Yorkshire, England Rounded aggregates of green Pyromorphite crystals on baryte matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T419 PYROMORPHITE - Burgam Mine, Stiperstones, Shropshire, England Green hexagonal composite Pyromorphite crystals on quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
T693 PYROMORPHITE - Burgam Mine, Stiperstones, Shropshire, England Green hexagonal composite Pyromorphite crystals on quartz matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T694 PYROMORPHITE - Highfield Hushes, Harwood, Teesdale, Co. Durham, England Pale green to green Pyromorphite crystals in cavities in matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen £2.00 4
T695 PYROMORPHITE - Old Rake Vein, Gunnerside, Swaledale, North Yorkshire, England Green hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals covering matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T696 PYROMORPHITE - Stodarts Hush, Arkengarthdale, North Yorkshire, England Green hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T89 QUARTZ - Calton Hill Quarry, Blackwell, Derbyshire, England Clusters of colourless Quartz crystals, no matrix SOLD OUT .
T90 QUARTZ & HAEMATITE - Calton Hill Quarry, Bblackwell, Derbyshire, England Clusters of colourless Quartz crystals with small spheres of red or black Haematite scattered over them SOLD OUT .
T697 ROSASITE - Dam Rigg Level, Arkengarthdale, North Yorkshire, England Small area of greenish blue Rosasite on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T698 ROSASITE - Green Hills, Arkengarthdale, North Yorkshire, England Bluish green spheres of Rosasite with pale mauve cubic Fluorite in a cavity in matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T92 SELENITE var. SATIN SPAR - Thurstaston Beach, Wirral, Cheshire, England Whitish lumps of "Satin Spar", no matrix SOLD OUT .
T93 SMITHSONITE - Stang Mine, Barnard Castle, North Yorkshire, England Small pale brown Smithsonite xtls in cavities in matrix £1.00 4
T421 VESIGNEITE & ZALESIITE - New Cliffe Hill Quarry, Stanton-under-Bardon, Leicestershire, England Crust of minutely crystallized green Vesigneite with tiny pale bluish green acicular Zalesiite crystals on surface of matrix SOLD OUT .
T422 WITHERITE - Fallowfield Mine, Hexham, Northumberland, England Clear hexagonal Witherite crystals in cavities in witherite matrix SOLD OUT .
T699 WITHERITE - Lunehead Mine, Lunedale, Co. Durham, England Hexagonal tabular Witherite crystals partially or completely replaced with Baryte on matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T700 ANATASE & QUARTZ - Twil Maen Grisiau, Prenteg, Tremadoc, Merionethshire, Wales Brown bipyramidal Anatase crystals with colourless Quartz crystals and small colourless Albite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T95 AZURITE - Dolyhir Quarry, Old Radnor, Radnorshire, Wales Aggregates and spheres of small deep blue Azurite crystals on baryte matrix SOLD OUT .
T96 BARYTES & CALCITE - Taffs Well Quarry, Taffs Well, Mid Glamorgan, Wales White bladed Barytes crystals with small rhombic Calcite crystals scattered over £3.00 1
T701 DOLOMITE, QUARTZ & HYDROZINCITE - Parc Mine, Minera, Denbighshire, Wales Pale orange brown rhombohedral Dolomite crystals with clear Quartz crystals and white Hydrozincite in sphalerite matrix SOLD OUT .
T702 DOLOMITE & SPHALERITE - Parc Mine, Minera, Denbighshire, Wales Pale orange brown rhombohedral Dolomite crystals with black modified tetrahedral Sphalerite crystals in sphalerite matrix £2.00 1
T703 MARCASITE, SPHALERITE & HYDROZINCITE - Parc Mine, Minera, Denbighshire, Wales Elongated brassy Marcasite crystals with black Sphalerite crystals and white Hydrozincite in sphalerite matrix £2.00 1
T100 MILLERITE & SIDERITE - Cwm Bargoed, Fochriw, Merthyr Tydfil, Mid Glamorgan, Wales Bright shiny acicular Millerite crystals on pale brown lenticular Siderite crystals in ironstone matrix SOLD OUT .
T101 MONAZITE-Ce, ALBITE & CALCITE - Hendre Quarry, Glyn Ceiriog, Denbighshire, Wales Tiny pale yellow rhombic Monazite-Ce crystals with colourless Albite crystals and clear spiky Calcite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T704 PYROMORPHITE - Frongoch Mine, Pontrhydygroes, Cardiganshire, Wales Pale brown hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T427 SIDERITE - Coed-Ely Colliery, Coedely, Mid Glamorgan, Wales Grey to brown lenticular Siderite crystals in cavities in ironstone matrix £2.00 1
T428 SIDERITE - Cwm Bargoed, Fochriw, Merthyr Tydfil, Mid Glamorgan, Wales Pale brown to white lenticular Siderite crystals in cavities in ironstone matrix £2.00 £3.00 £4.00 4 3 3
T705 SMITHSONITE, SPHALERITE, DOLOMITE & HYDROZINCITE - Parc Mine, Minera, Denbighshire, Wales Tiny pinkish to white spiky Smithsonite crystals with black modified tetrahedral Sphalerite crystals, pale orange brown rhombohedral Dolomite crystals and white Hydrozincite in cavities in matrix SOLD OUT .
T706 SPHALERITE - North Cyffty Mine, Gwydyr Forest, Capel Curig, Caernarvonshire, Wales Very dark brown modified tetrahedral Sphalerite crystals on quartz in cavities in matrix SOLD OUT .
T707 SPHALERITE - Parc Mine, Minera, Denbighshire, Wales Black modified tetrahedral Sphalerite crystals in cavities in matrix £2.00 2
T708 SPHALERITE & DOLOMITE - Parc Mine, Minera, Denbighshire, Wales Black modified tetrahedral Sphalerite crystals with pale brown rhombohedral Dolomite crystals in sphalerite matrix SOLD OUT .
T709 SPHALERITE, HYDROZINCITE & DOLOMITE - Parc Mine, Minera, Denbighshire, Wales Black modified tetrahedral Sphalerite crystals with white Hydrozincite and pale brown rhombohedral Dolomite crystals in matrix £2.00 1
T710 ANALCITE - Talisker Bay, Minginish, Isle of Skye, Inverness-shire, Scotland Greyish Analcite crystals lining cavities in basalt matrix SOLD OUT .
T431 BREWSTERITE - Whitesmith Mine, Strontian, Argyllshire, Scotland Colourless to pale brown Brewsterite crystals on matrix £3.00 1
T106 BREWSTERITE-Sr - Whitesmith Mine, Strontian, Argyllshire, Scotland Colourless Brewsterite-Sr crystals, many doubly terminated on calcite matrix SOLD OUT .
T107 CALCITE - Biod a Mhurain, Duirinish, Isle of Skye, Invernesshire, Scotland Whitish rhombohedral Calcite crystals on stilbite on basalt matrix SOLD OUT .
T711 CALCITE & CHABAZITE - The Quiraing, Trotternish, Isle of Skye, Inverness-shire, Scotland White elongated scalenohedral Calcite crystals with colourless rhombic Chabazite crystals in a cavity in basalt matrix SOLD OUT .
T712 Ca-PYROMORPHITE - Whytes Cleugh, Wanlockhead, Dumfriesshire, Scotland Small white spiky Ca-Pyromorphite crystals, often associated with Phosphohedyphane in cavities in cellular matrix SOLD OUT .
T713 CERUSSITE - Whytes Cleugh, Wanlockhead, Dumfriesshire, Scotland Aggregates of white bladed Cerussite crystals in a cavity in matrix SOLD OUT .
T110 CHRYSOCOLLA - Whytes Cleugh, Wanlockhead, Dumfriesshire, Scotland Areas of sky blue Chrysocolla embedded in matrix SOLD OUT .
T714 EPIDOTE - An Gearna, Ben More, Isle of Mull, Argyllshire, Scotland Sprays of crystalline Epidote in prehnite rich matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T715 FLUORITE - Loch Ainort, Isle of Skye, Inverness-shire, Scotland Pale mauve to clear modified Fluorite crystals in a cavity in granitic matrix SOLD OUT .
T716 FLUORITE, BIOTITE, SPHENE & HEDENBERGITE - Loch Ainort, Isle of Skye, Inverness-shire, Scotland Pale mauve octahedral Fluorite crystal with greenish black Biotite "books", small tan coloured Sphene crystals and pale greenish acicular Hedenbergite crystals in a cavity in granitic matrix SOLD OUT .
T717 FLUORITE, ZIRCON, HEDENBERGITE & BIOTITE - Loch Ainort, Isle of Skye, Inverness-shire, Scotland Pale mauve octahedral Fluorite crystal with a small pale brown Zircon crystal, greenish black Biotite "books", and pale greenish acicular Hedenbergite crystals plus some minute black tabular Allanite-Ce crystals in a cavity in granitic matrix SOLD OUT .
T718 HEDENBERGITE & BIOTITE - Loch Ainort, Isle of Skye, Inverness-shire, Scotland Greenish columnar (the other form of Hedenbergite at this locality), Hedenbergite crystals with greenish black Biotite crystals plus a small pale brown Zircon crystals and a tiny colourless octahedral Fluorite crystal in a cavity in granitic matrix SOLD OUT .
T719 HEULANDITE & HEDENBERGITE - Loch Ainort, Isle of Skye, Inverness-shire, Scotland Small colourless blocky Heulandite crystals with pale greenish acicular Hedenbergite crystals in a cavity in granitic matrix SOLD OUT .
T720 MALACHITE - Balcary (Airds) Mine, Auchencairn, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland Green Malachite scateered throughout quartz matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T115 NAKAURIITE - Hagdale Quarry, Unst, Shetland, Scotland Pale greyish blue Nakauriite on surface of chromite rich matrix SOLD OUT .
T721 PHILLIPSITE - Moonen Bay, Duirinish, Isle of Skye, Invernesshire, Scotland Cavity in basalt matrix lined with pale brownish Phillipsite crystals SOLD OUT .
T116 PREHNITE - Fishnish, Isle of Mull, Argyllshire, Scotland Small whitish Prehnite crystals thickly intergrown in a cavity in matrix SOLD OUT .
T118 PREHNITE - Mussel Scaup, Glenbrittle, Isle of Skye, Inverness-shire, Scotland Small clear Prehnite crystals thickly lining cavities in matrix £2.00 £3.00 1 1
T119 PREHNITE & EPIDOTE - Loanhead Quarry, Beith, Ayrshire, Scotland Aggregates of cleat tabular Prehnite crystals with small green Epidote crystals in cavities in matrix £2.00 1
T120 PUMPELLYITE - Creag Brimishgan, Loch na Keal, Isle of Mull, Argyllshire, Scotland Greyish-green to dark green Pumpellyite crystals lining cavities in matrix £3.00 2
T722 PYROMORPHITE - Sarrowcole Vein, Leadhills, Lanarkshire, Scotland Green hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals on quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
T723 PYROMORPHITE - Whytes Cleuch, Wanlockhead, Dumfriesshire, Scotland Small green hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals on quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
T441 PYROMORPHITE - Wilsons Shaft, Leadhills, Lanarkshire, Scotland Small orange to green Pyromorphite crystals in cavities in Pyromorphite matrix SOLD OUT .
T442 PYROMORPHITE & CERUSSITE - Belton Grain Vein, Wanlockhead, Dumfriesshire, Scotland Small yellow orange Pyromorphite crystals with white Cerussite on matrix. Ex George Fletcher collection SOLD OUT .
T724 SAPPHIRE - Port na Cloidheig, Loch Scridain, Isle of Mull, Argyllshire, Scotland Dark blue to mauve Sapphire crystals embedded in baked mudstone matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimen SOLD OUT .
T725 SPHENE - Loch Ainort, Isle of Skye, Inverness-shire, Scotland Small beige Sphene crystal in a cavity in granitic matrix SOLD OUT .
T726 SPHENE, HEDENBERGITE & BIOTITE - Loch Ainort, Isle of Skye, Inverness-shire, Scotland Small beige Sphene crystals(s) with greenish acicular Hedenbergite crystals and greenish black Biotite crystals in a cavity in granitic matrix SOLD OUT .
T727 STELLERITE - A850 Roadcut, Edinbane, Waternish, Isle of Skye, Inverness-shire, Scotland Cluster and plates of buff coloured Stellerite crystals on none or little matrix £3.00 1
T124 STRONTIANITE & CALCITE - Trearn Quarry, Gateside, Beith, Ayrshire, Scotland White spheres and clusters of minute spiky Strontianite crystals on clear scalenohedral Calcite crystals in cavities in bivalve fossils £2.00 £3.00 1 1
T125 STRONTIANITE & QUARTZ - Trearn Quarry, Gateside, Beith, Ayrshire, Scotland White spheres and clusters of minute spiky Strontianite crystals with colourless Quartz crystals in cavities in bivalve fossils SOLD OUT .
T728 THOMSONITE, GROSSULAR, PREHNITE & EPIDOTE - Loanhead Quarry, Beith, Ayrshire, Scotland Colourless columnar Thomsonite crystals with brownish Grossular crystals, clear tabular Prehnite crystals and small green Epidote crystals in cavities in matrix SOLD OUT .
T728 THOMSONITE-Ca & MESOLITE - Totescore Quarry, Uig, Trotternish, Isle of Skye, Inverness-shire, Scotland Thick cavity lining of colourless thin tabular Thomsonite-Ca crystals with some very fine acicular Mesolite in a cavity in basalt matrix SOLD OUT .
T729 VANADINITE & PHOSPHOHEDYPHANE - Whytes Cleugh, Wanlockhead, Dumfriesshire, Scotland Pale brown tabular hexagonal Vanadinite crystals scattered over velvety Phosphohedyphane in cavities in matrix SOLD OUT .
T126 VISHNEVITE - Allt a'Mhullin, Loch Borollan, Assynt, Sutherland, Scotland White massive Vishnevite embedded in matrix £3.00 4
Ireland - North & South
T730 ALLANITE-Ce, FLUORITE & BARYTE - Ardragh Quarry, Maam Cross, Connemara, Co. Galway, Ireland Sprays of brown bladed Allanite-Ce crystals with pale mauve octahedral Fluorite crystals and creamy bladed Baryte crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T128 ANGLESITE - Tynagh Mine, Loughrea, Co. Galway, Ireland Colourless blocky Anglesite crystals in cavities in pyrite/baryte matrix SOLD OUT .
T129 ARSENOPYRITE - Dhurode, Mizen Peninsula, Co. Cork, Ireland Silvery rhombic Arsenopyrite crystalsembedded in and protruding from quartz matrix £1.00 £1.50p 1 1
T731 SMITHSONITE - Sheshodonnell East Mine, The Burren, Co. Clare, Ireland Yellowish rounded crystals of Smithsonite on smithsonite matrix SOLD OUT .
T731a SMITHSONITE - Sheshodonnell East Mine, The Burren, Co. Clare, Ireland Whitish to orange rounded Smithsonite crystals on fluorite matrix SOLD OUT .
T135 STRONTIANITE - Castlebar (Moneen) Quarry, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Ireland Sprays of clear spiky Strontianite xtls in cavities in Calcite on limestone matrix £1.00 £2.00 2 2
T733 ARSENTSUMEBITE - Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Oshikoto, Namibia Aggregates of small green Arsentsumebite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T734 COBALTOCALCITE - Katanga, Haut Katanga, DR Congo (Zaire) Pink rhombohedral Cobaltocalcite crystals with green spherical aggregates of Conichalcite on matrix SOLD OUT .
T149 DESCLOIZITE - Berg Aukas, Grootfontein, Namibia Aggregates of brown Descloizite crystals, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
T735 FERRONIGERITE (TL) - Three Aloes Mine, Uis, Erongo, Namibia Orange tabular hexagonal Ferronigerite crystals embedded in matrix SOLD OUT .
T736 GAUDEFROYITE - N'Chwaning #2 Mine, Kuruman, South Africa Shiny black blocky Gaudefroyite crystals on calcite matrix/FONT> SOLD OUT .
T737 HOPEITE - Broken Hill, Kabwe, Zambia Aggregate of clear tabular Hopeite crystals in cavities in matrix +/- Zincolibethenite SOLD OUT .
T151 JASPER - BRECCIATED - South Africa Polished cabochon of Brecciated Jasper, no matrix SOLD OUT .
T738 MALACHITE, DUFTITE, CERUSSITE & CALCITE - Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Oshikoto, Namibia Growths of tiny green acicular Malachite crystals with small olive green Duftite crystals, colourless Cerussite crystals and small white rhombohedral Calcite crystals on cuprite matrix. Ex David Hardman specimen SOLD OUT .
T453 MOTTRAMITE & VANADINITE - Mibladen, Morocco Small very dark green spear shaped Mottramite crystals with pale orange hexagonal Vanadinite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T739 OLMIITE - N'Chwaning Mines, Kuruman, South Africa Creamy coloured aggregate of Olmiite crystals, no matrix/FONT> SOLD OUT .
T155 TOPAZ - Klein Spitzkopje, Karibib, Erongo, Namibia Single cloudy Topaz crystals, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
T454 VANADINITE - Midelt, Draa Tafilalet, Morocco Orange brown tabular hexagonal Vanadinite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T455 VANADINITE - Mibladen, Morocco Orange tabular hexagonal Vanadinite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T455a VANADINITE - Mibladen, Morocco Orange tabular hexagonal Vanadinite crystals on very thin tabular Baryte crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T457 WULFENITE - Touissit, Morocco Orange tabular Wulfenite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T740 ZINCOLIBETHENITE & HOPEITE - Broken Hill, Kabwe, Zambia Small sky blue spheres of Zincolibethenite with colourless Hopeite crystals in gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
America - North & South
T458 AEGIRINE & ALBITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Brownish black elongated Aegirine crystals in amongst white tabular Albite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection £3.00 1
T459 AGRELLITE - Kipawa Complex, Villedieu Township, Quebec, Canada Aggregates of crystalline Agrellite, no matrix. Fluoresces pale pink £3.00 £4.00 1 5
T741 ALAMOSITE - Rawhide Mine, Artillery Mountains, Mohave Co., Arizona, USA White Alamosite infilling cavities in quartz matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
T742 AXINITE-Mg - Luning Area, Fitting Mining District, Nevada, USA Large brown most of Axinite-Mg crystal, no matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
T166 CASSITERITE - Viloco Mine, La Paz, Oruro, Bolivia Group of large dark brown Cassiterite crystals, no matrix SOLD OUT .
T471 CHRYSOCOLLA - Morenci Mine, Shannon Mountains, Greenlee Co., Arizona, USA Bluish green Chrysocolla comprising a large part of the specimen SOLD OUT .
T743 CLINOPTILOLITE - Rock Island Dam, Border, Washington, USA Small clear blocky Clinoptilolite crystals lining cavities in basalt matrix SOLD OUT .
T744 CLINOPTILOLITE - Succor Creek, Malheur Co., Oregon, USA Colourless tabular Clinoptilolite crystals in a cavity in matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
T169 COLEMANITE & CALCITE - Boron, Kern Co., California, USA Colourless Colemanite crystals intergrown with pale yellow Calcite crystals, no matrix SOLD OUT .
T170 CONICHALCITE & CHRYSOCOLLA - La Cumbre Mine, Inca de Oro, Atacama, Chile Small spheres of green Conichalcite with blue Chrysocolla on matrix SOLD OUT .
T745 COPPER & PREHNITE - Iroqouis Mine, Seneca, Keweenaw, Michigan, USA Bits of Copper embedded in and protruding from pale green Prehnite matrix SOLD OUT .
T746 DANBURITE - Mina la Bufa, Charcas, San Luis, Potosi, Mexico Single whitish 40mm Danburite crystal, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
T747 DANBURITE - Charcas, San Luis, Potosi, Mexico Single whitish 25mm Danburite crystal, no matrix SOLD OUT .
T172 DESCLOIZITE - Finch Mine, Gila Co., Arizona, USA Rounded aggregates of reddish brown Descloizite covered with an orange brown oxidised crust on matrix £2.00 1
T748 FERROWYLLIEITE - Victory Mine, Custer Co., South Dakota, USA Very dark greenish black Ferrowyllieite in and on matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
T749 FLUORBRITHOLITE-Ce & ALLANITE-Ce - Rusty Gold Claim, Jamestown, Boulder Co., Colorado, USA Pale orange crystalline Fluorbritholite-Ce with dark brown Allanite-Ce embedded in matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
T750 GONNARDITE & SIDERITE - Poudrette Quarry, Mont Ste. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada Small white blocky Gonnardite crystals with pale brown rhombohedral Siderite crystals on matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
T751 GROSSULAR - Sierra de Cruces, Coahuila, Mexico Single beige coloured Grossular crystals, no matrix. Ex Colin Robinson specimens £2.00 £3.00 2 1
T752 HYDROXYL-HERDERITE - Emmons Quarry, Greenwood, Oxford Co., Maine, USA Pale orange Hydroxyl-Herderite crystals on one end of specimen SOLD OUT .
T753 INYOITE - New Pit, Boron, Kern Co., California, USA Large white 35mm crystal, no matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
T754 JALPAITE - La Mesa, Chihuahua, Mexico Rich specimen of grey Jalpaite embedded in matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
T755 KLEINITE - McDermitt Mine, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA Pale orange Kleinite crystals in cavities in matrix SOLD OUT .
T756 KYANITE - Ogilby Kyanite Deposit, Bluebird Hill, Imperial Co., California, USA Pale blue crystalline Kyanite on matrix SOLD OUT .
T757 MAGNESITE - Red Marble Quarry, Chewelah Mining District, Stevens Co., Washington, USA Piece of grey to reddish crystalline Magnesite, no matrix SOLD OUT .
T177 MALACHITE - Bisbee, Cochise Co., Arizona, USA Polished Malachite pebble, no matrix SOLD OUT .
T482 MILLERITE & CHALCEDONY - Kaser Quarry, Ollie, Keokuk Co., Iowa, USA Mats of very fine acicular Millerite needles in cavities in banded Chalcedony matrix £3.00 2
T180 MIMETITE - Rowley Mine, Theba, Maricopa Co., Arizona, USA Orange acicular Mimetite crystals on quartz matrix +/- Wulfenite SOLD OUT .
T758 MIMETITE & WULFENITE - Rowley Mine, Theba, Maricopa Co., Arizona, USA Orange acicular Mimetite crystals with orange tabular Wulfenite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T1181 PSEUDOBROOKITE & HAEMATITE - Thomas Mountain, Juab Co., Utah, USA Dark brown elongated Pseudobrookite crystals with black tabular Haematite crystals on matrix £2.00 1
T184 RIEBECKITE (Crossite) - California State Gem Mine, San Benito Co., California, USA Greyish blue fibrous Riebeckite in veins and embedded in matrix +/-green actinolite £3.00 1
T488 RUBELLITE - Stewart Mine, Pala Mining District, San Diego Co., California, USA Pink Rubellite crystals embedded in Lepidolite mica rich matrix SOLD OUT .
T759 SAMPLEITE, ATACAMITE & LIBETHENITE - Engano Felix Mine, Cerro Pintado, Copiapo, Chile Aggregates of small blue platy Sampleite crystals with green glassy Atacamite crystals and green acicular Libethenite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T186 SHATTUCKITE - Bisbee, Cochise Co., Arizona, USA Veins of blue Shattuckite with malachite & chrysocolla on matrix SOLD OUT .
T760 SMOKY QUARTZ - Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada Black Smoky Quartz crystals some with Haematite inclusions on quartz matrix £2.00 1
T497 VANADINITE var. ENDLICHITE - Los Lamentos, Chihuahua, Mexico Aggregate of brown elongated Endlichite crystals, no matrix £3.00 £5.00 1 1
T762 WURTZITE-2H - Candelaria Mine, Callapampa, Poopo, Oruro, Bolivia Solid piece of Wurtzite-2H, no matrix SOLD OUT .
T195 ZINKENITE - Fargo Mine, Stephens Co., Washington, USA Pieces of solid Zinkenite, no matrix plus the very occaisional embedded Sphalerite crystal £3.00 2
Asia & Australasia
T499 AZURITE - Mineral Hill, Kennedy Co., NSW, Australia Deep blue Azurite crystals with some green Malachite in a cavity in matrix SOLD OUT .
T501 BICCHULITE - Fuka Mine, Fuka, Bicchu, Takahashi City, Okayama, Japan Light greyish Bicchulite forming large part of specimens, no crystals £4.00 1
T763 CASSITERITE - Hu-Ya Mine, Pingwu Co., Sichuan, China Cluster of black Cassiterite crystals, no matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
T764 CHABAZITE var. PHACOLITE, CALCITE & ANALCITE - Boral Ltd Quarry, Bundoora, Whittlesea, Victoria, Australia Clear "Phacolite spaceships" with pale brown "rods" of Calcite which are partially encrusted with small colurless Analcite crystals in a cavity in basalt matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
T503 COPPER - Moonta Mines, Moonta, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia, Australia Plate of reddish brown Copper with some green Malachite, no matrix £3.00 1
T765 CUPRITE, AZURITE & MALACHITE - Great Australia Mine, Cloncurry, Queensland, Australia Deep red almost black cubic Cuprite crystals with deep blue Azurite crystals and green Malachite in cavities in matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
T766 CYRILOVITE - South Pit, Rixon's Quarry, Campbells Creek, Victoria, Australia Small yellowish Cyrilovite crystals scattered over matrix SOLD OUT .
T509 FLUORAPOPHYLLITE-K - Nashik Quarry, Nashik, Maharashtra, India Mass of colourless Fluorapophyllite-K crystals, no matrix SOLD OUT .
T204 GOETHITE & CORONADITE - Block 14 Opencut, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Coating of brown Goethite on dark grey Coronadite SOLD OUT .
T767 HYDROZINCITE & HEMIMORPHITE - Evelyn Mine, Moline, Northern Territory, Australia White feathery Hydrozincite crystals with colourless tabular Hemimorphite crystals in cavities in matrix SOLD OUT .
T206 KAOLINITE & CORONADITE - Block 14 Opencut, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia White crust of Kaolinite on dark grey coronadite matrix £2.00 1
T768 MALACHITE - Brown's Prospect, Rum Jungle, Batchelor, Northern Territories, Australia Green nodules of acicular Malachite crystals, no matrix £4.00 1
T515 MALACHITE - Spring Creek Mine, Wilmington, South Australia, Australia Small green Malachite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
T769 MALACHITE & CERUSSITE - Brown's Prospect, Rum Jungle, Batchelor, Northern Territories, Australia Green nodules of acicular Malachite crystals with whitish Cerussite, no matrix SOLD OUT .
T770 MALACHITE, CERUSSITE & PYROMORPHITE - Brown's Prospect, Rum Jungle, Batchelor, Northern Territories, Australia Green nodules of acicular Malachite crystals with whitish Cerussite and small yellowis Pyromorphite crystals, no matrix SOLD OUT .
T208 PHLOGOPITE, HAEMATITE & TRIDYMITE - 3 Mile Bay, Taupo, New Zealand Thin brown plates of Phlogopite some coated in small spheres and blades of black Haematite on white Tridymite lining cavities in matrix £1.00 £1.50p 1 1
T209 PLUMBOGUMMITE epimorphs after PYROMORPHITE - Yangshuo Mine, Yangshuo Co., Guangxi Zhuang, China Drusy aggregates of minute greyish blue Plumbogummite crystals or forming epimorphs after Pyromorphite crystals on matrix £2.00 £3.00 1 1
T771 SARABAUITE - Bau, Sarawak, Malaysia Red crystalline Sarabauite in matrix SOLD OUT .
T772 SCHOLZITE - Reaphook Hill, Martin's Well, South Australia, Australia Aggregate of clear elongated Scholzite crystals in a cavity in matrix £3.00 1
T211 SILVER - Block 14 Opencut, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Small aggregates of very bright spongy Silver on gossan matrix. Some light tarnishing on a few pieces £3.00 £4.00 1 3
T213 SMITHSONITE & KAOLINITE - Block 14 Opencut, Broken Hill, Yancowinna Co., NSW, Australia Clusters of greyish multiple twinned Smithsonite crystals with white Kaolinite on matrix £3.00 1
T773 TUHUALITE & AEGIRINE - Taratimi (Crater) Bay, Mayor Island, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand Brown (with surface alteration) Tuhualite crystals with small dark green Aegirine crystals plus colourless glassy Anorthoclase crystals in cavities and in on matrix SOLD OUT .
T774 WAVELLITE & MINYULITE - Moculta Phosphate Quarry, Penrice, South Australia, Australia Sprays of colourless chisel ended Wavellite crystals with square ended Minyulite crystals in cavities in matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
Europe including Russia
T215 ADAMITE - Kamariza Mine, Lavrion, Greece Aggregates of pale green Adamite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix £2.00 1
T216 ADAMITE-Cu, AZURITE & GIBBSITE - Kamariza Mine, Lavrion, Greece Green Adamite-Cu crystals with deep blue Azurite crystals and white Gibbsite on gossan matrix £3.00 1
T218 ALURGITE - St. Marcel, Val D'Aosta, Italy Reddish-brown micaceous Alurgite embedded in matrix SOLD OUT .
T219 ANAPAITE - Bellver de Cerdanya, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain Pale green translucent Anapaite crystals lining cavities in matrix £3.00 £4.00 2 1
T775 ANDRADITE/GROSSULAR - Garnet Outcrop, Cazeba Rodenas-Begastri, Cehegin, Murcia, Spain Black Andradite/Grossular crystals embedded in matrix Quartz on matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
T222 AZURITE - Jean Baptiste Mine, Lavrion, Greece Sparkling deep blue bladed Azurite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix +/- Malachite, Smithsonite SOLD OUT .
T776 BARYTE - Kremikovtsi Mine, Stolichna, Sofia, Bulgaria Mass of pale brown tabular Baryte crystals in a cavity in matrix SOLD OUT .
T777 BARYTE & CALCITE - Hilarion Mine, Lavrion, Greece Aggregate of white with red encrustation tabular Baryte crystals with sprays of white on the surface SOLD OUT .
T778 BOEHMITE & NATROLITE - Saga #1 Quarry, Sagasen, Porsgrunn, Telemark, Norway Small creamy coloured Boehmite crystals with small white or pinkish Natrolite crystals in cavities in Natrolite matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection £3.00 1
T522 CALCITE - Carresse Quarry, Oloron St. Marie, New Aquitaine, France Whitish to clear "nail-head" Calcite crystals with creamy Dolomite on matrix £2.00 2
T523 CALCITE, CORONADITE & GOETHITE - Kremikovtsi Mine, Stolichna, Sofia, Bulgaria Greyish rhombohedral Calcite crystals on stalactites of dark grey Coronadite with a thin central core of dark brown Goethite, no matrix £3.00 1
T227 CARYOCHROITE, PYRITE & ELPIDITE - Umbozero Mine, Alluaiv Mountains, Murmansk Oblast, Russia Dark brown massive Caryochroite shot through with colourless acicular Elpidite crystals and with a dusting of small cubic Pyrite crystals £8.00 1
T524 CERITE-Ce, ACTINOLITE & FERRI ALLANITE - Nya Bastnas deposit, Bastnas Mines, Riddarhytten, Vastmanland Co., Sweden Pinkish Cerite-Ce with green fibrous Actinolite and dark brown Ferri-Allanite-Ce all comprising the whole of the specimens £1.00 4
T526 CHABAZITE & SAPONITE - La Matilla Quarry, La Matilla, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain Colourless rhombic Chabazite crystals with white Saponite in cavities in matrix £2.00 1
T228 CHALCOPHANITE - Jean Baptiste Mine, Lavrion, Greece Small black sparkling Chalcophanite crystals lining cavities in chalcophanite matrix £3.00 2
T527 CLINOPTILOLITE - El Hornillo, Mogan, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain Aggregates of colourless tabular Clinoptilolite crystals in cavities in matrix +/- Mesolite, Hyalite £2.00 1
T779 CROCOITE & PYROMORPHITE - Le Cantonie, Nontron, Dordogne, Burgundy, France Orange blocky Crocoite crystals with small green Pyromorphite crystals on gossan matrix. Ex David Hardman specimen SOLD OUT .
T234 ELPIDITE & CARYOCHROITE - Umbozero Mine, Alluaiv Mountains, Murmansk Oblast, Russia Colourless acicular Elpidite with brown massive Caryochroite on matrix £6.00 1
T235 ELPIDITE, NATROLITE & CARYOCHROITE - Umbozero Mine, Alluaiv Mountains, Murmansk Oblast, Russia Colourless acicular Elpidite with colourless square sectioned Natrolite crystals and brown massive Caryochroite on matrix £6.00 1
T236 FERRI-ALLANITE - Bastnas Mines, Riddarhytten, Vastmanland, Sweden Very dark brown resinous Ferri-Allanite in matrix with a little Actinolite/Tremolite £2.00 £3.00 1 1
T237 FERRI-ALLANITE & ACTINOLITE/TREMOLITE - Bastnas Mines, Riddarhytten, Vastmanland, Sweden Very dark brown resinous Ferri-Allanite with pale to dark green fibrous Actinolite/Tremolite forming the whole of the specimens £3.00 1
T780 HALITE - Spain Large 27mm colourless cubic Halite crystal, no matrix SOLD OUT .
T781 HEMIMORPHITE, SMITHSONITE & QUARTZ - Barbara Mine, Lavrion, Greece Sprays of whitish bladed Hemimorphite crystals with grey globular Smithsonite crystals scattered over Quartz crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T245 HYDROTALCITE & LIZARDITE - Dypindal Serpentine/Magnesite Deposit, Snarum, Modum, Viken, Norway White micaceous Hydrotalcite with yellowish green Lizardite forming the whole of specimens £3.00 £4.00 2 2
T782 JORDANITE & PYRITE - Lengenbach Quarry, Binntal, Wallis, Switzerland Dark grey Jordanite with small brassy Pyrite crystalsin a cavity in dolomite matrix. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
T249 LAMPROPHYLLITE & AEGIRINE - Umbozero Mine, Alluaiv Mountains, Murmansk Oblast, Russia Brown bladed Lamprophyllite crystals with dark green elongated Aegirine crystals intergrown on matrix £5.00 2
T783 LIBETHENITE - Podlipa, Lubietova, Banska Bystrica, Slovkia Dark green very clear Libethenite crystals scattered over matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
T533 MICROCLINE & ALBITE - Landsverk 1, Landsverk, Evje og Hornes, Agder, Norway Aggregates of pinkish Microcline crystals with small colourless Albite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T256 MICROCLINE variety AMAZONITE - Landsverk 1, Landsverk, Evje og Hornes, Agder, Norway Pieces of classic pale greenish blue Amazonite displaying a banded structure, no matrix SOLD OUT .
T535 OLIVINE & SPINEL - La Novella Quarry, Monte Somma, Vesuvius, Naples, ItalySOLD Glassy green Olivine with black octahedral Spinel crystals making up most of the specimen SOLD OUT .
T262 PHILLIPSITE & TACHARANITE - Puech de Vermus, Espalion, Aveyron, France Small white Phillipsite crystals coating basalt matrix with white chalky Tacharanite scattered about SOLD OUT .
T784 PSEUDOBROOKITE, QUARTZ, HAEMATITE & PHLOGOPITE - Carmen Mines, La Celia, Jumilla, Murcia, Spain Small dark reddish brown "rods" Pseudobrookite crystals with small whitish Quartz crystals, black tabular Haematite crystals and thin brown Phlogopite crystals in cavities in matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .
T785 PYRITE - Ambas Aguas, Muro de Aguas, La Rioja, Spain Modified brassy cubic Pyrite crystals embedded in matrix SOLD OUT .
T786 QUARTZ - Sophienruhe Mine, Badenweiler, Black Forest, Germany Milky Quartz crystals on quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
T787 ROSASITE - Hilarion Mine, Lavrion, Greece Greenish blue spheres of Rosasite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix SOLD OUT .
T788 SALEEITE - Arcu su Linnarbu, Capoterra, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy Very thin tabular pale yellow Saleeite crystals on matrix. Very strong yellow fluorescence in LW UV. Ex John Tuffnell collection SOLD OUT .
T789 SERPENTINE - Hess Quarry, Wurlitz, Hof District, Bavaria, Germany Greenish piece of Serpentine, no matrix SOLD OUT .
T270 SHCHERBAKOVITE - Mount Yukspor, Khibiny Massif, Murmansk Oblast, Russia Brown glassy Shcherbakovite embedded in matrix SOLD OUT .
2091 SMITHSONITE - Barbara Mine, Lavrion, Greece Clear rhombohedral Smithsonite crystals thickly coating cavities in gossan matrix £3.00 £4.00 1 1
T274 SMITHSONITE - Jean Baptiste Mine, Lavrion, Greece Cavities in gossan matrix thickly lined with grey rounded Smithsonite crystals SOLD OUT .
T275 SMITHSONITE - "Playing Field", Kamariza, Lavrion, Greece Whitish to pale green rounded Smithsonite crystals in cavities in gossan matrix £2.00 £4.00 3 3
T791 STILBITE & CALCITE - Leveaniemi Mine, Svappavaara, Kiruna, Norbotten Co., Sweden Pale orange Stilbite crystals with clear rhombohedral Calcite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T281 TACHARANITE, PHILLIPSITE & MESOLITE - Puech de Vermus, Espalion, Aveyron, France Spheres of white chalky Tacharanite with clear Phillipsite crystals and white acicular Mesolite crystals in cavities in basalt matrix £3.00 1
T282 TORBERNITE - Cato, Vimianzo, Terra la Someira, La Coruna, Spain Aggregates of green Torbernite crystals on quartz matrix SOLD OUT .
T792 TREMOLITE - Hess Quarry, Wurlitz, Hof District, Bavaria, Germany Greyish green Tremolite "fibres" in parallel growth, no matrix SOLD OUT .
T283 TREMOLITE - Outokumpu, Northern Karelia, Finland Green bladed Tremolite crystals forming most of specimens SOLD OUT .
T793 TRIDYMITE & SIDERITE - Vechec Quarry, Eastern Slanske Mountains, Presov Region, Slovakia Whitish hexagonal platy Tridymite crystals with small brown Siderite spheres on matrix SOLD OUT .
T542 WILLEMITE - Preguica Mine, Moura, Portugal Sprays of colourless Willemite crystals on gossan matrix £2.00 1
T543 WULFENITE - Plaka Mines, Lavrion, Greece Orange tabular Wulfenite crystals on gossan matrix +/- green Pyromorphite/Mimetite £2.00 1
T794 WULFENITE & MIMETITE - Plaka Mines, Lavrion, Greece Orange tabular Wulfenite crystals with rounded green Pyromorphite "crystals" on gossan matrixe SOLD OUT .
Europe - The Eifel Region
T289 ENSTATITE, HAEMATITE, RHONITE, SODALITE & PSEUDOBROOKITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small glassy orange Enstatite crystals in cavities in matrix plus some black shiny tabular Haematite crystals, deep red Rhonite crystals, also small white Sodalite crystals, and shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals £2.00 £3.00 1 1
T290 ENSTATITE, HAEMATITE, SODALITE, NEPHELINE & RHONITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small glassy orange Enstatite crystals in cavities in matrix plus some black shiny tabular Haematite crystals, also small white Sodalite crystals, small colourless hexagonal Nepheline crystals and deep red Rhonite crystals £3.00 1
T291 ENSTATITE, PSEUDOBROOKITE, RHONITE, HAEMATITE & FORSTERITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small glassy orange Enstatite crystals in cavities in matrix plus some shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals and deep red Rhonite crystals with shiny black tabular Haematite crystals and small red Forsterite crystals SOLD OUT .
T292 ENSTATITE, PSEUDOBROOKITE, RHONITE, HAEMATITE & SODALITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small glassy orange Enstatite crystals in cavities in matrix plus some shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals and deep red Rhonite crystals with shiny black tabular Haematite crystals and small white Sodalite crystals SOLD OUT .
T293 FORSTERITE, PSEUDOBROOKITE & HAEMATITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small red Forsterite crystals in cavities in matrix plus shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals and shiny black tabular Haematite crystals £3.00 1
T545 HAEMATITE & ARAGONITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Shiny black Haematite crystals with small white spheres of Aragonite attached on matrix. Great specimens SOLD OUT .
T295 HAEMATITE, ENSTATITE, RHONITE & NEPHELINE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small shiny black tabular Haematite crystals in cavities in matrix with small glassy orange Enstatite crystals with deep red Rhonite crystals and small colourless Nepheline crystals SOLD OUT .
T296 HAEMATITE & PSEUDOBROOKITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small black shiny tabular Haematite crystals in cavities in matrix with some shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals £2.00 1
T297 HAEMATITE, PSEUDOBROOKITE & FORSTERITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small black shiny tabular Haematite crystals in cavities in matrix with some shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals and small red Forsterite crystals £3.00 1
T298 NEPHELINE, MELILITE, PYROXENE, APATITE & MAGNETITE - Graulay Quarry, Hillesheim, Eifel, Germany Colourless hexagonal Nepheline crystals with orange blocky Melilite crystals, dark green bladed Pyroxene crystals with colourless to white acicular Apatite crystals and some small black octahedral Magnetite crystals in cavities in matrix SOLD OUT .
T301 PHILLIPSITE, THOMSONITE, PYROXENE & APATITE - Graulay Quarry, Hillesheim, Eifel, Germany Clear multifaceted spheres of small Phillipsite crystals with smaller smooth spheres of Thomsonite and black bladed Pyroxene crystals with whitish acicular Apatite crystals on matrix SOLD OUT .
T303 PSEUDOBROOKITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals in cavities in matrix £3.00 1
T304 PSEUDOBROOKITE, FORSTERITE, ENSTATITE & HAEMATITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals with small red Forsterite crystals, orange glassy Enstatite crystals and black shiny tabular Haematite crystals in cavities in matrix £4.00 1
T305 PSEUDOBROOKITE, FORSTERITE & HAEMATITE - Nickenicher, Pellenz, Eifel, Germany Small shiny black tabular (square) Pseudobrookite crystals with small red Forsterite crystals and black shiny tabular Haematite crystals in cavities in matrix £3.00 1
T548 PYROXENE, MAGNETITE & PHLOGOPITE - Emmelberg, Udersdorf, Daun, Eifel, Germany Green Pyroxene crystals with small black octahedral Magnetite crystals in cavities in matrix £2.00 2
T549 TOPAZ, HAEMATITE, SELLAITE & SANIDINE - Emmelberg, Udersdorf, Daun, Eifel, Germany Small sprays of acicular Topaz crystals with small black tabular "diamond" shaped Haematite crystals and creamy coloured rod like Sellaite crystals and also colourless blocky Sanidine crystals in cavities in matrix SOLD OUT .
T795 ZEOPHYLLITE - Schellkopf, Brenk, Brohltal, Eifel, Germany Radiating aggregates of white micaceous Zeophyllite crystals on matrix. Ex David Hardman collection SOLD OUT .